Pisces girl

  ·PiscesGirl's basic character

Pisces girls easily sidetrack, strong personality, sometimes very vulnerable, especially in the emotional aspects.Keen sensibility is the root cause of neurotic character, sad just because others a irrelevant sentence would be in or lose yourself.Wanted to more things often very complex, and should cultivate the habit of life to open up.Like to indulge in a fantasy world, looking forward to his future, but there are very real, with dual personality.Pisces girls need not be anyone disturb enjoy the lonely time and place, to listen to your inner voice.There is the potential to be a wife and mother, but if have their own career, will be free personality does not depend on menA woman

  Frivolous act

Talk to people when they talk to rise imprudently secret of a friend, and always regret after expletives.


On the banquet always cup and dish dish has thought for others, obtain deskmate men of great affection.

  Short temper

On trivial things will also seriously, lost his temper, then may also cry, to let off steam.Even so, also won't public nuisance.

  Meticulous care

If friends appear problem, will be from beginning to end will give warm, willing to in any way to help people in trouble.

  Easily upset

Even if is a joke, if is bad for you, will fall into depression.The personality is necessarily change.

  Love clean

A room or the kitchen clean enough, or have a hair on the good things, can make you can't stand, must immediately began to clean up psychological sureness.


If a date with a friend or business convention is more, will make amnesia, and arrange more forgetful.Adjust their schedule is very important for you as well.


Pisces for personality factors will often feel pressure.Don't always say "there is nothing I can do," and to cultivate laugh it off, peace with courage.

  A lie

Has put the lie said hype up, perfect.But because of softhearted, for the truth will soon come out.But before make big lies, but it is in advance to prepare complete discretion.You know, a lot of people is thus destroy his future, repent at leisure.


Pisces belong to the nerve sensitivity signs of the zodiac.Have the habit of eating finger, the wind, hair such irrelevant things will make you special attention.


Don't like too much change, believe that there is a regular life, ordinary life is happiness.In addition, to a personal sacrifice time and efforts, will be happy.If the person is love lover, happiness is hard.

  Special skills and talents

As long as the quarrel with "he", immediately will tears.If you think this is girl's weak performance, would be a mistake.This is a Pisces.It's more terrible than the tears are special skills, weapons, any a man can only be surrendered.Even if you explain habit is difficult to change, also can successfully to soothe him.


A typical posture of stout.With his boyish face is round doodle, is not tall, looks younger than actual age.But under careful observation will find, in fact, posture is concave and convex have send, unexpectedly is exquisite.Ankle thin, white skin and satiny, is worthy of beauty.But the Pisces girls will meet some trouble, so from the point of view of system is easy to get fat.If not careful, you will be the person drinking water will be fat.Because the body physique isn't strong enough to avoid staying up late is advisable.Pisces women may be allergic constitution distressing since childhood.Prone to allergies include caused by drug, food allergies and skin allergy caused by sun exposure, so the mountain or go to the beach in summer when exposing the skin to avoid as far as possible.Enemy of the pollen is Pisces summer flying everywhere.

  Pisces girls, pay attention to the point

In heterosexual relationships should avoid thouths, entanglements.Because of being easy to fall into temptation and hard to stop the temptation of sensual pleasures.Hobby luxury vanity psychology may give rise to serious errors, so take extra attention.Has suffered a burglary,fireA car accidentSuch as the risk of accidents, soTo get marriedMust be cast after indemnity insurance.

  Pisces girl, career and money

Weak concept of money, pay more for less, so is especially carefully for economic transactions.Pisces girls live in groups, or is conditioned by some kind of specification work hard to play to.So it's best to do my own boss, or become an expert in the field, can try to choose the escapist, can be immersed in the romantic world, to avoid career of dealing with money all day long.Career in creative and develop ideal career is the best choice.

Suitable for the specific have professional designers, the health care profession, beautician, art direction, educators, service industry, such as western goods store operators of small and medium-sized enterprises.If a career in art or career related to the water, or career in both at the same time, there will be unexpected gains.

Fortune's age is 25, 34, 43, 54 years old, married best continue to operate a sideline or take part in social activities.

  Pisces girl fall in love and marriage

Have a pure side Pisces girls, have a lovely bold lewd side, combines pure hot in one.As a Pisces girl, you will not easily into a floating of love, but in some cases also can appear indecisive.Softhearted and active emotion, will and multiple men fall in love, so at the end of the feelings and leave.After getting married, should continue to develop hobbies or take part in social activities, if only stay at home, will cause imbalance of health.Precocious type do you belong to, from puberty had unrequited love, a love letter, but practical experience come late.Sex more proactive, repeatedly, to know the charm of sex and happy place.

The ideal marriage iscancer, scorpions, male, age difference is bigger, the better, if the age or the man young and there will be a problem.Only you and handsome, intellectual, was a late bloomer of men will be happy together, try to choose body tall men.Will be confronted with the ideal 25 and 35 years old male.While waiting for the dream of prince charming will probably make you delay marriage, but "good meal are not afraid of night", must be patient.

  Pisces girls health and disease

Even slight illness, to make a thorough check, because there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, must always pay attention to.As a Pisces girl, motor nerve slow, you must pay attention to the traffic accident, and pay attention to heart health care system, reproductive system and viscera.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is 35, 45, 54, attention should be paid to overreaction by drugs and alcohol, etc.

  Pisces girl home

Housing should be in the place where the lush, slightly to bring some moisture, if the space is wide and magnificent atmosphere, is the best choice.Look from the position, don't too far away from the busy streets, is located in the dimple, best direction to the southeast to the east and northeast by north is advisable.Housing should provide sufficient living space, the artistic aesthetic feeling, and have you a single room.

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