Capricorn men

  Capricorn men basic character

  Capricorn(you) the boy has a sober judgment, thinking more than action, can look at things objectively.Has the stamina and the indomitable spirit, have a high sense of responsibility and amazing endurance, after 40 years old could be elected leaders.Even details of experience and knowledge, will also get hard, and hope to use learned knowledge for the benefit of humanity and society.Capricorn, Capricorn boy brother's help, you cannot expect parents to only their own self-made success.Some rigid, lack of flexibility, stubborn and too cautious and indecisive, sometimes miss the available opportunities.Have very strong curiosity and independent spirit, able to calm calmly face the crisis, but there is no quick fix.

  • Capricorn boys pay attention to the point

Capricorn, Capricorn boy to have a high sense of responsibility, discipline, and so has a higher prestige in the public.Due to a lack of flexibility, is rigid and easy to colleagues or the people around you, just as a lubricant in interpersonal relations using the warm and easygoing, to succeed.In the face of life is not to rush, to have a littlefishingDon't worry not xu's spirit, such ability can win fame and social status.

  Capricorn boy, career and money

Capricorn, Capricorn boy with perseverance and indomitable spirit, have a high sense of responsibility, but relatively conservative, could not tolerate dishonesty, is home to awe-inspiring justice practice.Few words, opinionated, flexible enough, want to simple life, but if more than one degree with stingy impression to the person.As a Capricorn, you are very talented in many areas, but if try to follow one's inclinationsly, can only hurt yourself, should make oneself in a certain area to seek long-term development.Have outstanding leadership ability, so is suitable for management position.You belong to the type of was a late bloomer, brother's help, don't expect parents must rely on their own efforts to succeed.

Suitable for specific career politician, legal experts, musicians, writers, athletes, and chemical and health related industries.

Fortune's age is 35 and 44, 53, 62 years old, good luck comes later, so don't rush to life.

  • Capricorn boy in love and marriage

Capricorn, Capricorn guy always send out the vigor of youth, even the elderly can also get the love beautiful young women.As a Capricorn, you are honest and warm-hearted, but not good at using actions or language to express their love.Sometimes very easy meet their favorite person, but will in itself unable to express deep distress by others.You know very late sex, evenTo get marriedObjects, but also physical relationship occurs after get along for a long time.But once to taste the flavor, body feeling each other's love, the tendency of abstinence will disappear, on the contrary, there will be a inordinate desire the danger of the world, should be appropriate restraint.After you have children, you will produce strong father, most capricorns belongs to late childbirth.

  A blind dateMarriage than love marriage is more suitable for you, and easier to give you a happy family.The ideal marriage isTaurusvirgoFemale, age difference best 4, 5, 12, 13 years old, had better choose to have dimples and petite women.

  Capricorn men health and disease

Do you want to be when the white-haired still having a slender body, try to maintain exuberant strength, so basically there is no risk of obesity.Alcohol and tobacco, the excessive intake of drugs may cause stomach trouble, to attract attention.You would rather complete responsibility at the expense of the sacrifice of your health, it may give you buried the hidden trouble of the health, at ordinary times should pay attention to sufficient rest.

  Capricorn boy home

You old-fashioned, stick to their own habits, pay attention to the reality, so relative to the various apartments, separate residence and villa is more suitable for you.You are tired of the noise and background noise, so should avoid the busy streets, choose at the end of the road or a corner of a house, it is advisable to use classical style.Door toward the south or east to best, this will make your family harmony, and luck.

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