Gemini girls

  GeminiGirl's basic character

Gemini girls talented, taste great, expressive fresh, original personality variable.Character has two sides, a side both elegant and shallow, warm rapidly rising and then quickly cooling type.Although rich in talent, be good at making, but the lack of toughness and endurance is insufficient, some nerve is very fragile.Independent heart is strong, but some irresponsible, have enough convincing, advise you not to panic, it is often the pursuit of change.Very expressive, complex things, even though esoteric knowledge or information, to make this clear, and can be easily understood is surprised unceasingly.Love him love too deep, warm, can follow one's inclinationsly build an atmosphere of quiet warmth and romantic emotional appeal, let a person feel as if place oneself in tender embrace.


In short, is to have a curiosity in all things.Once the immediate novelty, always the first to understand, my head is full of all kinds of knowledge and information.

  The lack of in-depth

If there are no plans to try to blindly, most will fall by the wayside.Should choose one thing, to explore in depth, to become their own expertise, that is conducive to development.

  Social skills

Topic is rich in Gemini and anyone can.Belong to "party animal", is keen on participating in various party.


Love talk is not bad, but must distinguish between places and objects.You know, if too many words, can cause noise pollution.


At ordinary times is always smiling, friendly.Hear don't wound jedaiah joke will laugh, have the ability to help in a tense atmosphere.


Because of what can be hand, so is very popular.There is always a man to follow in the left and right sides, unconsciously become self-righteous.Once the pose to show off their popularity and talent, will attack at once.Love generally won't last very long, so sometimes should reflect on.The people around may evaluate you "very love to play."

  Knowledge to

Gemini are very good at putting, clever, suitable for family teachers.If can coaching his younger brother and sister, the sentiment will rise rapidly.


If the people around you no response to his jokes, immediately the sullen.This kind of pressure and general requirements, in which you did well because his bones shall give yourself time to enjoy at this moment, put aside all walking down the street noise, the mood will calm down.

  A lie

Although there is no malicious to exaggeration or fabrications brag about it, but it is decided that you're lying.


When they get tired of petting something or look in all directions.


Curiosity satisfied or be ZhongXingPengYue will feel immersed in great happiness.That work and making friends can affect your happiness.If work in the field of mass media, happiness will reach one hundred percent.

  The degree of flower heart

Gemini is very flower heart, turning can be weeks between three or four people.As a result, fans always restless, heart is uneasy.Suggest you narrow range, the use of 1 year or 2 years time to love.


Ingenuity, one instance.So if you want to, can easily master the wool living and cooking essentials.


Standard body, hands and feet slightly longer, but still send out the rational and elegant.With intellectual face, let a person can see the mind alert.The body is not easy to get fat, will therefore jealous by other women.But a cold season, will certainly lead trend cold.Physical strength is not good enough, after suffering from a cold for the development of the risk of pneumonia, so take extra attention.Also pay attention to cope with the mental fatigue.Due to the severe neuroticism, easy to suffer from insomnia, before sleeping, it is best to relax, soak in the bath to drink a cup of hot milk honey.Easy BeiShang or fracture, and intestinal disease, need to be wary of.

  Gemini girls pay attention to the point

If the two sides in extremely opposing character, will and personality completely different people fall in love.Unpredictable side as a Gemini, you have just said that words and actions may contradict each other, you need to fix this, moreover must abide by the contract.You easy to fall in love, it also needs to be restrained, after marriage the best continue to participate in social activities.

  Gemini girls, career and money

Should choose to create ability and professional with reality, not suitable for gloomy gloomy or busy work environment.Gemini you gifted ability to sell, but if the scale is not big enough or too too drab, also cannot play.You have strong curiosity for knowledge, for all things want to what, and eager to put into practice.You are clever, and good luck, but if the greed is too strong, can only attract scourge, so enough is enough.Married career women should continue to do, or to participate in cultural activities and various social groups, so you would be happy.

Suitable for specific professional news media industry, decorative or costume design, beautician, engaged in music or dance artist, all kinds of service industries, promoting industry and so on.

Fortune's age is 23, 32, 41, 50, 68 years old, small and medium-sized enterprises will make you like a duck to water.

  • Gemini girls in love and marriage

You have the charm like is like a spring breeze, social ability, due to keep the lovely child, will get the favour of older men.You filled with wisdom, lead the person's aesthetic ability, like the male type childe, yearning for love with a bang.You are timid, sentimental, frequently, its tears may at the same time, an immense love with several men.Like the nature not whitewash love, fall in love romance, but to achieve the ideal goal only mastering the balance between ideal and reality.You are in love will appear all sorts of strange ideas, want to spy on each other's eyes, though dedicated, rarely in his own heart.In terms of sex, need animal desire, but more interested in all kinds of skills, because in this area is also a strong curiosity, so don't like the insensitivity of the opposite sex.

The idealTo get marriedobjectAquarius:libraMale, age 5 s best, 23, will meet Mr. Right.By stealth heterosexual contacts will not bring you good after all, marriage is best in a sideline.Don't too many children, but also may be twins.The marriage must be cautious.

  Gemini girls health and disease

Your gentle and graceful figure, curvy, but due to the fragile nerves, to avoid overwork.A healthier body, but can't afford to stimulate, attention should be paid to the reproductive system and excretory system lesions.

Particular attention should be paid to the disease's age is 18, 21, 27, 36, 49, 51 years old.

  Gemini girls home

Housing should be at the beach, a lake, or nearby valleys, and surrounded by dense jungle.Residence should be convenient traffic, near the city, simple style, has a broad space.Doors and Windows should be toward the east-northeast towards or to the sse, occasionally should change residence style, you need your own personal room.

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