Scorpio girl

  ScorpioGirl's basic character

Scorpio girl character is exquisite, is very sensitive to the little things, introverted, all on his own, always with doubt.Keen perception, animal reflex developed, with sensible judgment, have a strong desire to better than others at the same time, thinking, doing things calm careful, gentle character and reasonable, but sometimes also can show the rebellion and hysteria.With elegant temperament and mysterious smile, but not good at social, a lack of enthusiasm, sometimes with arrogant and aloof impression to the person.Due to the strong spiritual power, and not willing to agree, is easy to cause the dispute between gay.If can inhibit emotional, balanced and measured as life creed, will become an elegant and educated lady.


In front of a good friend and lover always behaved gentle, even made a thing you don't like others, if you think there is no malicious, will continue to treat him.


Will never forget his betrayal or loss, look for every chance to avenge before willing to give up.Even the hours of resentment will remember.


Inward ability and strong spirit of adventure, and can judge keen intuition.


Always hide your inner world, even if is to want to become friends, and rarely active conversation.


Always keep the surprising mystique.Mature personality, there are a lot of time to find someone to talk to.


Even if the love only with otherA womanSay a word, also can vinegar sea, usually docile personality, but may have moments fled.

  Motivate yourself

Scorpio is struggling for a long time, to be able to formulate detailed goals, ongoing efforts and try, and have to finish.


The most hate noise in public.When the most comfortable in a crowd gathers occasions when on.To firmly say No, don't like things for food is not exceptional also, if you feel bad after taste will never shut away.


Due to full of confidence to oneself, do not appear to be any pressure, but when all the people in their busy communication freely, feel sense of loneliness.

  A lie

When burning the fire of revenge in our hearts, to give each other to combat, will speak quite a lethal lies (joke).


But, in front of absolute show when in a room alone like to himself.


Alone is frustrating, I do not know how to be a good type of unrequited love.Is that I wish to each other all belong to oneself, his all give each other the enthusiasm of the pie.

  The degree of flower heart

May be moved in front of the temptation of sex appeal, but the degree of flower heart to near zero.There are, of course, will never allow their partner flower heart.


Can play in the party leadership.Due to the nature of your gentle, will to listen to the speech all.You scrupulously abides by the contract, so you can gain the trust of the people gradually.


Scorpio is slim, sending out the charm of women.Appears to be weak, but the shoulder and the waist is very strong.Hair thick, double-fold eyelid, the black eyes sparkle with breathtaking.Personality precocious, have been seen as grownup, but due to hormonal imbalance, some people will come every 3 months or so times menstruation.Healthy body, there will be no big disease.It is not easy to get fat.Diarrhea, constipation, easily lead to hemorrhoids, so prevention should be paid attention to.Should not be to work in the long-term sitting in the table, should choose as far as possible need activities of limbs.Should prevent insomnia, reasonably arrange every day of your life, best refreshed through each day.

  Scorpio girl, pay attention to the point

Emotionally slow, easy to fall in love triangle, beacause of vision is not enough, there will be a big mistake.Quiet and gentle appearance, but deep down he was burningThe fireHot passion, so be sure to adjust the rhythm of a good life.Only cultivate positive expressive force and power line, act more rich the milk of human kindness, can obtain happiness and luck.

  Scorpio girl, career and money

Money luck is good, but it was not until after 30 years of age to stability of the life, usually at the age of 20.You in starting business with people it is difficult to, had better choose independent small business.Career in give comfort and help others, you can come to the limit, had better choose need to have both wisdom and ability of profession.Due to the introverted personality, the effort after going through a long time to gain recognition, so suggest you to take more aggressive action.

Suitable for specific professional doctors, pharmacists, civil servants, teachers, financiers, an artist, beautician, computer operator,, secretary, etc.Have a keen sensibility, artistic feeling superior, if engaged in literature or art, can stand out.Have a thorough knowledge of the exploratory and toughness, so learn professional technology, using their own professional engaged in social activities after marriage is also a good choice.

  Scorpio girl, in love and marriage

Scorpio girl have a sharp insight, will choose loyalty, sedate sureness, life ability strong men.Once betrayed, it will become a devil as terrible in women.When young spendthrift, like to play, but after marriage will be very frugal, even withhold husband's pocket money.Your body is sexy belt, encounter where can cause allergic reactions, sexual ability is stronger.The sex feel highly developed of the body, sexual desire is strong, but the inhibition ability is strong, there is a gay.Your body feel keen, can deeply intoxicated in the sensory world, will be a few times to achieve better overnight.Young when in secret love tasting the brokenhearted of pain.To prevent the spread of lust, suggest you appropriate develop some hobbies.

The most idealTo get marriedThe object isGeminiAquarius:Men, at the age of 20 or 30 years old when they encounter the most ideal of men.It is advisable to younger than 6 years old or so, had better choose tall, have practical ability and honest men.

  Scorpio girl, health and disease

Of infectious diseases and common bacteria resistance ability is strong, as long as do a good job in basic physical maintenance, can be relieved from diseases.Should pay attention to the reproductive system and excretory system disorders, and digestive system diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is 27, 38, 47, 58.

  Scorpio girl's house

Residential lights decorate should be bright and convenience, less set window, avoid direct light.Look from the position should be located near a lake or river, quiet and tidy, style is refined, the best away from the busy streets.Doors and Windows should be facing WSW, residential interior USES a mixture of white and deep red color.If you have a tree-lined yard, can say.

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