Aquarius girl

  ·Aquarius:Girl's basic character

Personality as a pure children, regardless of the section, that being pure.Is attaches great importance to the friendship of humanist, dream for the development of leap, hate rules and the bondage of old habits, like free life, behavior more childlike, if really trust a person, will give oneself unconditionally to the other party.Emits the personality, hobbies and vision, clothing and hairstyles can always leads the way.As an Aquarius girl, if you want to be people sit up and take notice, must be determined, insist on your opinion.Friendship deep rich compassion, for friends, but sometimes can appear capricious, occasionally also extreme egoist.

  Claim to send

With less consistent with looks extremely strong faith, sometimes emotions can be like a dam burst suddenly broke out.At the conference, will take the lead in put forward their own opinions.


If it is needs to insist on the occasion of his argument, it is worth encouraging, but in so doing, often can make others feel annoyed, so should look before you leap.Shall be properly to accept the opinions of others.


Once you have tired of, will immediately be abandoned, so sometimes get the eye.

  Good at patience

Things would go through fire and water to go all out to friends, for their own things, even if has a ears, also can suffer silently patience.

  Independent, too

Originality is extremely strong, don't agree, there will always be their own ideas stick it out.Sometimes need to self-restraint.


See a friend's clothes stained with dirt on hand off, hope people always keep clean and tidy appearance.Dirty is the enemy of Aquarius, absolutely can't turn a blind eye.

  Is not straight

A quarrel not straightforward to laugh, although the in the mind has already begun to regret it...This time should take the initiative to take out your problems to communicate peacefully.


Too much input to listen to the opinions of others when your eyes suddenly to avoid eye canthus, glared haven't found the other party is at you?Then not discussed but quarrel happened is completely understandable.Listen to others when if the other person's eyes, in the face from time to time to nod or to react, affection index will greatly improve!


Ultimately achieve the intended target, or opinions and proposals have been adopted, will produce happiness.When all the implementation according to oneself idea of happiness will rise.


Don't care about small things, so is not easy to feel the pressure.If can always feel the pressure, it is difficult to in-depth contacts with friends, so it is difficult to make intimate friends.


Knit a sweater like this need practical thing is you most is not suitable for Aquarius.There is one thing and Aquarius the decree by destiny, that is music.If has been tired of appreciation, try editing the tape for yourself?From the classical, jazz, rock and roll, is likely to be your favorite areas.Original music create only belong to you will be full of fun.

  Aquarius girl, pay attention to the point

Because of tired old habits or rules, easy to abandon the tradition of heretics, or become a liberal.Like a luxury, although life habits waste, but also will be judged as cheapskate, so keep life balance is very important.Before and after 20 years old can go to the fork in the road of life, don't panic, say what he thinks best, listen to the advice around.

  Aquarius girl, career and money

As a Aquarius woman, your campus life is very busy, you don't give priority to in order to study, club activities and appointments for social activities is an important part of life.This period of hobby usually decided to your life.When choosing universities and work units might as well choose level slightly higher than themselves, but as far as possible to listen to the elder and the advice of his elders.You belong to the progress of intellectual, adventurous and independent, so choose the practicality, such as social service or political exploratory career, although the lucrative, but because of its high cost, it is difficult to have savings.So you'd better not carry cash.Aquarius girl luck is stronger, the number of job-hopping will more, remember that.

Suitable for the specific profession has public welfare undertakings, politician and educator, financial professionals, designers, beautician, nurses, consultants, service industry operators, etc.

Fortune's age is 31, 40 and 59 years old, 30 years old before money is unfavorable in savings, it's best to do long-term investment.

  Aquarius girl, love and marriage

As women of Aquarius, you may be bold to express love hazard, may also be thoughtful of pure beauty.You don't ask for perfect for exclusive desire and jealousy, and don't want to bound to himself.Although look calm, but also occasionally neurotic side, and never expose their weakness to others.Your attitude is different from person to person, for sense of happiness also can enjoy without any burden.With rational appearance to attract men, you fall in love before and after the age of 20, but does not form a fruit.Love is very good, but marriage will sent waves due to the husband of the common, but the shadow will be fleeting.Excessive intimacy against you.

The idealTo get marriedThe object isGeminilibraMale, age difference best 4 or 13 years old, is the young men than he.Sometimes febrile and hasty marriage, the marriage to take careful attitude, spouse should be open to get along with people.After marriage also can continue to undertake social service activities, but must be moderate.

  Aquarius girl, health and disease

Belong to the productive constitution, will have several children, to suspend the pregnancy will be adverse to the health and beauty greatly.Beautiful body curve, boldly pursue best in hair and makeup, etc.

Before and after 30 years of age have a reproductive system disease and the risk of heart disease, best before and after 40 years old began to accept regular inspection, this is the secret to longevity.

  Aquarius girl's house

, on the outskirts of residence shall be located in the convenient transportation, the house quiet and elegant, spacious kitchen, should have their own room.Here should be far away from the busy streets, the bedroom and sitting room capacious, can directly see the outdoors, the sun light.Although you earlier to own their own homes, but the heavens and the earth is not at home, your life but in a foreign country.

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