Aquarius men love

  Aquarius:A man's love

Aquarius men always let a person feel he is curious, and most of gas;He often makes you feel like coming on to you, only to find that he was curious about whether it's the same for everybody.Don't despair, he will be more appreciate that him with wisdom will be attracted to the woman, rather than a under a beautiful head of hair, and in the beautiful face behind what also have no vase.

His curiosity made him very like analysis, can analyze your hair, will analyze your actions, also analysis the way you speak, of course, some even you meaningless action, he can also analyze a half a day.Sometimes if you deliberately acted as if he doesn't notice, or to ignore the existence of he, his interest in you that are higher than many others.

His feelings, must be started with friends, and even married to always maintain a friend relationship with him, this is very important.You have to know;Think friends are very important in his heart, and you should have found that he and his associates when the friend forever than hello, because, he will be your close relationship with him, like his own family.

He likes girls with position, but definitely not those who use or support the feminist movement too excitedA woman.He is marry at a mature age person, and most of the reasons in addition to can not find can match and his mind of woman, is that he is too love freedom.Aquarius man, can make your life more colorful, and you just have to be his friend, you are never boring.

  He likes to have the wisdom, has a personality girl

Because is the sign of the intellectual, Aquarius boys love is clear and healthy.Not to please a girl, so that pay attention to the atmosphere, the pursuit of romantic amorous feelings of the girls will think he is a confused man.And he doesn't appreciate the kind of girl like fantasy dream weaving.For lack of autonomy, parrot more sleep.

His favorite character, ideas, can show their opinions from hui type of girl.

In terms of dress up, he never consider whether appropriate oneself, only for those who blindly pursue fashion.He likes to wear a decent, kind face brightens a health beautiful girl, and have a bright and cheerful disposition, optimistic, talkative, with quick mind and make the girl agreed with his point of view, the most attracted to him.And friends because he is very heavy, so care about girl friend, and can give their ideas clearly said the girl, and like QiongGen investigate of the girl, is he admired object.

  The reason of Aquarius - home of the old

Bottles are like young, like energy, they like twenty girls at the age of 20, when they was forty years old, still like twenty years old girl, can't, their eyes are always attracted to youth firmly, even if your attractive, but you can't compete with time anyway, when you get older, beauty has become a distant memory, the bottles are lost in the heart is difficult to relate to you though this as an excuse to make you sounds like he was looking for.

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