Aquarius love


To see clearly, is love, not friendship, is the love between people, don't say love in front of your kitten doggie...)., belong to Aquarius love most (should be necessarily) is based on many years of friendship, especially female bottle), because the bottle in his trick is people to show their love to him/her will turn into a friend.Aquarius is such, mercilessly refuse to thick crust contact you after you this "friend".When water bottles in the face of pressure, work, school or life stress, and had no friends have free with him/her, he/she will start to "feed" in many friends.Appearance handsome not handsome?Beauty is not beautiful?He/she just ignore these, as long as it is quite unique, distinctive there is a little talent, and how much is willing to accompany him/her the mystery of life is the object.Maybe one day he/she will be dragged a Martian to downtown ~.And water bottles are fickle, rejected you today after a few days will be a sudden like you say to you, but don't happy, he/she likes...Too much...And he/she really like...Seems to be...Don't tell anyone.Aquarius don't like two people "world, sometimes bottle to travel abroad have insisted on one or with other friends...Your logic is very strange, sometimes you may say to each other "since at the end of the day is to separate, that why together?".

  Aquarius love bread

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, it symbolizes the future, so, your prospective is born.

For the choice of life, choice of Aquarius is usually not very extreme, but is likely to be unexpected.In the face of love, especially in the face of marriage, Aquarius hope to find a can explore life and his partner.So, the consequences of no money will end up rich couples Pepsi sorrow;And there is no communication is his spirit sent to prison.Thus, Aquarius to extraordinary vision, will do a think of the most sensible choice.

Especially is ruled by Uranus, Aquarius symbol in the future, so, your prospective is born.

When are you sure you partner have potential, and your future is full of light, some problems for a short period of time, you can calmly face.If you like he was smart in business, superior and uncommon taste in life.So, you don't angry for him too much time with you.If you admire his lively and cheerful, good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, so, you do not have to complain to his friend too much angry.

Many people very praise Aquarius caring and understanding, and even thought some ordinary people is hard to do: the role of Mrs Busy legislator, for example, the artist's husband, Aquarius can happily play very well.I think, because they are in the choice before, have cognitive situation will happen in the future, and also have clear goals in life.

Love and bread in your choice, what appear in what proportion of the most perfect?You will open your schedule for a long time, carefully deduction again for me.

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