Aquarius girl boys the most with signs


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Very suitable for a pair of combination together, but may be like gambling bo bo.Because you two life attitude is very close to, is like for everythingThe childThe general enthusiasm and curiosity, easy, easy to communicate with each other.To pay attention to is Aries people lack of patience and endurance, and aquarians are changeable, sometimes doesn't even know what they want, two people together, be sure to find a solution to the problem of prescription.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Not so harmonious couple.

Taurus will be attracted by Aquarius natural and unrestrained attitude, want to try their way of life, it's a pity that once two people together, will be on the contrary, the Taurus afraid of Aquarius: this is a kind of tai chi on the ideas and behavior, too varied and ignore the moral rules of the personality.But when want to leave, and will be that kind of pressure to Aquarius unable to refuse.So really want to begin to fall in love, must see each other first, consider a few questions: Aquarius recognition of friends, Taurus is not stand?Can not envy?Everything practical Taurus is reasonable, the ideal of Aquarius and against the spirit of the traditional watching is gone?Aquarius can endure Taurus rigid not flexible personality?Taurus can accept Aquarius always attack emotional temper?Everyone wanted to first clear cough up ~


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

And a pair of lovers very much.Because everyone is wind sign, change is very big, feel very similar.So get to know each other at the beginning of, it is easy to "electricity" to each other, rapid fall in love, everyone could not fly your palm.You have such a free natural open open-minded attitude, more handsome than general lovers talking about love, not love into their pressure, they are not happy life circle and broad, is really what all need not worry, the relationship between two people is so close and so far, somewhere between friendship and love, what all speak out, there will be no overnight.

Such combination is good for, but there may be times when everyone is too busy to ignore each other, can save one point two people time and space for everybody.

In terms of sex, not too seriously, because there are so many other interests you to play, and you will be on the spiritual communication, more have no interest in sex has no time to discuss.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Be careful, you may only be a short love!!Because cancers and Aquarius personality is different, cancer this desire safe love specificity, in the eyes of Aquarius is so funny, the bottle will never to give up a forest for a tree, crab ~ want to use the tender feelings to him, so he will be very rational tell you is not the case, should give him more freedom, but relax when ignored him, and he will think you don't care about him, cancer that is very difficult to use on him!First cancer for the Aquarius will attracted by the gentleness and family characteristics, but get along with go find not so, so want to change the cancer.But how stubborn introverted cancer may listen to you?He doesn't agree with you that a set of!Get along, often for the problem of free cause disputes, good afraid of cancer bothersome, Aquarius would rather go with your friends, avoid long-term bombing.

Sex may not be good, because cancer never know sex are needed when Aquarius, tend to cause imbalance.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

To constantly refurbished a combination of constant progress.Because you are in the horoscope learn to the palace, so a lot of things are exactly the opposite, but everyone is outgoing optimistic signs of the zodiac.Both stubborn and self, together will appear "were at sixes and sevens, refused to let go".First can be the two of you together, main reason is probably a Leo confident and think this cold water bottles can be recovered, his eccentric temperament, revised to normal Aquarius three minutes heat also makes them interested in domineering lion.Is the idea that bottom is soon, on the spur of the moment to talk about marriage theory to marry point, urge you to clear to chu, you enough confidence and adhere to a lasting relationship, the first thing to know that do friends and lover are two different things, do not think that good friends can become a good lover.

In terms of sex, you in bed together the activities of the time will not too much, Aquarius people have too many other things to do, when his interest to Leo and not felt it was time, there will be resistance.

However, the world is not absolute, may be you are the exception of a pair of cough up!


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

How to describe this pair of you?In fact you won't be together!The beginning of feelings is usually a virgo think this friend interesting, Aquarius approachable, well informed, it is what you enjoy.And Aquarius will because greed fresh feel virgo man is very special, and he had had a lover in different way, want to try together.Unfortunately, once into the world of the virgin, Aquarius what will feel the virgo man will be very fast, rigid stubborn, don't know turn it doesn't matter, still too bothersome, not communicate with him.And virgo is not sure water bottles, what want to capricious, also often think of some unrealistic things, really a little afraid of this guy!

Has high fit degree in sex, but this is not the two of you life center of gravity, if love sex for a light, it is hard to get down for a long time.

Hope you can have a long good long fate, break the fate!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Love good magic, you clearly it is hard to together, but love to tear you together, and love to the flesh, and the waves, a wave after wave, the day you will be sad because of this relationship, but a composite of perfect again.

Also are wind sign, the place where you most close, is everyone like to meet friends, social circle is vast, at the same time also willing to believe each other, each a space.Just think if it's another sign, will put up with your friends in the middle of the night call you go out?But you can do this union.A was awakened in the middle of the night to go out to another can also as if nothing has occurredly continue to sleep.In addition, a day to take some friends home another not only no opinion can also get along well.So you can be a long a pair of, as long as do not want to monopolize the other party.

In terms of sex, not really care about Aquarius, libra would also be affected and become indifferent, but be careful very easy appear outside of the two partners, then can you receive it?Lover and friend or is there a difference after all.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Good a pair of trouble, and basically everyone is not the same guy, you just for one reason: the greedy fresh Aquarius accident attracted by deep feeling Scorpio charm, a see to flash their lightning, but there are only two results: Scorpio is Aquarius bear emotions and dominating personality, not a word to the left and the other is Scorpio can't stand the Aquarius the strange behavior of not ordinary people can accept, no way to control him and dim and retire.Aquarius feel doesn't belong to anyone, only belong to his own, but Scorpio is Scorpio he belongs only to a person, you say so?!

For the concept of family is different, is not so practical Scorpio Aquarius, just want to have, at any cost, for Scorpio is always very confusing.Therefore, two people will be in terms of food and clothing live line to go wrong.

Sex, Scorpio is a requirement for sex is very picky, always complain about Aquarius is not concerned about his feelings, love yourself too much.Sex war the cold war.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Meet the requirements, to enjoy a couple!!!!!

Sagittarius freedom and independence of the outlook on life and Aquarius are very similar, chi bound partners, Aquarius hate most is delicious for you, you don't like no change life, life circle and widely, if you're struggling to a waste of time to take care of your partner, you'd rather give up him.

So you are living ideal, because there many nights you have no chance to see each other, he didn't know you what to do, but you don't mind or worry completely, because you will be the same.Want to chooseTo get marriedMust first consider you can manage to a family, or you are not suffering, but your next generation.

Sex is a perfect match couple, very enjoy the process, can have no other stress, purely to satisfy sexual desire for the former title, also won't because someone has other sex and uneasy.

  Aquarius: Capricorn

Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

It's really hard to communicate a pair, is stubborn earth sign of Capricorn, Aquarius are the wind changes sign, everybody has been different basic concept, must work together.

If you are dating, it must be have crossed a lot of psychological barriers, before for Capricorn, when frustrated, because the spirit of fraternity, Aquarius will try to help when you most need comfort, you just might fall in love with him, but a into the situation, you realize that he is the same to all!As for Aquarius is Capricorn the shapes of the silent deep to attract live, feel very composed and honest, but when you close to him, you know who they actually old birds mental arithmetic, very selfish.You play enough him, because you are hot impulsive personality, something happened at once written on the face, you can just hold your horses, make you more angry, completely give him to eat to live, two people's heart very hard.

In the aspect of sex, also have the same contradiction, Capricorn to use sex to relieve his heavy pressure, Aquarius is not very care about, feel the sameHave a mealSleep, everybody different requirements, the results are difficult to coordinate.

  Aquarius: Aquarius

Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

If you want to choose in the 12 zodiac signs to and a pair of Aquarius to match absolutely, and that fear is another Aquarius, because only the Aquarius will different from ordinary people to understand each other that, insane behavior and personality, and the desire for freedom, unfettered resonate with each other, and make you more honey.

Compared with other couples, you will be more muted, more like friends than husband and wife lack passion sparks, occasionally also was having an affair, but also mutual understanding, always together, for the family you don't understand the financial control, money is not the most important, but because adhere to their respective requirements of material level, will bring you some situation out of control.

As for sex, only one of the things that make you a variety of interest, therefore, even if it won't be for all the places are not harmonious, because this matter will not affect the feelings between you.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

"A wish, a wish was" to each other.Poor Pisces to Aquarius "to do", because the winds and water like no coordination, Yin and Yang are also different.You can be in together, is completely hold Pisces in Aquarius.With emotion as the first refuge of Pisces, once fell in love with rational Aquarius, completely blind revel in them, and often will sex and love is together.Aquarius: fully understand Pisces character, they always stick, no matter how deep you love, still hard to do the thing that oneself like, need and try to accept the Pisces considerate care, habits and even think it is should be.The most strange is, no matter how you also to throw off each other, together and forever youdao wall between people.

Sex, completely see the Aquarius, Pisces only cooperate.If the occasional care about Pisces Aquarius, they will enjoy it.

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