Sagittarius girls boys the constellation


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Everyone is a fire sign, in a pair of, tend to be attracted to each other in love at first sight at a glance, then begin to love.And get along with down, more and more in tune.Is your passion of combination, in public will aggressively, good let others envy!Life for their own pursuit of happiness, everyone is free to moderate his, their will not be too subjective to increase in the partner, is born of a couple.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

If you choose to be together, first must know each other very well, because you are likely greatly by the friendship into love, together before you did not see clear whether what you want.Don't assume that Taurus and Sagittarius people together very happy, he is the love to teach you a lot of fun.

You two are essentially the opposite person, a quiet a outgoing, a practical a vain, a dynamic a static, Sagittarius love staying home, Taurus is family first.So far, two people force each other to do his own a set of, everyone will not happy.After know this, seriously want to know whether to be together again?The decision?Don't regret what you have decided, come on!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

You are a 180 - degree diagonal to the palace of constellation, so there are only two possible together, very extreme good or very bad extremes.

Gemini, and Sagittarius is faced with the problem of first, the couple alone time together is too little, everyone is outgoing, and many friends, hobby, more dominant which have the opportunity to enjoy the "two people" world?Just in the beginning, the Gemini think Sagittarius people chat very well, and there is a way, straightforward not bothersome, they do not have the benefits of, if he have qi, as the recruit and Sagittarius.But for a long time to get along with down, face off, trouble will come.Happen in the middle of the love, is another new sweetheart everyone, anytime and anywhere is a more than four relations, began to hate each other as well as advantages disadvantages.

Coordinate and not depressing sex life, but the most strange is that if the other party have a one night stand will confess that, partner also won't be so, very open, strange enough!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Why is falling in love with a person who don't go home?This is a cancer with Sagittarius has to ask a question?

You are very different in principle, like a home, a family will never stick, a sensitive pessimistic, one is a woman.she, why be together?Or start time, Sagittarius optimistic heart, no machine to cancer a hope!But after cancer will find striker even fundamental small do you most need can't give you a sense of security.For Sagittarius, how can he stand this sign a chi bound?Cancer the heaviest if home, for the striker, the home is just a hotel!, easy to quarrel all day long, you will what all regardless of Sagittarius, oneself go out and find other happy, and cancer is only in one person sad depressed.Money, cancer that can province is character, Sagittarius cannot understand!

After sex, Sagittarius in fresh, feel this is a little routine, not able to satisfy his challenge and adventure, consciously boring and develop relationship with a third party.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

A reciprocal a couple.Everyone is a fire sign, mutual enthusiasm can inspire strong love sparks, you easy to fall in love at first sight.But more important is after hot lingering, how to hold this relationship forever.Dating, everyone happy, of course, no pressure, each other are optimistic person, and like to play, won't deliberately to bind the other person's freedom, most Leo sometimes some jealousy, as long as Sagittarius fit just fine.The problem is that too much love without responsibility and sense of belonging, may never stay on the surface, once in trouble, won't be able to see the true feelings, especially on the organize family, don't put up, and the concentration have their own the other circles of life, as the saying goes "not to start a family" will be fulfilled upon both of you, especially with children, unless they are independent in early!

Sex can definitely work together, sometimes Sagittarius like roll out Leo know there will be some turmoil, but the Leo would forgive him.Afraid afraid one day Sagittarius found Leo in this aspect to a recruit in town can't stand it.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Is tinkering with a pair of?But the words can not say that again.In the horoscope learn, you really don't hit it off, but that doesn't mean no ways, is really can change a heart.

This relationship is usually because Sagittarius enthusiasm and cheerful and lively humor attracted a virgo, virgos think Sagittarius who have a pure heart, what all don't care about, and Sagittarius will think that this object is smart and careful, remind a lot of things he did not notice at ordinary times.In friends phase, can be very happy indeed, but to develop very couples, is to wish you good luck.

Innate character that makes you difficult to really understand understand each other, need not say much, just the idea of money already very tired, Sagittarius naturally generous, generous personality, how to see even a small calculation of virgo?This is just a part of, in life there are a lot of daily necessities, beer and skittles, food and clothing live line, quarrel is inevitable.

Sex is also, virgo how can you stand the Sagittarius: this is not serious, strong sexual desire?


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Happy couple!You are hit it off, because everyone is fun, love, lively signs of the zodiac.Is firstfacesBefore long, you can go to bed, because you have no self-control, just for fun too.You quickly into cohabitation ages, but want to talk aboutTo get married, is not too keen on you, and no long-term plans and ideas.A day is a state of mind may see you very despise others, but you can really happy happy together, forever full of friends and home.

Order in the family, however, is too awful, always pile of dirty clothes in the room, wash trough always pile of dirty dishes, is a matter of you are both pretty lazy, blame the home or random.Financially has the same problem, hope you are not all day because they don't remember to pay the electricity was Cut electricity.

Sex is the perfect couple, all provide to the other party need to stimulate desires, and will Enjoy for each other, but may have to change some fancy for a long time, otherwise the newness fades, feelings will be penalised.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

How also think impassability, how can two personality such opposite sign together?

The only reason can only be in sexual attraction, if so, want to get along with for a long time need to work hard.Scorpio on the feelings of exclusive for Sagittarius love freedom, how can tolerate?If Scorpio description with much kindness, afraid and also difficult to control active and outgoing Sagittarius, the more you with a high hand, he will go faster.Sagittarius will feel the pressure of Scorpio that almost hysterical passion, you don't understand why he refused to say anything, your personality frankness has no way to understand his heart.Might as well to a family, financial responsibility to pay Scorpio, always have the interest to a line?

After sexual life in addition to the original fierce dripping wet, Sagittarius will resist the exclusive bullying, Scorpio even opposition and resistanceTo make love

  Sagittarius: Sagittarius

Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

For the two of you, fall in love with can talk so rarely, it is because people thought, there would be no love in the common to dominating the opponent's, the highest degrees of freedom, at the bottom of my heart everyone all don't want to tube with you.Emotional development let nature take its course, you won't deliberately to pursue, relaxed and stress-free, but want to keep for a long time, must understand each other is actually like yourself, like lively, fresh soon in love also fast cooling, and will be looking for each other.Too free, filled with different daily social life, fewer hours with each other, will cause serious communication disorders.A family before, first to place an order for a long term plan, has the sense of responsibility.About money management, all for the profligacy, which have so much money for you to use?!

Sex must be a variety of a pair, you dare to play to dare to try everything, so happy ~

  Sagittarius, Capricorn

Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

A pair of there will be a lot of trouble, because people the idea of itself is very different, to maintain long-term relationship, be sure to get to know each other well, learn from each other, to long for short, is the best policy.

Relationships often occurred in Sagittarius work or have financial difficulties, the mood is shore, find the original fixed honest Capricorn can give a lot of heart and actually help, so he will accept the pursuit of his Capricorn.Capricorn is affected by the Sagittarius energetic and optimistic attitude, think I realized that life is not his ashes, and hope to find happiness and the striker.But once, only to find that thought can't communicate, how can live together?!Unless the Sagittarius will stabilize the Capricorn and flexible.

Sex life as there is a problem, Sagittarius full arrangement of atmosphere and emotional appeal, probably because Capricorn: I want to go to the early tomorrow, or today is not too comfortable and become a cubbyhole.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Meet the requirements, to enjoy a couple!!!!!

Sagittarius freedom and independence of the outlook on life and Aquarius are very similar, chi bound partners, Aquarius hate most is delicious for you, you don't like no change life, life circle and widely, if you're struggling to a waste of time to take care of your partner, you'd rather give up him.

So you are living ideal, because there many nights you have no chance to see each other, he didn't know you what to do, but you don't mind or worry completely, because you will be the same.Should choose to marry, must first consider you can manage to a family, or you are not suffering, but your next generation.

Sex is a perfect match couple, very enjoy the process, can have no other stress, purely to satisfy sexual desire for the former title, also won't because someone has other sex and uneasy.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Easy to hit it off a pair, but want to get along for a long time, seems to have to spend bit of idea.

Because the threat of Sagittarius is often to the love, never leave hand, tried out of step and replacement, and Pisces anyhow someone is love, don't think about the long-term problem, always goofs off it to sink in.Relationship from the start, sagittarians can always turn out the feelings, but the Pisces, sacrifice, self-destructive means, no way, only will drag the start another relationship, can not completely decouple from Pisces, resulting in difficult to clean up the situation.

Never for a moment of confused to enter a family, want to consider whether you in the future, first troubler of the next generation of not good, and we lack of financial management concept, after limited horizon regardless of, so, the home care, for you are also a lot of problems.

Sex is important for both of you one thing, you can use the relationship between the sex to woo you, but in the long run, it is always rely on communication to have in the future.

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