Sagittarius character

  SagittariusPersonality traits

Sagittarius: personality characteristics

  Like maverick just afraid not free

Sagittarius has the potential to be a maverick, but due to "outstanding" "watches" pressure, he was afraid.Or, is not the same as others, have to pay a relative price, this price does not necessarily mean he afford.

Every striker, almost all have a passion for freedom, liberty or give me death.Maverick look be like freedom, but Sagittarius and hope to be accepted by the people, so still don't feel free.This contradiction was bothering him.

He talked like witty, colorful, as well as emotional and full of hope.If you talk to rich philosophical implications, Sagittarius will be very excited, he will be very serious and do you know the meaning of life, and very care about whether there is a specific conclusion.Here refers to the conclusion that is not the actual solution or possible answer, maybe it's just an abstract concept.Sometimes, you may even feel only metaphysical significance to persuade a horse, because of the metaphysical, just interesting, just have infinite possibility, to let his imagination to roam.

If he repeatedly with you to discuss the same topic don't too fast is that he is a man in marking time.Sagittarius life may only care about a thing, as long as he make the matter thoroughly, and this life is enough.

  Sagittarius personality

Patron saint of Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, is Zeus, so Sagittarius person optimistic, honest, enthusiasm, love a challenge, but it's easy to impetuous and recklessness.He is the zodiac constellation adventurer, deeply loves the travel, likes to gamble, is varied, slaughter, with a dual character.They possess the secret of forever young - refers to a state of mind, they like pursuing knowledge, clingy tide, also have language talent.Dual personality and Sagittarius, changeable, have the opportunity to do two completely not the nature of the job at the same time, his versatility is also likely to do a broad range of work.Willpower is Sagittarius a big defect, lack of self-control, such as gambling addiction, defies the idea.

Stamping with the feet, greedily breathing the nature of the free air, off the golden autumn, and will meet the winter chill, Sagittarius you already can't wait to to to what you desire in the wide space.This a person have a bright and cheerful disposition, being active, pay attention to culture, and also do not forget to look around the world.You people in real life, but thought often fly to the distant past and good future.Agile mind jumping, for a moment here, then, make the person think you in sight, as if in a corner of the sky;To think is same interests with you, and seemed to be at odds with you.You are a thoughts need to try to calm.Sagittarius people warm, full of fiery passion of life.Do you like regardless of his personal gain or loss, at the same time to many things.But reckless behavior will often give you trouble.Both in thinking and in action, you are ready to go to experience risk.Your optimism of life, the future and love make you forever young.On the life path, you do everything we can to is to make people out of trouble.In addition, optimism, a healthy body and happy mood will bring you luck and extensive.You are very good at comfort and encourage himself with the people around you, and your spirits.

The people born, generally for everything that happens in the world has keen interest, like to travel, good friendly.You dealt, magnanimous, but I don't want others to threats and freedom to interfere in your holy.You hate obligations, would rather abandon vested interests, also don't want to bound for it.You like often standing in the home, and try their best to help you, you will meet many influential people in the history of society, in your life and career will always get support or protection.Your destiny is often associated with or travel abroad, usually brings luck, friendship and interests.Even in adverse circumstances, optimism and will never betray you, and can help you quickly out than others, this is Sagittarius on the character of unique advantages.Do you care so much about music, news iron matter affecting the altar, and like insightful ideas, and be good at this remark.Your hospitality, amiable, kind and honest, open-minded and breadth of mind open-minded character, popular people's praise.Rich cooperation spirit, working with people in life and career with your instinct of idealism, this will inspire you and the people around you, and added with a harmonious atmosphere for everyone.But your opportunism and conformism, their own contradictory thoughts, things rarely consider others' ability limit, can cause the dissatisfaction of others.

After a volatile times, from the age of 40, sagittarians usually go to the normal track of life, live a life to live and work in peace and contentment, become a respectable citizen, a model of the family father (mother), or the President or leader of a cause.Honor occupies very important position in your heart.Middle age is Sagittarius gold period of career, you have the ability and have the opportunity to win their own success.

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