Taurus personality

  TaurusPersonality traits

Taurus personality characteristics

  The first impression decided to likes and dislikes

If you want to in the barn, pick out O cattle, often you'll miss out B cattle or type A cow.They look, true too like!But you will never AB cattle cattle as other kinds of blood.Because all AB cattle have been called up to the arena to show the bull that trick.

The first impression, decided to a cow to your likes and dislikes.He will not easily abandon this first impression, even stereotypes, he would not think you see wrong you.You may be in later efforts, let him think you have you can't ignore the advantages of, but he will still think of him often at first glance the bad impression of you, will not give up continue to closely examine your any chance.Of course, if your first met is happy, even if later have unpleasant, a cow also feel free to give you the opportunity to improve.Taurus people will suffer is that too much trust in his judgment on others.

  You get what you pay for shopping around

Cow is believed that a penny a points goods, also will shop around.They may be bought an expensive shirts brand for you, will only from texture, and he felt "worth", to convince you it worth so much money.

Taurus for counting yes, they have money, know what iron earn what business when lose, but ashamed to push account number.Unless necessary, he also not too not bashful to debt.Older cattle will be more understand the money into his pocket that counts.

Many people think very love money, actually is not material, but feeling is very good to make money, make a lot of a lot of money feel better!Money brings security, make a cow think life can be expected.Taurus might each time to earn more money, but if the poor investment, no amount of money can't stop.If have money, to pay to eliminate evil, or silence is often.Now that money can solve things, all the better.Really hate things is money can't solve!

  Good food,Have a mealThe emperor big

Taurus is food.He is not necessarily love delicacies, but even a bowl of soup, squid will be particular about delicate and delicious.In his heart will always be "authentic, signs, the old" taste.

Although the cattle people cooking is not bad, but he prefers to taste good cook craft.One thousand stomach the food you make out of his mouth, he will can't resist criticism, and show, show you.

"Eat" is a kind of enjoyment, he doesn't like to quarrel with someone at the dinner table or make complexion.Eat the emperor big!He is not the kind of person who hungry and the food tasted very important, ugly dishes pour cow's appetite.

There may be a long time a cow madly in love to eat beef noodles, until eat nausea, they no longer eat beef noodles.But he may still eat beef jerky.This kind of indulge in taste, is a kind of stress is also a kind of paranoia.

  With large area, big color piece to express feelings

Caused by distance aesthetic feeling, is very useful.Implicative, slow speed, love is the pursuit of Taurus partner.When a cow prepared to fall in love in place, will devotedly to show his dedication, sacrifice for you virtue.If you attack is near, he will think you careless, reckless.Action is rude lover, but also a cow's disdain.

Taurus people idea is exquisite, often give a person a kind of illusion of careless.You know, cows are reluctant to give people a feeling of petty or poor, so he always express feelings with large area, big color piece to process, needs, and will not be immersed in love under the eyes, nature also hides his intimate feelings.Cattle, in fact, a person's thinking is quite close, just like he accounting, what questions will never pass the pen.If you have a bosom friend, you must know how much he loves to chat.He doesn't like noisy places, would rather not many people in the cafe together with you.He doesn't like to play the fart, he want to chat with you the feeling of the real life.Blindly perceptual talk content, cattle will take a rational conclusion to end it.

  Traditional but not conservative, emotion is the number one enemy

Taurus is sensitive to the history, so they would be willing to respect the "traditional", but they are more open than conservatives.In other words, he may accept your raid in the high street to kiss him, but that doesn't mean he would fall in love with you so.He still can't stand you abruptly, and doubt that the quality of the kiss.But if a cow fell in love with you and kiss you on the street, that he must be have love to since the dial.Of course, after you fall in love, kissing on the road for him, is embarrassing, but also their;Once in a while for the fair stand.

To cause the creative vision, Taurus people business, friends have confidence on him.Cows can grind through entrepreneurship difficult times, but when career breakthrough the bottleneck problems, repeatedly.Emotional is an enemy of cattle.An emotional evening rain, what makes a cow is passive.But if he arranged a big client, he will go to negotiation in the rain.

  Good food, good furniture, children, and a good dog or cat as well

No matter the bulls or cow, their views on family and imagination is the same.A good food, good furniture, children, and a good dog or cat as well, just like a home.And if the TaurusTo get marriedObject that is not the most beloved lover, he was before he will also do our job, as long as the other side is gentle and considerate, not loud, he may even think that marriage has its value, will pay a sincere.

Soft heart and his bark is worse than his bite type of Taurus, loveThe child, small animals, will shed tears for his dead cat.The family to go to the beach, also to go with the pets in the home, no matter whether his pet bear cool Yang by the sea.

Taurus is the man who is a little woman's soft nature.But again a grumpy, moved to anger, then.Do you think in a pet will kill you, may!However, after a storm comes a calm, cattle are still standing on the slope meekly eating the grass you give it to him.

  Taurus personality

Venus is Taurus guardian star, so the constellation of Taurus is conservative, he doesn't like change, safe is his attitude towards life.Taurus is the one who is, won't be impatient impulse, only patience, s) "in the practise,", it is their portrayal, but also very stubborn, once decided to go to change the things he does not like.Because of the lack of a sense of security, unemployment is the most afraid of facing problems in Taurus, lose focus on behalf of their life;Taurus has the potential of male male chauvinism, in the home they don't speak, but the dignity they attaches great importance to, and a woman in addition to practical Taurus, will love to dress up oneself, because the patron saint of Taurus is love and incarnation of beauty (Venus).They are often slow to spend some time to adapt to a relationship, a job, an environment, but adapted to the later, they will little change, unless forced to have no.And Taurus artistic cells, highly appreciate any art taste and ability.

Stable loyal to set goals in a planned way to implement: let's order to get married as the prerequisite.

Taurus is the symbol of a combination of cattle mouth and tentacles.The part of the mouth, rich symbol vocabulary!;Antenna part, is the symbol of artistic talent.

Taurus whether do things very seriously, investment, like cows eat food after, will be repeated in the stomach cud of truth is the same, in contrast, but also because of forward after a careful thinking and comprehensive plan, as long as once did not regret it, never stop has not reached a sense of mission, very persistent, sometimes even stubborn can use to describe.

Don't exaggerate, enjoys a down-to-earth Taurus another trait.Basically, with the Taurus is a good thing, because of the stable personality will give each other a safe and secure.Honest faithful is the most make people appreciate the personality traits of Taurus, as long as he is willing to do, don't care about your sincerity pays, and sacrifice.

Gentle Taurus at ordinary times, however, the stress is larger or when you meet the unreasonable things immediately showed his innate 'cattle!'sex, the intense resistance force and violent personality, others how to dissuade is useless, only depend on oneself to calm down, think, to quell the anger of the heart.

Chaorenyideng artistic talent, is also the Taurus gifted ability.They is very requirement for aesthetic feeling, in the nature of life, show very selective, must be the eyes and everything, all arrangements of comfortable and beautiful, he can be at ease.For learning and appreciation of art has a unique talent, there are a lot of painters, poets, writers, since ancient times is Taurus.

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