Virgo's character and relationship characteristics

virgoThe character and relationship characteristics

Virgo (23/8-22/9)

House: changes in the sixth house

Guardian planet, mercury

Soil elements:

Virgo is the basic character

When it comes to virgo, what "perfect doctrine", demanding, cleanliness, workaholic, and so on all is they don't get rid of the fiber.In fact many people are virgins present misunderstand their real personalities, and their personality is really much more complicated than can be imagined.Not many people knew it was only their careful and organized to the lack of reality;The seemingly sesame green beans also not many people understand things if not addressed early, in fact, enough to trigger unmanageable event;Also not many people know that they are not the pursuit of perfect in appearance, but need the whole thing has a complete system, so as to let others to cooperate with each other, not chaos.Virgins in mercury's tutelage, they organized, classification and system of a leader is a talent, why so they can properly arrange in an instant, the chaotic situation and the sixth in charge of serving others in daily life and work, although the law and small, but are willing to pay for those around them silently, what they do are not easy to get noticed, but the effort often than people imagine, if one day without them, will be bound to deeply experience they had silently pay so much at the back.

Because they have to take things classify talent, also have a clever mind, so right and wrong, good and bad they have clear concept, whether it is a person or event, they also hope to be able to share, and lack of security, so even the interpersonal relationship, also must be with "good man" was able to get along with, virgo although modest and honest, but has easy meet contradictions in interpersonal relationships, they would pay for a friend, but when they found in front of people is to belong to the category of the "bad", they will feel cheated and bullying, but because of the nature in convergence, don't know how to express their feelings, the result is only silent bear.Above mentioned by mercury virgo, so "expression" is required for all virgins, although they have a lot of planning and execution ability, so general will get elder or boss agree on the job, and can handle things perfectly, but what happened in interpersonal relations, is not able to use "sort" to solve.Good and bad, right and wrong is not that simple to points clear, interpersonal relationship is always cannot use rational mind to analyze, excessive use the brain to analysis the source of emotions is that they are vulnerable to injury.So understanding their feelings and learn to express the real feeling brave, learning to relax the body live balanced compulsory courses are virgins.

Virgo's character and relationship characteristics _ the zodiac

Virgo man relationship characteristics

Virgo man found it's really hard to guess, they hide their feelings very well, also has a crush on, they are enjoyed in the adoring girl watching him, but they are not not clear their feelings, but I don't know how to get to the first step.But don't get me wrong virgo man is big stuffy egg, they really know how to build romantic atmosphere, and will let you feel what is the real consideration and respect, they are the best listener, and most worried that you hurt, even if they ever makes you angry, also apologize first.They denied "big man", will never ask you must listen to him, on the contrary also hope you can give him a clear answer, he actually very strong-minded girl.You may sometimes feel like they are timid, also has not decided, they worry so much, only for your future happiness;May also have heart, what do you think of him not to say with you, actually he is very honest, just don't know the expression feeling, again afraid hurt you saying the wrong thing.Fall in love with virgo man girl, please take good consideration this gentle virgo man, with him you will experience what is deeply water out of happiness.

Virgin female relationship characteristics (The zodiac /astro/)

Gives it a strong rational virgo woman is always feeling, but also for their own image or love model also has its own unique ideas, so give a person the sense of pride.But in fact they are very serious to the love, the heart is also very simple, they will not ask each other how to pay for them, and only wish they could be able to become a perfect woman, then quietly pay for each other, this is the true love.Virgo woman with absolute princess disease pull not top relation, their idea is very good for each other, also very considerate and respect the feelings of your mate.Their attitude is in love, no one can see it from the outside, on the surface they may be arrogant arrogant, the faults of others, also easy to all the criticism and fault finding but in love is infinite tolerance each other.Because they have always been high to own request, the heart always feel inadequate, so they will use all means to be more perfect, they feel that he can line and the other half.Although they because don't know a lot of time dealing with emotional and become emotional, but their love for you is absolutely firmness and pure.Fall in love with a virgin girl boy, please cherish the perfect goddess.

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