Gemini personality

  GeminiPersonality traits

Gemini personality characteristics

  There is always one or two significant advantages and extra large faults

Gemini people usually have one or two significant advantages and one or two extra large faults.This makes you in praise or criticism, Gemini are both easy to exaggeration and emotional.To correctly describe the temperament of the Gemini, spend time with his elbow, sufficient to evidence, hit the nail on the head.

Gemini are usually considered to be a double-faced person, has the dual character.This is because the average person in the observation, for a long time due to lack of ability to change the viewing Angle.A "see people speaking people, say nonsense" ghost of Gemini, will have very strong language skills and communication skills, he also understand and ghosts, but not so that he is both people and ghosts, or but person can ghosts, even said he didn't not ghost.He only exists between the universe thing, more than most people because of curiosity and comprehension.Therefore, to understand the Gemini, your curiosity and comprehension are not too bad.

  There are many difficult to split level in agile

Examine yan guan is lubricious, Gemini is an ace.With his eloquence, and he always can soon live someone else's state of mind, and to persuade the other party.

Gemini eyebrow eye and his arms and legs as agile, but in a neat and with many difficult to split level;Firm with soft, thin and not messy.Is the rare talent planning and management department.And his executive ability is strong, just don't trust others, rather than accept the challenge alone.Don't get me wrong, he is the kind of person who claim like body, he just accept the brand due to the.

Gemini love, but don't want to wave get hollow reputation, he likes himself as others idea of a "powerful".He likes to do things to colorful, although don't need to be sure to do STH unconventional or unorthodox, but absolutely have to insist on his own unique style.He was glad to distant neighbors know he is a friendly, willing to cooperate with you and won't compromise to anyone, make yourself look tacky and means.

  Survive and competitive, so that he won the gold medal

Public or the struggle under the table, Gemini didn't fall.As long as necessary, infighting, he comes to the net.But he doesn't think fighting is for advanced human, one thousand was dragged into the low-level human conflict, he was never show soldiers deceit;Survive and competitive, make Gemini got many gold MEDALS.But you must respect his hard gold.

Gemini at bitter experience to gain valuable lessons.Spend money on lessons, is often the case.If he is to convince you, out of his personal experience, and you still wore an expression of doubtful expression or unruly, he will be caught in conclusions now sending you a words: "you listen to the old man said, suffer in at present. What all don't know when the time comes, and deserve to die!"He didn't want to interfere with you.But once you find him complaining, he advised you, you listen to, he will severely for the next a terrible prophecy.The right?That should see you how not obedient.

  Fun, active, curious, be particular about convergence

A Gemini, talents, and with the strength of the appeal.Because they are good at in the atmosphere of the game, to be close to you, break down you, guide you to develop your ability to happiness within.

Fun, active, curious, make Gemini the continuous beating like a flame, strong with the weak, but never extinguished.They are energetic, to work earnestly, told friends love, career ambitions.But his lover, but often was exhausted by him, his family also often because of his mood make chicken fly a dog to jump!Why is that?Gemini can't stand the static relationship, fixed things made him extremely rapidly aging, also makes the object of his love extremely rapidly aging.

Really love she, this is true.For Gemini, spirit is color.Also is what the Chinese call "qi".YiZhiLi around a person's success or failure, he asked himself, also for others.But not dull;Sometimes he will loose, strict to others.

"Poor is changed, permanence follows, general."This is the Confucius said.But also coincided with the theory of Gemini.They like to "think".

  Let go of mood life is like a play

The twists and turns, bizarre atmosphere, Gemini smell traces of the love.He began to scrutiny, lenovo, repeatedly judgment.He tease you, you itch, not quick to tell you the real meaning.You have to withstand his hair, and sink lived gas.Until he showed "come on, against me," you can really act.But don't happy, he will not be compromised, so easily compromised even if really want to be you, he also want you to accompany him on a "play".You may well feel that he was in torment you, open doors, and you know life is like a play, wouldn't blame him.

Gemini is the lover of the most interesting.The game of love, he can play, and allows variations in patterns emerge in endlessly, and if you cannot enjoy this type of love with him smell, backs out as early as possible.

Marriage?This is legal protection to the emotional relationship (or tied), for a Gemini, really boring.But he is not the kind of man who was holding celibacy, but once divorced, it is difficult to remarry.

  Gemini personality

Gemini love change, can't do one thing at the same time, five flower 6:00 PM, absence of mind;Although a small clever, but not single-minded, often superficial, endurance and low, success is difficult, can be said to be rational but disturbing signs of the zodiac.Gemini is ruled by mercury is the messenger of god, stimulates wisdom, but also can make a person produce picky, tension;But Gemini master communication, so a Gemini is good at getting along with people.Gemini can keep talking, and they talk about the best way is chat.Don't think a Gemini flower heart, just they don't affect you attentively, he's just greedy fresh and absorb information, so they would think Yang pleasures.

Have a strong sense of curiosity what matter all want to gather together a feet ─ ─ 'Just call me, be happy!'

Gemini constellation symbol is according to two people gazing into each other each other, echoed the attitude of the design, it symbolizes the means of communication.

Gemini has spread and acting talent, also has a good ability on language ability.In groups, Gemini will because speech good, social shrewdness, and easy to become a man, 'see people speaking people, heck said nonsense' is their unique talents.Gemini has nature of diplomat, has elegant conversation skills, strong affinity and to cope with the situation, can be in and out of each other's secret between, but still no trace.

Curiosity is strong, beer and skittles, or entertainment gossip, social news, affairs of state, has everything, interested in everything, especially for popular fresh things, will never let go, is the standard to troubled stablehand who want to know where to have fun, enjoy delicious, good information, they must find right.Chat with a Gemini is a big enjoyment, because they often have a research on anything small, particularly interesting topic, when chatting plus wit wacky reaction, for someone to chat with them to listen to with relish.

Because there is inherent wisdom, often in a short period of time are familiar with the rules of the game, so easy to keep everything just three minutes heat, tried or playing tired, began looking for the next goal, constant pursuit of forward, thus a lot of people the impression of Gemini is frivolous, not steadfast.In addition, no patience is also a big Achilles' heel Gemini, nothing can touch on a bit, but cannot perserve, cannot taste the sweet fruit.

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