The most worthy constellation Gemini girls boys


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

The tacit understanding to each other.

Fire sign Aries and wind sign Gemini, you are optimistic, Aries and Gemini, enthusiasm always open the floodgates.Due to the attitude and way of life is very close, and changeable Gemini combination of impulsive ram more add fun.This union, bi children ram would be more appropriate.Because there is no a Gemini sharp ram head, if it is Aries men met Gemini women, you will be her a love-hate relationship.Once catch up, the ram and be careful not to let his male chauvinism, too oppressed her, she will have an affair at any time.

Sex lives, an impulse to a greedy fresh, is a combination of good oh.But ram is sometimes strange Gemini is not enough.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Basically, there is no way to adapt to Taurus Gemini that "no moment can stop character," although everyone in the process of communication, will bring a lot of fun, Taurus Gemini but get along with long, Taurus tends to keep pace with Gemini.Gemini again for Taurus that a silent stable way of life was boring.Two people to walk together, people have to pay a lot.On the other hand must pay attention to is that strong sexual need, Taurus can sometimes make Gemini have demands too much feeling.

  Gemini: Gemini

Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Article two children touch together, must be nice to have a good time, how can the world may have such a pair of, is touched have already thought idea act the same, you have said not over of topic title, daily fresh?!This is a combination of Gemini.

This combination is not perfect, of course, each other too little temperament, natural opportunities for dispute also increases, all is the business of sesame green beans, although not in the heart, but unavoidably affect feelings, and everyone likes to play some smart, deception, irresponsible is your strengths, but this time meet through you that a set of completely, the tail to move, the other party has to know what the hell are you doing, is really not enough.

Sex is also very harmonious, because everyone is greedy for fresh, willing to try, also considerate of each other's behavior.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

In fact, Gemini, and you fall in love, only "talk" mentality, who know the ride was found very talk.Gemini that an attitude, laughing a cancer quite gentle heart.Strike up a conversation very casually, then sat together, togetherHave a mealAnd pay together, this process, it is the picture of Gemini &cancer met and fell in love, but after eating the meal again how is the problem you face, this a happy maybe will become the future of sorrow.

Because everyone's outlook on life is different, the twin use rational look at love, cancer with perceptual, get along with, after a disagreement, conflict with sensitive cancer will try to grasp very outgoing Gemini, but excessive force, pliers hurt him, would go Gemini, pay attention to, cancer like to stay at home, but you will feel like at homeGo to jail

Sexually, Gemini is completely controlled by the psychological desire, but this particular about atmosphere at that time, the tacit understanding is not enough oh ~

Good friend you absolutely no problem, do couples want to rely on luck!!!!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Was born of a couple, or how to see all the incomparable couple.

Because you are a heart person is the life, not willing to stay in a level, even if the inner thoughts is different, but the pace is consistent, can be together for a long time.Although Gemini changeable, but in the face of the Leo swagger, naturally will convergence, Leo can also use a optimistic heart to tolerance that a fickle Gemini greedy fresh features, knowing that their nature so, than to put up a deliberately.

In terms of sex, changeable desire of Gemini sometimes make Leo very confused, whether I have a problem?In fact as long as you take your love with all my heart, can crack this fake Gemini cold feeling.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

If you aren't often meet, chat, only occasionally so you can be good friends, because everybody have an instinct to "gossip", can exchange, may be attracted to each other.But once to live together, become the enemy immediately.

Think of it, a volatile, anticlimactic, a picky, everything tolerate no flaws, how to get along with?Gemini play around that kind of attitude, will grieve small caliber of virgo, on the money attitude, Gemini constantly spend money on the behavior of fresh meaningless things, often cause stingy predatory virgo.

The same reason, at the beginning of love, everyone's sex appeal is very strong, but once the habit for a long time, great may feel offended his Gemini, virgo cooled, under such circumstances, said Gemini will you leave?!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Of a Prefect!!!!!!Everyone is sign wind, all is love, fresh, feel like old friends meet early have feeling, and on the surface of the instant love mentality, often process hit it off, soon has been talking about love.Get down this is a bit like, unlike life attitude, make you always keep fresh, not too fierce, but it's not flat, is really a good partner, who and who not to lead, is an interactive relationship.

In the aspect of sex is also full of fantasy couple, make variable of Gemini, libra sexy romance from time to time have a new upsurge, not only on the sex, even between words can make people have sexual pleasure.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

If you together, in fact is equal to two group of players together international marathons, see who first give up!Because you two have absolutely nothing in common, thoughts and actions can be thousands of miles, initially, Gemini will be attracted by Scorpio this passion with mysterious, but a get along, you'll find the mystery of Scorpio is actually he pack up his mood, do not come out, what to say what of you, equal to look at a black and white and silent film, impressive!And you associate more with a friend, his jealousy and appear, every time, if not, just look in the eyes to make you have pressure.Scorpio opposite in attracted by the charm of this kind of flexible clever Gemini, after will feel very Cool to him quite selfish, not what you need, and you are using a set of method, can only forced him to go faster.

And you in a sexual relationship is influenced by external factors, good mood is doing good, of course.Once fight, often become the means of turning a week, bargaining, processing not good, sometimes may lead to violence and addicted to anesthesia in Scorpio, like alcohol, tobacco and so on.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

You are a 180 - degree diagonal to the palace of constellation, so there are only two possible together, very extreme good or very bad extremes.

Gemini, and Sagittarius is faced with the problem of first, the couple alone time together is too little, everyone is outgoing, and many friends, hobby, more dominant which have the opportunity to enjoy the "two people" world?Just in the beginning, the Gemini think Sagittarius people chat very well, and there is a way, straightforward not bothersome, they do not have the benefits of, if he have qi, as the recruit and Sagittarius.But for a long time to get along with down, face off, trouble will come.Happen in the middle of the love, is another new sweetheart everyone, anytime and anywhere is a more than four relations, began to hate each other as well as advantages disadvantages.

Coordinate and not depressing sex life, but the most strange is that if the other party have a one night stand will confess that, partner also won't be so, very open, strange enough!

  Gemini: Capricorn

Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

To the full time to adapt to a couple of each other.If you are male, Gemini is also good, if on the contrary, are in trouble, must refueling oh.Because male Capricorn can help Gemini on in real life, and, after a decided that she rarely change after a family can economically more Gemini mucking about forced change of habits, living with protection in the future.Gemini's instead of man, a lot of trouble, Capricorn girl all over the world is that they can't stand his friend and the attitude of the flower heart, Gemini can't stand this nagging wife, just don't go home.Which might get more wrong with Capricorn, product ever deeper contradictions.

Same situation also occurred in terms of sex, Capricorn people for other external factors, like work, unable to concentrate to the pleasure of sex, to see sex as a great thing to Gemini, certainly don't Enjoy.

You'll spend a few trying to understand and adapt to each other!!!!!!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

And a pair of lovers very much.Because everyone is wind sign, change is very big, feel very similar.So get to know each other at the beginning of, it is easy to "electricity" to each other, rapid fall in love, everyone could not fly your palm.You have such a free natural open open-minded attitude, more handsome than general lovers talking about love, not love into their pressure, they are not happy life circle and broad, is really what all need not worry, the relationship between two people is so close and so far, somewhere between friendship and love, what all speak out, there will be no overnight.

Such combination is good for, but there may be times when everyone is too busy to ignore each other, can save one point two people time and space for everybody.

In terms of sex, not too seriously, because there are so many other interests you to play, and you will be on the spiritual communication, more have no interest in sex has no time to discuss.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Not very tacit understanding, because everyone is different, and there are many character and ups and downs of mood, in addition to the beginning of may, because of sex appeal, be charmed in the long run, it is difficult to into each other's strange world, more and more want to be free from each other.So after you begin to fall in love, must change yourself for each other, at least everybody don't it is today, tomorrow, changing.Have the determination to have a future.Also be careful, for their own interests, Gemini always talk big, Pisces will desire to please each other and talk big, cheat to cheat, can really?

In terms of sex, everybody cooperation degree is very high, so often start from this a relationship, you will be interested in trying some strange way, absolutely "level 3" field research together, a certain extent, Pisces have a tendency to abuse.

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