Virgo man most constellations

The following by/astro/Sort out for youvirgoThe boy withThe zodiacThe index, everyone see index will know who is the most with the constellation virgo man.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Aries(girl)

  Auo index: 7.3Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 37, 63

The combination of both of you like wang2 ren2 just with JiQin, is a typical love-hate type.

Initially she was attracted by your careful, she want to be so considerate and thoughtful for you mind and admit defeat, and you have also been active conquered her passion.Once you fall in love, she will be hard to endure you haggle over every ounce, mother-in-law mother, even some of vitriolic character, and you will be careless about her, don't hate to gnash behave, your chances to quarrel with.After entering the marriage state, if both of us can't adjust their thinking, and the argument will speed up the frequency, more transposition thinking, good at understanding each other's good, to make love.Second, you need to earn more, they have the opportunity to enjoy together.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Taurus(girl)

  Auo index: 9.5Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 10Affection index: 10

  The dominant proportion: 46:54

Your portfolio is similar to the mix ghosts "ning mining minister and can, is almost a match made in heaven immortal couple.

Close to you similar concept, life attitude, like plain and stable life, both sides therefore together easily.In love, and you get along very well, she'll be behind you silently support you, for you, the more difficult the more communication, you two feelings to thrive in the stable.Although you collocation index is full marks, but does not rule out you don't have any contradiction.After marriage, if can make allowance for each other mutual respect, allows you to upgrade preservation of the emotion.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Gemini(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 6.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 44:56

The combination of the two of you like Nicholas tse and Cecilia cheung, is the typical "attract lightning".

You are both sensitive and intellectual, your intellectual mind easy to attract her attention and appreciation, and her absorption speed and breadth of knowledge, is to win your favor, you quickly are attracted to each other easily.First fall in love you will cooperate with the tacit understanding, but with the deepening understanding of each other, the two sides of personality differences show it, your relationship will enter the phase of unstable.Her character is changeable, you meticulous care, she just wanted to become a master of communication, and what you want to never leave the practical problem.After entering marriage, want to live together for a long time, you have to do more tolerance, less fussy, be less criticism and twitter to each other, more tolerance and understanding.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.cancer(girl)

  Auo index: 9.5Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 61-39

The collocation of the two of you like giulio?Cesar and suzanne, belongs to the "mutual affinity".

Love at first sight is not suitable for you, you often from slowly evolving into a couple of friends, empathy to each other, and let your attraction.Once in love, you are very loyal to each other, your relationship will be very stable, the longer the relationship, the more sweet.Get along, you always require perfect, hope everything in accordance with the principle and robin, usually self requirements are very high, this conscientiously, smooth like the same things with her, so you're almost there are few.After marriage, your life will be more happy fullness, but because the two of you are introverted personality, sensitive, so be careful after marriage to make a mountain out of a molehill, easy to argue, is best to each other more tolerant, more trust.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Leo(girl)

  Auo index: 7.8Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 6.8Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 35, 65

You two are like "Titanic" jack and rose, belong to "love at first sight".

Her noble self-confidence and your delicate soft, you two are very easy to fall in love at first sight.After the call, your relationship needs to constantly break-in, deepen in the running-in adaptation of each other's way of life, because of your behavior, a highly effective, a slow suspicious.Get along for a long time, will think she is too open and conceited, make you grumbled;And she will find you like criticism, is still very picky, this makes her very can't stand it.After marriage, to avoid this problem, you should give her enough face on any occasion, don't save your applause;She was born in front of the tent of the star of the show, as long as you don't face to face to her embarrassment, she was afraid of you beyond her;If she can converge some, of course, you will appreciate her more.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Virgo (girl)

  Auo index: 8.5Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 10

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

You both like tian liang and father, belong to "inseparable".

You both have the similar personality, each other more to see more pleasing to the eye, it is easy to like his shadow that familiar each other deeply attracted.Although each other love each other, but you who are not willing to take the initiative to vindicate, progress will be slow, love affair is relatively stable.When dealing with both of you like honest, understanding, serious work of the opposite sex, each other feel together after, very right.To get marriedLater, because the two of you are very care about the feelings of others and to self perfect requirements, will be a bit hard, you easy to wishful thinking that the other party also have the same feeling with you, if not will be very upset.Love each other, should try to draw on each other, give each other a little more appreciation, will sure and you both love and less picky, to create a more warm sweet life.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.libra(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 8Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 42:58

Do you like the new the white niang son legend "the xu xian and the lady bai, typical of the" sweet ".

She easily attracted by your intellectual and honest, and you was charmed by her artistic breath, you are like a magnet, attract each other.Once the call, you will have untold sweet words to each other, love is like cotton candy slowly melt in the mouth.When dealing with the type of person, you are both think it's easy to argue on a problem or point of view, argued, you little self-effacing each other, your perfect picky makes her very annoyed.If do not pay attention to adjust the relationship models, after marriage family, you are likely to cause a quarrel, so more tolerance when necessary, a rare confused.And you should be less over-pursue perfection, more considerate of her, if she didn't argue with you too much, also don't want to too much, you are sincerely treat each other, then your marriage will be very happy.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Scorpio(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 8.5

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 58:42

You two are like zhao hongbo and shen xue, belong to "tightly solid type".

You similar personalities complement each other at the same time, the steadfast work and devoted to you with a common life purpose, diligent and careful you let her fascinated, her mysterious, wisdom, attract you, each other very decree by destiny.Once you hand in hand, because of love each other and specificity, your relationship stable and orderly manner, rely on each other.When dealing with the unhappy things, you will appear in the oral, and she used to protests in inner, you will appear communication barriers.After marriage, want more time to each other, understand each other most real ideas, you'd better to restrain the bad habit of twitter, and if she has any idea can timely express with her, you love will more stable.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Sagittarius(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 38:62

You like xue-bing wang and sun, a typical "possessed".

You gentle and rigorous introverted, but her enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, meet, because personality is complementary to each other you easily attracted to each other.But usually you love belongs to three minutes heat, the concept of each other the cause of the gap is too big, want to make love also need to work on.Fall in love, the pursuit of perfection, you always like to selective, once love, just ask for to you is single-minded, and she loves freedom, unrestrained, it is difficult to let her to your tree and give up the whole forest, she felt a sudden excitement and adventure, make life more enjoyable, will further expand the gap between you.Once life hand in hand, you both need to cooperate with each other, you should be more caring her and give her some more space and freedom, if only she can understanding some, let you trust in her adventure, and your marriage will be happy for a long time.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Capricorn (girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 10Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 41:59

You two are like a hurtle the fox with term the ying ying, belong to "break".

You two are not romantic type, but can be found in composed of actual reality in common.Although you two do not belong to the type of that kind of love at first sight, but with the deepening mutual understanding and feelings between you will gradually transition from friendship to love, and with the extension of time, and the relationship more stable and strong.When dealing with your thoughtful for her is the most attractive;You will feel her careful steady, all things considered, and has the ideal, let you feel the steadfast, have safe feeling, you can feel each other is each other to discuss work and the future partner in life, even if the two of you silent, also can feel each other's mood by intuition, have an affinity for each other.After life hand in hand, your marriage will be very happy.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Aquarius:(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 39:61

You like butterfly lovers, the typical "blow your mind".

When you first met seems to have said not over of topic, also feel happy to each other;You will be attracted by her creativity, and she will appreciate your wisdom, your attraction to each other.After the call, when the original relationship of newness fades, due to the different outlook on life and values, you love will be cool.For a long time to get along with, you intellectual, calm, to the thing always embrace the attitude of the analysis and research.And her curiosity, full of pioneering spirit, good at reasoning, ideological gap let you gradually alienated from each other, she even simply play missing, and you will be to her.After your work life possibility is very small, to establish a family, if the two of you really want to together, you will know more about her, don't give her too much pressure, she should also give you a little heart of points, so the two of you still can see a better future.

  Virgo (boys)V.S.Pisces(girl)

  Auo index: 8Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 8

  Dominant proportion: 65-35

You like in the home of attraction Gao Wenyan with Lin Pin such as, the typical "attraction are repellent type".

You seriously, demanding perfection, and her intuition, love fantasy, seems to be two different type, is easy to produce a strong appeal.In love, your relationship is expected to gradually deepen understanding for each other, but also easy to produce some misunderstanding and contradiction.Really get along, you will hate her wasted and loose, and she also can't stand your serious rigid.After getting married, you will be because the personality doesn't misunderstand between deepened, this needs you two love each other, calmly face each other, good at learning the advantages of each other, make up for my own shortcomings, you should appreciate her more artistic temperament, don't be too real prick her dream, however, if she also attentively to you, do it, you can eliminate the gap.

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