Libra men most constellations

The following by/astro/Sort out for youlibraThe boy withThe zodiacThe index, everyone see index will know who is the most with the constellation libra boy.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Aries(girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 44:56

The combined similar sun haiying and lu you, is an outstanding representative from each type.

According to the views of astrology, you are two completely opposite person personality, but because of this, you can easily produce the feeling of a magnet, deeply attracted.You are deeply attracted by her bright and cheerful, and she was conquered by your intelligent, witty.This kind of character completely complementary, let you feel short time relationship fresh and perfect.After marriage, you will build the sweet home for her, she will admire your good taste, but get along for a long time, the two sides will expand each other's shortcomings, so as to produce the feeling of alienation, only more communication can eliminate the cracks in the distance.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Taurus(girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 54:46

You collocation is obvious Yin flourishes while Yang declines, a bit like a soup with Barbara yung town industry.

Her careful and comprehensive restraint coincided with your positive, concocted the flavor of love, common aesthetic taste to attract you to each other.Complementary relationship, personality makes you appreciate each other each other, love is easy to heat rapidly.But in love, love you of communication will continue to follow the new women friendship-type exchanges, the possessive of her very angry, may affect her confidence for the future of feelings!To get marriedLater, your life will be for both sides of the harmonic and become colorful, but in order to avoid the problem of personality differences, you still need to be more tolerant and open-minded.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Gemini(girl)

  Auo index: 9.5Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 9.8Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 52:48

The combination of the two of you like liu geng hong and some changes are made.

Both belong to the wind to sign your way of thinking and behavior habits of close to, to have a common interest in new things, it is easy to hit it off.Once the call, your relationship is very harmonious, you appreciate her intellectual agility, she also often moved by gentleman of your feelings, you although not very sticky together each other, but they live very happy relaxed.When dealing with many idea coincides with mine, you show very tacit understanding.After marriage, you will have a happy marriage, when a small conflict each other, you can usually quickly reached a consensus.But because both of you is love to play, used to the life freedom, marriage must be convergent this playful personality, more time with their children, more time for each other.

  Libra (boys)V.S.cancer(girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 6.8Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 68-32

You two as "goddess marriage" dong yong and hand-woven cloth, belong to "by default".

In the beginning, you are attracted to each other's a look that kind of tacit understanding of mind guide you together.In love, you naturally superior aesthetic, in her love and sensitive, will be more creative, dexterity, and she also appreciate your first you will feel very congenial.But after you hand in hand, a long period of time is too much for her doubts sweat will make you, and you also can give her impetuous unstable bad impression, the two sides quarrel constantly.After marriage, if do not pay attention to adjust the mood, it is hard to together, love she go to school on the concentration, give us some more time at home with her, gave her full sense of security.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Leo(girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 8.5

  Marriage index: 8Affection index: 7

  The dominant proportion: 43:57

Do you like li yapeng and faye wong, the typical "safflower greenery" type.

You both love lively, like to participate in group activities, values and attitude towards life, deeply attracted to each other easily.Once in hand, you will quickly into a relationship, moving in tandem, emotional temperature.In love, you appreciate each other, one is the best life stage star, one is the most with the audience, you will be on lining safflower leaves play, a long period of time, you will be because of a disagreement appear dispute, her swagger that makes you uncomfortable, sometimes unreasonable, and she for you this kind of "soft skin snake" behavior is more dismissive.After a family, the problem is most easily pass the buck to each other, you accused me of not, I don't think you are right, if you can do the best staff, the leisure activities you love to share with her, more show you really love, but she can put down the love a little face, more sweet words, you two can bring out the best in each other, and sweet life.

  Libra (boys)V.S.virgo(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 8Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 58:42

You like Lin Dan and xie xingfang, the typical "sweet".

You are easy to be attracted to her intellectual and honest, and she was charmed by your artistic breath, you are like a magnet, attract each other.Once the call, you will have untold sweet words to each other, love is like cotton candy slowly melt in the mouth.When dealing with the type of person, you are both think it's easy to argue on a problem or point of view, argued, you little self-effacing each other, her perfect picky also make you very angry.If do not pay attention to adjust the relationship models, after marriage family, you are likely to cause a quarrel, so more tolerance when necessary, a rare confused.You don't want to argue with her too much, also do not think too much, as long as you honesty to her, she will give you space and freedom, not tied to you.But if she can not over-pursue perfection, more considerate of you, your marriage will be very happy.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Libra (girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

You two are like a lam and Sally, is a typical "beauties".

You will feel when he first met the thoughts and actions of both sides is very close, and is full of vitality, so it is easy to attract each other.Hand in hand, you dating together will be very happy, love is also very sweet.Get along, you two are on values and ideas are consistent, easy to communicate, and when it comes to go, it seems to others you very match, but if the life experience of your before with a larger difference, you need to for some time to get up to speed, so that will resonate.After a family, if you don't pay attention to understanding each other, you will be difficult to resist the "eye", barriers between two people live together, mutual tolerance a few, do not put himself on the high position.Both of you like perfect, then look at each other flash more quality, can get along more harmonious.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Scorpio(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 65-35

You two are like han emperor and zhao swallow, belong to "attraction".

You are attracted by her mysterious charm, and she also to you have a desire to conquer, so each other to attract each other each other.After the call, you fall in love quickly, but since you each other's thinking mode and style of doing things wide disparity, love staying power is not enough, need in each other in development.Once get along for a long time, you will be her them without passion breath, want to go, she drove you tight, on the contrary, she also has an aversion to you this kind of strays.Once the composite family, if you don't pay attention to communicate with each other, she probably because bitterness too deep, one day break into a furious rage, and you will therefore away to her.Two people get along with, she should mind let go of some, but you should also be convergence good attitude for everyone, especially to the opposite sex.After marriage, you both the best don't blow your mind due to surface attraction, want to go for long, will be let nature take its course, is good for you to get to know each other well.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Sagittarius(girl)

  Auo index: 10Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 45:55

You two are like Roger kwok and although ou qianyi, is a typical "click".

You are fun, freedom, along with the gender of the person you like, because each other common interests and the feeling of resonance.After each other with affection, you will quickly in hand, love in the ear of potential development, romantic and exciting.When dealing with her optimistic open-minded, informal, charming in your eyes;And your cool, she also very appreciate, you appreciate each other, and at the same time, all of you love freedom, together to give each other enough private space, can effectively preservation for love.After marriage, do you feel happy each other, the marriage harmony happiness, if want to plus for your relationship, the lasting development, still have to jointly establish a sense of responsibility, use your intelligence.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Capricorn (girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 48:52

The two of you is like a fan li and xi shi, belong to "suddenly calls" type.

Meet both of you will be attracted to each other on different characteristics, it is easy to call, but it is not appreciate each other, to go to need you to try each other together.Once you determine the other half of each other's heart, your relationship will be very steady progress, both sides like seamlessly.When dealing with your personality is complementary to each other, mutual appreciation, you like her prudent taste elegant manners and inside collect, she is natural to you weeks turning in a social situation, play hard to get to the sentiment, let a person elusive and admired.After marriage, you match tacit understanding, as you clever ideas and broad social circle, you have a colorful life, at the same time her poise and balance your flirtatious, her apparent sense of responsibility to your family more stable and harmonious, cherish this rare chance.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Aquarius:(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9.3Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 47:53

You two are like yuelun wang and li xiang, is a typical "linking".

With you is a sign of wind, the outlook on life, values and behavior patterns are very similar to each other, easy to resonate with you, when you just met, is deeply know each other is the partner of their dreams.Love sweet continuously upgrade, but also is easy to get into a circle, love ups and downs is bigger, for a while very conjugal love, for a while and become strangers, compound after love is sweet like honey.When dealing with each other easily, can constantly formed in the interaction of the tacit understanding, especially after the real communication can give each other a lot of space, and harmonious and smooth on both sides, not alienation.After a family, if you can take time to spend with friends to save some to care about each other, then you will likely pick for best husband and wife.

  Libra (boys)V.S.Pisces(girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 71:29

You two are like cha inpyo and alex, belong to "creative type" romance.

You two are on the surface is very mild, and are not very stable, are the two different world, you two are easy to be loved, love and it is easy to fall in love with someone else.Once fell in love with each other, your love is very sweet, very romantic, full of infinite creativity.Get along, you are not enough active, you will be her mood volatile gas as hell, and she also can abandon you always hesitated to hesitate, you full of unstable factors together.Married, she will be very hard to cooperate with you, accommodate you, and you don't understand her heart, often in the outside social let her very insecure, if both sides do not pay attention to each other to change behavior, the contradiction between you will be in one day in a burst of the destructive power of nuclear bullets.The two of you should be more communication, also it is not hard to overcome the inherent differences, more standing in each other's position to consider problem, so it's not hard to walk to a.

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