Cancer boys the most with signs

The following by/astro/Sort out for youcancerThe boy withThe zodiacThe index, everyone see index will know who is the most match constellation cancer boys.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Aries(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6.2Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 27:73

Your portfolio is similar to "slamdunk" Slam Dunk and red wood haruko, belongs to the endurance test type.

She is outgoing forthright and sincere, inside collect implicit you, you two go together really work.The pace of your relationship once established, coordination is important, she is a always determines the goals will be dashed forward, and you are used to escape from a problem, mind sensitive and delicate, it's easy for some small problems intertwined.Especially after entering the marriage state, if communication is not timely, you can easily have the cold war, in fact, you don't get too emotional, tolerant, give each other a little more freedom and space, let her play something, you will feel her sincere love.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Taurus(girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 8.5

  Marriage index: 8.2Affection index: 8.5

  The dominant proportion: 35, 65

Your portfolio is like Wang Ban and cao, belong to two of a kind.

Character is close to you, belong to the peace, a girl, all attach importance to family life, it is easy to produce the spark of love.Once the love, you'll love, that kind of like rock loyal love say is your love.However, because both of you are more introverted, always like to hide in the heart and not show, so it is easy to produce misunderstanding, properly express themselves contribute to both sides of the communication.After entering marriage, because you love too deep, and all stuffy in the heart, easy to cause the other party's jealousy, if processes is not good, it's easy to let the other side were injured, why don't you learn from your Aries people sincerely to each other, they love to say exports, also want to in the communication solution.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Gemini(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 33, 67

The combination of the two of you are like Jordan chan and ying CAI er, belong to the "good".

She is outgoing and mercurial within your sensitive, it feels a little, but because of your horoscope adjacent location, with a wonderful induction.Your love in general can be started from the initial strike up a conversation, you will be informed her, keen-witted intellectual style, and she is also very perceptual and appreciate your patience.But to get along with a long, you will be happy for her new changeable communication view, and she will slowly feel your sensitive suspicious restrict her freedom, for she is a deadly bound.After marriage, if not timely adjust mood, change behavior, two people's feelings are easy to be sweet cream.In fact, you should let go of some, love she let her be yourself, love you believe her, support her about her favorite way of life.If she can feel your love, at ordinary times more time to accompany you, then you will be very loving.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Cancer (girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

The combination of the two of you like articles and horse, t shirt, is a typical "dependent match" type.

You two are personality, values are very similar, it is easy to be attracted to each other.Once in love, you will be together like old friends, because you are belong to the idea of exquisite, sensitive.However, two people are too sensitive, can also cause negative effect, easy for little things make both unhappy, at the same time the two of you are the type that occupy the home, when activity may be limited to a small range, the passage of time will make both sides are bored.After marriage, you'd better contact with the outside world, atmosphere is very important, at the same time, don't put those past years out and grasp.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Leo(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 8Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 26:74

You like a prince Charles and camilla, is "may".

You reserved wen wan and her high enthusiasm, first meeting between you will flash a bright light.After falling in love, you often were attracted to each other, she usually looks arrogant, but lonely heart, and your mind is exquisite, is easy to realize, at the same time you kind consideration can also help her majesty's armed, to take breath.But for a long time to get along with, because your character is different, will still have a dispute, and she can to save face, never lower the head, you do not say, although the surface has been taken.After marriage, there are things you still admitted to communicate with her, don't say she is not on many occasions, give her enough face, you will be able to form a happy family.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.virgo(girl)

  Auo index: 9.5Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 39:61

The collocation of the two of you like James Chen and angel, belong to the "mutual affinity".

Love at first sight is not suitable for you, you often from slowly evolving into a couple of friends, empathy to each other, and let your attraction.Once in love, you are very loyal to each other, your relationship will be very stable, the longer the relationship, the more sweet.Get along, she always require perfect, hope everything in accordance with the principle and robin, usually self requirements are very high, this conscientiously, smooth like the same things with you, so you're almost there are few.After marriage, your life will be more happy fullness, but because the two of you are introverted personality, sensitive, so be careful after marriage to make a mountain out of a molehill, easy to argue, is best to each other more tolerant, more trust.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.libra(girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 6.8Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 32:68

You two are like wang and barbie hsu, belong to "by default".

In the beginning, you are attracted to each other's a look that kind of tacit understanding of mind guide you together.After love, she naturally superior aesthetic, in your love and sensitive, will be more creative, and you also admire her tactfulness, at first you will feel very congenial.But after you hand in hand, a long period of time you doubt sweat can let her impatience, and she will give you blundering unstable bad impression, the two sides quarrel constantly.After marriage, if do not pay attention to adjust the mood, it is hard to together, love she learn to let go of point, don't repeatedly all the day, every day to see her face.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Scorpio(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 10Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 47:53

You two are like bush and Laura and belong to the "next".

The mind of the exquisite psychology, affectionate, creates the impression of very congenial, is for you to meet bosom friend pity the tacit understanding, along with the further exchanges and more powerful.In love, her love and you need a safe congenial personality, her enthusiasm romance can definitely meet your demand, fill your heart, your loyalty and love to get her trust completely.You will have a sense of empathy, two people relaxed and happy together, love is sweet for a long time.After entering marriage, also you love happiness, envy others' good couples.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Sagittarius(girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 28, 72

You two are like Tony leung and carina lau, belong to "bread lovers".

One of you are from Mars, one from mercury, personality is exactly the opposite, but there is a mysterious attraction each other's eyes.Once in hand, and your relationship in a short period of time also is very sweet, a long time, "rainy" relationship will be.Get along with long, her "haunt" let you hard to digest, your guess suspicious let her dislike, many of the cold war will happen between you.To get marriedLater, you probably because each other differences in personality, "eye", the two sides to fewer and fewer ideas in common love each other is to find a way to develop your common hobbies and interests, have a common language, will shorten the distance between you.At the same time, to develop their own career, wait to have a solid material foundation, then slowly cultivate your tacit understanding.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Capricorn (girl)

  Auo index: 8Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 6

  Dominant proportion: 30, 70

You two are like rochester and Jane in Jane eyre?Love, the typical "mutual trust".

You are all very introverted, but when the initial there will be a kind of heart tacit understanding, each other is attracted to each other.In love, she fascinated for your thoughtful, considerate, and you also tough for her majesty and careful steady personality feel safe, you mind attraction to each other, depend on each other.Get along for a long time, you will square serious poker face and antipathy to her, and she will also puzzling repeatedly for you.After marriage, want to let her change, you can gently remind her, at the same time also should pay attention to keep more communication with her, don't always hidden in the heart, such a small problem can be expanded.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Aquarius:(girl)

  Auo index: 8Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 7

  Dominant proportion: 29:71

You two combinations like Kenneth fok and guo jingjing, belong to "friendship sublimation type".

Your thinking and attitude to life is very different, she rational objective and subjective, emotional in person is very difficult to call.But ray contacts for a long time, let you attract each other, you are expected to rise from the friendship into love.Get along for a long time, because you are too different values, she says you are a stubborn lover, and you will feel her some idea is simply a fable, easily don't spoke to each other, between you drift away.After marriage, really love each other, you should make yourself calm, rational, emotional convergence.She also need to put your own "cool", to learn to you "as the first" attitude, in this way can marriage stable.

  Cancer (boys)V.S.Pisces(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 9.5

  The dominant proportion: 54:46

You two are like wei pang and dooley, belong to "romantic touching type".

You two each other congenial personality, lifestyle, it is easy to produce the feeling of love at first sight.After falling in love, you are very romantic couple, both of you are loving, likes to help and care for others, love is more and more strong.When dealing with her gentle humility, like a sponge absorbs you wronged, share your deep chocolate fine gentle state of mind.Married, your life is very conjugal love, cherish love each other, but the two of you thanks to the warm, with is the perceptual easy to emotional, so, you should be more considerate each other, at the same time you also can stimulate her artistic talent appropriately, give her spiritual support, both of your marriage will be very perfect.

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