Pisces girls most constellations

The following by/astro/Sort out for youPiscesThe girl withThe zodiacThe index, everyone will know who is the most with Pisces girls see index sign.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Aries(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7.4Affection index: 8

  Dominant proportion: 24:76

Your portfolio as Zhang Danlou and Vincent zhao, belongs to the mutual infiltration.

Although the thought character of both contrast is great, but the complementary character makes you attracted to each other.Early love he will be captured by your delicate sentimental, you will be attracted by his passion vigor.But for a long time, he will abandon you emotional, sentimental, and you it's hard to put up with his outspoken, the contradiction between you deepen therefrom.After marriage, it is fair to treat each other, and that the course of true love can go further!If he can converge some wayward personality, leading you into his spiritual realm, let you feel his splendid dream, plus your romantic, the most can cause the two of you in the spiritual resonance.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Taurus(boy)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 9.5Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 32:68

You two are like Christine fan and Chen, complement is a typical shape.

His steadfast steady, sentimental, your emotional advantage can compensate for his too materialistic vacancy of the senses, but you can watch his steady, dependable performance, avoid blurred dream ills, personality, supplement each other make you easy to produce the spark of love.Once fell in love, you will have a xinxin pity, warm and sweet feeling.In love, you will put all the tender feelings without reservation dedicated to him, and he will be very enjoy total control the lover's possessiveness, relationship with the extension of time more fragrant sweet.To get marriedAfter your marriage happiness, envy is others, but still need to strengthen communication, to prevent the spread of extreme emotion.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Gemini(boy)

  Auo index: 6.5Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 8

  Dominant proportion: 30, 70

Your portfolio as yuan-yuan zhu and XinBaiQing, belong to "free variant".

Initially, you will be attracted by his witty intelligent, and he will be touched by your gentle, your good understanding of each other.Once in love, you heart each other's expectations to reduce gradually, love desperate.Get along for a long time, you will be for each other's life circle is different, different life attitude produce a lot of contradictions, in his eyes you are a not confident, no definite view, emotional fragile people, and you deny his good points, think he fickle indefiniteness, easy virtue.After marriage, if you want to go on for a long time, you still have to work to strengthen communication, take out the sincerity of each other, do not deceive one another.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.cancer(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 9.5

  The dominant proportion: 46:54

You two are like du wei pang, belong to "romantic touching type".

You two each other congenial personality, lifestyle, it is easy to produce the feeling of love at first sight.After falling in love, you are very romantic couple, both of you are loving, likes to help and care for others, love is more and more strong.When dealing with your gentle humility, like a sponge absorbs his grievance, share his deep chocolate fine gentle state of mind.After marriage, you very conjugal love life, cherish love each other, but the two of you thanks to the warm, with is the perceptual easy to emotional, so, you should be more thoughtful of him, let him feel your love, and he can also stimulate your artistic talent, appropriate to give you moral support, both of your marriage will be very perfect.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Leo(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 7

  Dominant proportion: 23:77

You are similar to yi and yu, belong to "tie".

His masculine you warm and gentle, the person that may be different to attract each other.Once the call, he will be strong love offensive to you, and you answer him softly, your relationship is very sweet.But get along for a long time you will find that the two person's personality is not in tune, disconnect the pace of life, his aggressive behavior will make you more and more feel the pressure for warmth and try to escape the feelings, and everything you do to him in accordance with the behavior, also will let him feel you are in a perfunctory, hurt his self-respect.If you form a couple, both sides without change, you will become a MianHeXinBuHe, the gap between each other more and more big, the two of you in one piece, you should learn to face the problem, not escape, and he was not too strong.Each other by heart, to reduce the distance of the two of you.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.virgo(boy)

  Auo index: 8Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 35, 65

You like in the home of attraction Lin Pin with Gao Wenyan, typical "attraction are repellent type".

He earnestly, requirements and perfect, and you love fantasy, intuition, seems to be two different type, is easy to produce a strong appeal.In love, your relationship is expected to gradually deepen understanding for each other, but also easy to produce some misunderstanding and contradiction.Really get along with, he will hate you spend and loose, and you also can't stand his serious rigid.After getting married, you will be because the personality doesn't misunderstand between deepened, this needs you two love each other, calmly face each other, good at learning the advantages of each other, make up for a lack of their own, and you are set to him attentively, do, and if he can appreciate your artistic temperament, don't be too real prick your dream, you can eliminate the gap.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.libra(boy)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 29:71

You two are like alex and cha inpyo, belong to "creative type" romance.

You two are on the surface is very mild, and are not very stable, are the two different world, you two are easy to be loved, love and it is easy to fall in love with someone else.Once fell in love with each other, your love is very sweet, very romantic, full of infinite creativity.Get along, you are not enough active, he will be your ups and downs of emotion was so angry to death, and you will abandon all things that he hesitated to hesitate, you full of unstable factors together.After marriage, love him, you will be very hard with him, him, and he does not understand your heart, and often in the outside social let you very insecure, if both sides do not pay attention to each other to change behavior, the contradiction between you will be in one day in a burst of the destructive power of nuclear bullets.The two of you should be more communication, also it is not hard to overcome the inherent differences, more standing in each other's position to consider problem, so it's not hard to walk to a.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Scorpio(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9.8Affection index: 10

  The dominant proportion: 43:57

You two are like snow and Chen yufan, belong to "chemistry tacit understanding".

You belong to the water sign, sensitive, gentle, loving heart, don't need too much body language, sometimes a knowing look in the eyes, will achieve empathy.Once had a crush each other, your relationship will be like fireworks, bright and charming.Get along, you attract each other, there is a kind of inner peace and sweet, gentle personality and natural rich fantasy and imagination and without my spirit, it is devoted and possessive he want;Bad and you refuse, every moderate, is advocating his calm attitude towards life.Life hand in hand, even though you two are the collocation of the tacit understanding, but still want to note that you should strengthen their own psychological endurance, and he should be more considerate and support you, if you can adding more life interest in insipid peaceful life, marriage will be sweet and long!

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Sagittarius(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 6

  Dominant proportion: 25:75

You like Zhang Yan with emotion, feeling belong to the type of "mixed".

His enthusiasm and cheerful and you gentle, a vibrant, a vulnerability, affectionate and easy to attract each other.But a sweet feeling comes quickly, but not necessarily permanent, once he let go will go very simply, and you are to the emotional entanglements.Get along, although he revelled in way of taking care of you gentle, sacrifice type, but can't stand the appearance of your sentimental and tragic xi xi;And although you admire his wisdom and humorous, but his sharp-tongued and Shanghai style of dating, but make you insecure, alone frustrating.After a family, to make a lasting marriage still have to work, you need to change the tender affectionate personality, always more independent, have a grievance and have courage to express opinions, and if he can take care of your mood, more care about you, then you can also get along well.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Capricorn (boys)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 9.8Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 27:73

Like yelling and Louis, you belong to love each other "complementary".

You a reason a sensibility, but the heart is very tender feelings, complemented and cross, you like each other very easily.Once, you will show the most tender one side to the other side, the love of a affectionate, a practical material, match is very perfect, sweet emotional stability.Get along, you will get more from each other's own perfect quality, his goal is clear, assiduous sureness, can appear sometimes stiffness, and your romantic warmth and spirit of sacrifice, can compensate for him;He is sedate sureness, achieve the goal step by step personality also give you a sense of security, to love fantasy, often puzzled by the atmosphere you have a positive influence.After marriage, you happiness.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Aquarius:(boy)

  Auo index: 6.5Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 26:74

You two are like kai with Steve, belongs to the "complementary to reconcile type".

He is rich in pioneering spirit, fraternity and foresight;And do you like to dream and rich artistic breath, although you live in two totally different world, but he was often moved by your deep feeling.Fall in love, he likes to do one's own way, and you always selflessly give their love, your love is very unfair to outsiders, but your love is like glue tightly together.For a long time to get along with, you vulnerable nerve let him some can't stand it, but he always to reason and logic starting point of thinking, is hit you tender heart, you feel the love each other a little bit difficult to breathe.After marriage, if you don't pay attention to the coordination of the two thoughts, you easy to legislation, if the two of you can to partner's position to cultivate sentiment, complement each other to complement its short, feel very relaxed and happy.

  Pisces (girl)V.S.Pisces (boys)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.4Affection index: 10

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

You two are the Lin daiyu and jia baoyu is like a dream of red mansions, belong to the "romantic fantasy", is a combination of very flexible.

You each other's values and behavior patterns are consistent, easy to resonate.Once the call, you will be very into, romance in step, you will quickly fall in love, love is romantic and warm.When dealing with the two of you mood change to explicitly reaction upon each other, can create a "you and I want to" stability and strength of feeling is very good to know each other, the two of you are also very willing to help others escape difficulties, willing to sacrifice, but often escape when they face the reality of their own problems, lack of confidence.After marriage, want to change this situation, the two of you need to encourage and support each other, more must give the other party, at the same time should have the courage to open up have a conversation with your partner, let the heart to communicate.

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