The legend of Pisces

The legend of Pisces

  PiscesLegend has it that

  A legend

The goddess Venus took his beloved son, small Cupid, dressed up ready to go to a lavish banquet.In the party, all the participants of soil is the god, is a feast for the "fairy".

The goddesses are one find play more than one is gorgeous, who also don't want to get others to his: as for all the male gods, is hand a glass, in the talk in groups.The naughty children, already according to resist, playing hide and seek.

Gradually when the entire party in full swing, everybody enjoy delicious food, and aromatic wine, suddenly came a visitor, destroy the atmosphere of the whole party.The visitor, there is a very ferocious appearance, and evil heart, he appeared in the party, the purpose of is to destroy it, apparently, he has reached the goal.He stretched out his hand tocancerFood table to overthrow, dropped the pot in the sink, and with terrible expression and frightened the presence of each of the participants.People started nosing around, had a good party, had become so panicked and screams,The childSon crying.

At that time, Venus find Cupid suddenly disappeared, giving way to looking for her nervous, also can not consider of the existence of the intruder, Venus searched every corner of the party, finally under the piano, found has mixed body shook with bursts of Cupid, Venus can't help but put Cupid tightly embrace in his bosom.

In order to prevent Cupid and she separated again, Venus and thought for a method, use a rope to two feet tied together, and then into a two fish, as a result, it successfully fled the terrible party.

  Legend has it that the second

The Roman myth and legend of the god of love and beauty Venus and her son small Cupid, once being attacked by a monster in the river, hurriedly jumped into the river, both mother and son into two fish escape.About is afraid of mother and child separated, two fish in the middle there is a band is linked together, together make up the Pisces.

Pisces guardian star is Neptune, namely the Greek god of the sea at passy a brother of Zeus.

  The legend of three

Venus and Jupiter, to be a giant TYPHON (TYPHON) chase, both jumped into the Euphrates river, the embodiment of body escape.Minerva (mineave, Athena's nickname) put the fish into the stars as to heaven, in honour of this matter.

Another legend

One day, see the gods on a clear day, is a banquet at the riverside.Hobby music of the gods happy singing and playing an instrument, a warm atmosphere.There was a sudden noisea sharp sound, it is under the shoulder grow tail of snake, with large wings one hundred monster jie all that.A look at the gods, escape all around.Hera, Zeus turned into a bird, the Apollo into a crow, into cattle as QiuLin shuttle into a goat, the gods are fleeing with animal appearance., the goddess of love and beauty and his son of Buddha luo qiu, the god of love fernando hierro incarnation for fish, into the Euphrates river.Then decided to use each other ribbon tail will be two people together, never separate, so smoothly from the monster's hands.So both mother and son are connected by tail up to heaven, never to be parted position, this is the origin of Pisces.

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