The legend of Taurus

  TaurusLegend has it that

  A legend

One day, Zeus wander the earth eternally, after a certain country, suddenly saw the princess of this country is very beautiful, let imperceptibly see the god, Zeus returned to heaven, still for the beautiful princess.

In the princess's country, there is a very beautiful ranch, there is more to countless of cattle are grazing, frolic, princess often came to the ranch will be playing with this lovely group of cattle.

On a sunny morning, the princess and according to the example in the pasture, when she is busy playing from the herd, suddenly found in cattle, there is a special singing cow, it's very sweet song, like sounds, attract the princess unconsciously walked towards him.

The princess saw the cow, unable to extricate themselves immediately fell in love with him.Because he not only song is perfect, even appearance as you like.As the princess slowly depend on cattle and he is indifferent to sing together, this cow is suddenly back up princess fly to the sky.

After a long flight, this cow finally stopped in a beautiful land, and then transformed into people, express their love to the princess.This is the embodiment of Zeus, points can't suppress them because miss, day of the princess princess decided to do.

The beautiful princess and accepted the love of Zeus, the two people together to go back to live in the heaven.But Zeus to mark the place of profession, in the name of the princess the ba as the name of the land.The land is the European continent today.Twelve constellation Taurus myth is a reef depicting the story of love, of breaking the Taurus are usually considered to lack of romantic false impression.

  Legend has it that the second

Legendary Phoenician daughter ou ba paddle in the sea, be consorted Zeus saw.Zeus turned into a strong and handsome head of buffalo to her.Ou ba play riding on the back of a bull, Zeus with her in Crete, two people live a happy happy day.The cow was Zeus in heaven became the Taurus.

  The legend of three

Legends are famous for their love of the god of the gods Zeus look. Roper (Europa, then into Europe), to avoid the eyes of Hera, his incarnation for the bulls, the euro, carry on his back, with its will.Later Zeus and restore the prototype, the embodiment of their Daniel under heaven became one of the stars.

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