Taurus girls boys the most with signs


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Different is your natural rhythm problem, an impulse, a slower, will make you live in the same world, everyone seems to be very tolerant of each other, if not, it is difficult to see in the long run.

Aries people like to use the pursuit of strong offensive to conquer the hearts of the men of Taurus, but Taurus stubborn character of stability, will only then is willing to accept the pursuit of a thoughtful, middle pandering, may Aries already can't help but turn round and then walk.If it is really can walk together, you might as well use the principle of tennis doubles, a cover, a strike, may be able to create bright future, the major premise is, of course, have been able to understand and accept each other's features.If one party is Taurus men, Aries of women will be more active, intensify the pursuit.Aries people need to learn the Taurus thoughtful attitude, understand this, everybody is good.

Sex, Taurus likes ear temples to tore grinding, ram is a quick victory, sometimes learn to accommodate each other.

  Taurus: Taurus

Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Two walk together, Taurus must be after a long groping and understand each other, will not be touched sparks that a kind of circumstance, because of their personality is conservative and fixed, so the more get along for a long time, the more likely they were to find each other's advantages, not passion like fire, but will go further, you need to be careful that two people have the very strong possessive, this is a contentious fuse, and mutual concessions, sometimes make bad situation.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Basically, there is no way to adapt to Taurus Gemini that "no moment can stop character," although everyone in the process of communication, will bring a lot of fun, Taurus Gemini but get along with long, Taurus tends to keep pace with Gemini.Gemini again for Taurus that a silent stable way of life was boring.Two people to walk together, people have to pay a lot.On the other hand must pay attention to is that strong sexual need, Taurus can sometimes make Gemini have demands too much feeling.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Because the constellation Taurus and cancer are introverted, and for the ultimate goal in life, family so as soon as the sparks between two people is a perfect couple, love each other very deep, the only problem is that the two sides of jealousy is very heavy, as long as there is nothing happens, immediately became more sensitive, do not know to control your emotions, and the character of the collect inside, often into the situation of the cold war.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Just as well try.Basically nature will have a lot of different, Taurus is conservative and plain type, Leo is cheerful and luxurious race, two personal touch together naturally attracted to each other with herself and no, but get along with bottom go to, can often due to the difference of values and conflict, both sides must have a concession to last forever.They sexually cooperation degree is surprisingly high, satisfied with each other.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Very close to a pair of lovers very much, we are all earth sign and ideas have many similar places, the same pursuit of level and stable life, don't like adventure, easy to achieve spiritual satisfaction, you are the type of love at first sight, after a long period of observation, to confirm each other is the other half of your life, the longer, the more I think the other party for you, your love life, persistently, while others see both of you will think you don't know, but you are both deep Ming fu is flat.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Taurus, libra is Venus guardian.Venus and the combination of Venus, needless to say, "beautiful" is the first requirement you, everyone will be attracted to each other's beauty, the problem is can you go?!If you are dating, should be a pair.Interest and thoughts will be very hit it off, love will be take care of you.Dating when you all can enjoy the true joy of love, just onceTo get married, Taurus actual libras stubborn and a little can not stand, it happened that libra is also a stubborn guy, just they don't act out, roll with the punches on the surface, in fact all hidden in the heart, contradictions therefore accumulate over a long period.Nature of sex, Taurus desire sexual gratification, libra must cooperate to achieve their requirements, so two people will be more tacit understanding.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Show 180 degrees Taurus and Scorpio is symmetrical, together can be a very couples opportunity is half half.

You can take the two of you bringing together must be from sexual attraction, especially in Taurus will be Scorpio's natural charm, electricity dizzy, but want to get along for a long time, must overcome a lot of psychological obstacles, to prove to each other, and you love him not only because of sex that thing!Although you are introverted, like heart hidden, but the starting point is different, the Taurus is a "polite", a slow, Scorpio is different, they are listening to you on the one hand, on the other hand, the inner thoughts have turned many corner, mood swings very quickly.Which can cause everyone on daily communication misunderstandings, especially speaking.A east a west thoughts and ideas, sometimes misunderstanding is inevitable.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

If you choose to be together, first must know each other very well, because you are likely greatly by the friendship into love, together before you did not see clear whether what you want.Don't assume that Taurus and Sagittarius people together very happy, he is the love to teach you a lot of fun.

You two are essentially the opposite person, a quiet a outgoing, a practical a vain, a dynamic a static, Sagittarius love staying home, Taurus is family first.So far, two people force each other to do his own a set of, everyone will not happy.After know this, seriously want to know whether to be together again?The decision?Don't regret what you have decided, come on!

  Taurus: Capricorn

Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

A pair of very tacit understanding, two earth sign, a stable, a careful, and know what each other thinking, emotion is not earth-shattering, but high maintenance, can form a well-off family.

Prior to the start, you will have a feeling each other's time, when we recognized each other, will start to plan for future life together and practice together, have confidence and security will be a family first, also will soon have children.

In terms of sex, Capricorn will be influenced by emotional stress, sometimes need to frequently, sometimes good self-control, Taurus to take advantage of their abilities, to relieve their mental and physical problems.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Not so harmonious couple.

Taurus will be attracted by Aquarius natural and unrestrained attitude, want to try their way of life, it's a pity that once two people together, will be on the contrary, the Taurus afraid of Aquarius: this is a kind of tai chi on the ideas and behavior, too varied and ignore the moral rules of the personality.But when want to leave, and will be that kind of pressure to Aquarius unable to refuse.So really want to begin to fall in love, must see each other first, consider a few questions: Aquarius recognition of friends, Taurus is not stand?Can not envy?Everything practical Taurus is reasonable, the ideal of Aquarius and against the spirit of the traditional watching is gone?Aquarius can endure Taurus rigid not flexible personality?Taurus can accept Aquarius always attack emotional temper?Everyone wanted to first clear cough up ~


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Your relationship is by time accumulated bit by bit, get along with more and more can find each other's advantages, everyone is very comfortable, at least when you say nothing sweet.

Taurus is don't understand romantic sign, but he has the heart, in a lot of details, can give you care about feeling, Pisces that one is willing to sacrifice their own feelings also deeply Taurus, development to the die-hard phase, Pisces and can feel the strong Taurus possessiveness, feel completely surrounded by love, not only, also enjoy very much.

In terms of sex, Taurus will be very care about the feeling of the Pisces, will try to want to make him satisfied, so just pretend, Pisces showed his strong point, even if not necessarily is a fact, spiritual also can achieve perfect harmony realm.

Taurus girls boys the most with signs related content

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