The most worthy constellation Leo girl boys


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Two character and views about people walk together, the "fire" meet, fall in love at first sight, can quickly wipe out the spark of love.The process of love, rhythm and lively and warm, people around the world can feel the passion of love you.Two people like to pursuit of material satisfaction, buy famous brand, together to eat good food, travel, together to participate in the activities, casino attraction.Combined with a broad social life, the life will not boring.Leo's ambition can pin Aries savage, Aries women will know how to act like Leo boyfriend admirers.

Leo women will know how to win Aries boy friend's heart, occasionally miss temper also accept put freely.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Just as well try.Basically nature will have a lot of different, Taurus is conservative and plain type, Leo is cheerful and luxurious race, two personal touch together naturally attracted to each other with herself and no, but get along with bottom go to, can often due to the difference of values and conflict, both sides must have a concession to last forever.They sexually cooperation degree is surprisingly high, satisfied with each other.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Was born of a couple, or how to see all the incomparable couple.

Because you are a heart person is the life, not willing to stay in a level, even if the inner thoughts is different, but the pace is consistent, can be together for a long time.Although Gemini changeable, but in the face of the Leo swagger, naturally will convergence, Leo can also use a optimistic heart to tolerance that a fickle Gemini greedy fresh features, knowing that their nature so, than to put up a deliberately.

In terms of sex, changeable desire of Gemini sometimes make Leo very confused, whether I have a problem?In fact as long as you take your love with all my heart, can crack this fake Gemini cold feeling.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

You can do a very good couple!But first must know each other is exactly the opposite of a person, with you Leo in charge by the sun, is a fire sign, cancer governed by the moon, is a water sign, and this is not, but if two people to understand and learn each other, take long short, can be a very good couple, the heaviest if know how to coordinate with each other.Leo looks arrogant authoritarian, but the heart sensitive mood lose not cancer, but they stick on the surface, so a dispute, in order to face, never lower the head, and cancer, also spoken to each other is so a few days will happen.

In addition to pay attention to the consensus of all financial management concept, cancer can feel sometimes Leo too extravagant, buy some unrealistic things all day long, a waste of money, just put the money as a gift.Leo also wonder why cancer to worry not happened all day long.But to get along with for a long time, everyone will affect everyone's way of thinking, can also be happy!

In terms of sexual life, everyone will have difference, Leo initiative enthusiasm is bold and direct methods, isn't for cancer, should you pay attention to care about the habit of feeling!

  Leo: Leo

Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Everyone will have the same personality, together with the basic consensus, the problem is you both personality is too strong, do couples will have pressure, not a moderation method, is not love dynamic, and will be adversaries.Once to couples development stage, the most even wait all day just to "hold", because both face, can't lose, be about the relationship of words, plus the jealousy and strong, two lions, strive for, there will be a wound, so usually two Leo together, will be good friends, more especially male Leo will like someA womanThe tender women can protect for him, too strong woman, reduce his or her own superiority!

You become a partner for a long time have a good, be in finance will help each other, because Leo is a born gambler, often put all your eggs in one basket, if you have another strong partner, have what problem you can rely on the other half to help, to recover as soon as possible.

Because your energy is strong, so spend a lot of time in terms of sex, you can meet the sexual desire, so sex is another solution for both of you a good way to difficult.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Need hard to reconcile a pair.If you have time we can see clearly, virgo is the one who is, won't choose Leo, but at the beginning of may get to know each other, someone kind and generous, cheerful attitude will make a virgo "ghost mask, eye" at the moment.And someone who would have thought that virgo has sophisticated mind can help to the development of their career, but after falling in love, to find virgo always hurt your self-esteem.Because virgo is very simple, very picky and see what Leo, will denounce its not, you said your business lion face!Dating activities as well as different at ordinary times, Leo finished will try to play to relax, but virgo will prefer more time at home or do some studies, for Leo, may feel virgo is boring.

In terms of sex, appear the situation of weak disparity, because Leo likes as active, but itself has good cleanliness of virgo will hate Leo this attitude, often acrimoniously.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

The combination of two enthusiasm, in the eyes of outsiders is really good a pair of lovers, but what is real, you all know fairly well!

Early know each other, you can easily fall in love at first sight, attracted to each other each other, especially in an army of people in the party, Leo the ostentation and extravagance and hospitable attitude, libra the likable, talked effusively means of communication, is really suitable.But the real test is when you want to go further to face problems, there was a dispute because of a disagreement, Leo this ambition to libra uncomfortable, and often become ignored by want to tell truth, turned around and leave, Leo for this kind of behavior of "soft skin snake" are not satisfactory, feelings will deteriorate over time.Most likely to happen in a family problem is to pass the buck to each other, do you think I'm wrong, I don't think you are right, although libra can endure temporarily, but the heart constantly, will one day turn away.

Everyone there is demand for sex, but the direction is different, libra like light burning slow-scan way of touching, Leo directly and actively, make libra feel lost interest.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

This is a love bet, everyone is a strong personality.Leo is strong, respectively is frank in the wind of the business, strong and tide wait for no man, but Scorpio this ambition is built-in type, calculating by heart, not easily be people see through, two people together, will fall in love, is actually quite intrigue.Because everybody wants to hold each other to control the overall situation, after spending time, dispute not less, no winning or losing, fear and Scorpio will have upper hand, Leo the impatient personality enough he fights.But good wonderful fate, in you can sometimes be a invincible couple, outsiders can't bully you two, at least two strong people can form a strong family.

Sex lives full of intense activity, because Scorpio emphasis on love and sex, love and sex must link, and Leo's conquer hearts will try to reflect on sexual behavior.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

A reciprocal a couple.Everyone is a fire sign, mutual enthusiasm can inspire strong love sparks, you easy to fall in love at first sight.But more important is after hot lingering, how to hold this relationship forever.Dating, everyone happy, of course, no pressure, each other are optimistic person, and like to play, won't deliberately to bind the other person's freedom, most Leo sometimes some jealousy, as long as Sagittarius fit just fine.The problem is that too much love without responsibility and sense of belonging, may never stay on the surface, once in trouble, won't be able to see the true feelings, especially on the organize family, don't put up, and the concentration have their own the other circles of life, as the saying goes "not to start a family" will be fulfilled upon both of you, especially with children, unless they are independent in early!

Sex can definitely work together, sometimes Sagittarius like roll out Leo know there will be some turmoil, but the Leo would forgive him.Afraid afraid one day Sagittarius found Leo in this aspect to a recruit in town can't stand it.

  Leo: Capricorn

Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Whether is the super couple, depends on how you into the basis of, because the two of you is not very suitable pair, with method has a different outlook on life, but have one thing in common: be ambitious!!!If the original dating, realize this goal, will it into love, as the basis of long-term together, can not Keep living, Leo would relatively is easy to make a party, because of what he has will spread out, also will correct you face to face, but you will continue on his way, a secretive sometimes encountered some dispute, he see but eye, or in the lee, nothing can surface reaction, not a word out how to deal with at the bottom of the calculation, Leo will be the most afraid of this, will give you eat to live.

When two people live together, the lion's luxury and thrift of Capricorn, the lion's optimism and pessimism is really quite difficult and clear communication, in family planning and financial management will be very headache.

Sex is also difficult to balance, Leo's enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, sometimes a Capricorn think demands too much, but never thought I whether too seriously and formulation.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

To constantly refurbished a combination of constant progress.Because you are in the horoscope learn to the palace, so a lot of things are exactly the opposite, but everyone is outgoing optimistic signs of the zodiac.Both stubborn and self, together will appear "were at sixes and sevens, refused to let go".First can be the two of you together, main reason is probably a Leo confident and think this cold water bottles can be recovered, his eccentric temperament, revised to normal Aquarius three minutes heat also makes them interested in domineering lion.Is the idea that bottom is soon, on the spur of the moment to talk about marriage theory to marry point, urge you to clear to chu, you enough confidence and adhere to a lasting relationship, the first thing to know that do friends and lover are two different things, do not think that good friends can become a good lover.

In terms of sex, you in bed together the activities of the time will not too much, Aquarius people have too many other things to do, when his interest to Leo and not felt it was time, there will be resistance.

However, the world is not absolute, may be you are the exception of a pair of cough up!


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Although the Leo can eat live Pisces, but can be a good couple?At the beginning of this combination is quite complicated, because, when he first met everyone may be attracted to each other, you think finally found a can protect their people, Leo will think some people regard him as the center of gravity, good with satisfaction, but the problem after the honeymoon.As Leo completely eat the Pisces, make warmth of Pisces is more and more feel pressured to try to escape the feelings, but do not let go, the only way.Leo from high above the original and to look down on you, feel the man Pisces useless, Pisces women dress up as poor all day long.If form a couple, the development becomes MianHeXinBuHe, outsiders have no matter, but with time is inversely proportional to each other's feelings.

Sex is the only one thing can you close, but if it is not long for these tools.I hope you can break the destiny!

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