The Leo man's character

  LeoThe man

You must know what is the king of beasts?Right!Is the lion, and now you are a male lion must come to mind male correct shape is it?Leo is called "the lion", nature is associated with "the king", Leo man favorite occupation is "king", it's a pity that the king of the world's quota is limited, so, at the very least, he also had to himA womanDo a king and his family.

Actually, want to get the Leo men love is not difficult, if you fell in love with a male lion, as long as you do it at 3 o 'clock, love him, him, worship him.Especially "worship him," this is the most important.

The Leo man's character

Leo people are pride, face saving, even if he have a favorable to you, don't know your feeling to him before, also dare not presume to the offensive.Not sure he doesn't like to play the game, in fact, it should be said that can't afford to lose the face.You don't have to take the initiative to pursue him, that might scare him off, and Leo men usually don't like in a passive position.You might as well talk exude the worship to him.When he made a speech to you, you from time to time issued a "really ah ~" "wonderful oh ~" amazing words.He will feel very happy, if he is interesting to you, the pursuit of action immediately opened.

His woman has the temperament of the royal family is proud of best, yet still surrender to his charm, became his most faithful retainer.Leo men are mostly looks swaggering, actually in the soft, longing for love, he is easy to be moved, downy lamplight, beautiful music, romantic atmosphere, and you worship eyes, can let he is fall into the trap of love, cannot extricate oneself.

Leo man in love is so generous, he could with flowers and gifts to you that you can quickly realize do Yang what it is, he's free with with enthusiasm, is every woman's desire, your friends will envy.

The Leo men in the case of his kingship is not threatened, is considerate and gentle, he will be happy in hand, put your hands up in the air.However, I have to remind you that never to other men about the glad eye, his toy big scareThe dead.That I'm afraid you'll have to have a psychological preparation, the lion's men to their women with severe possessiveness and control freak, he hope you'd better listen to him, all at the very least, all the big principle through his decision (this is the biggest concession).

If you tell a man before him for an hour, he is likely to break into a furious rage, or left, must be waiting for you to take each other's life background and the content of your conversation, after a detailed report of his anger will only be slightly down.You'd better write incised books assuring to break up from now on, he will be happy.

Nowadays generally normal social activities of the men and women, for example a meal together, drink a coffee, a dance.After you have your boyfriend, probably don't want to, unless, he go with you.Even so, you have to remember, don't be too hot in front of him and the other boys, or you are asking for trouble, and could hurt the innocent.He may look very beautiful, actually most of beauty is limited to see Leo man, after he found the princess, he is just too lazy to court to the other woman!Though he himself was a jealous, but he did not think that you should when he and other girls laughing, temper tantrum.

He might not bossy to lock you in the home, don't let you go out to work, but when you choose a Leo man, had better not ambition is too heavy, at least let him feel he takes the first place in your heart, remember that love and worship his life indispensable things, you have to an endless supply of supply!

His social circle is very wide, many friends, if you can do it remind you of the things above, most of the occasions he would be willing to take you to go to, however, in some cases, your Leo man will like to go out with his own vote friend "fooling around".So please be generous. Don't be too constraint his freedom, he will be measured.

If after marriage, you become a paranoid, a nagging motherThe tiger, your Leo men can be in many times after the quarrel, began to escape you, every day came home late at night, night don't return the camp, even I have seen several examples of this, a male lion after the bursting of the love, often take a very negative way - to escape, then probably fled to another love trap, marriage broke down naturally.

If he is a little savings, he may often invest in some puzzling things.Because a friend invited him it's hard to refuse.We eat, drink, and be merry, as long as everyone revered him a "big brother", so he would have won the eighty percent pay.

Leo man honest, kind, often complacent in a puzzling pride.His pride is very strong, it's easy to hurt;A rude words, or work on the proposal was rejected, will make him unhappy for a long time of depression.This case, he might be at home can become hot-tempered.You must find the crux of the problem in peace, don't lost his temper with him, adding fuel to the fire, be careful with your love nest on fire!

Do you know he is easy to believe others (especially kowtowing to him) so, fraud may often happen.When he was frustrated, please give him a gentle comfort, when he get carried away, please give him a timely reminder.The king a wise, there is also a muddle-headed, have a great responsibility as prime minister of you!I believe you must hope that their own love and marriage, forever in the new millennium!

When you face a Leo man, please remember a mantra: "lining is my face to you."Yes, on any occasion are holding him as your king, when you get along in private, you will find that yourself is the emperor's father!To tell you a secret, mighty proud Leo man is afraid of his wife, but he is afraid of is gentle lark, rather than the individual tigress.

You know what to do!Very simple, you will be doing fine.

  The Leo men and "sex"

In terms of "sex", the Leo man still has a strong self-esteem and self-confidence.So you don't predominate in the sex scenes, this is an insult to him.He is looking forward to your praise and an intense reaction.Sex, in general, Leo man is heavy "passion" and not "skills".If you want to take action, please use gentle induced way.Remember, always let him feel that he is the person who control the global, and you're a warm cooperation.

  The Leo dad

For a child, he sometimes very strict, sometimes extreme tolerance, Leo's father, of course, is bound to require children to his respect.He will order a lot of rules, but most of the time he won't be strictly implemented.He always warm and kind, as far as possible to meet the requirements of the children.

The Leo dad often eccentric is the most obedient child (especially the most flattering the).

He likes to play with children, to the children speech, but disciplineThe childThose trivial things, he really won't have any interest, so to enforce discipline work, all will alight upon you.Also, don't because of the little princess, the little prince, and ignore your king!

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