Virgo man's character

  virgoThe man

Qiong precious jade love hero of the novel, is definitely not a virgo man, abstract, get an electric shock feeling, for a typical virgo man is too not practical.The four eyes, immediately hook day thunder fire thing, only in myth stories such as granting titles to gods.So if you met a virgo man and if you fall in love with him, please don't expect a passionate romantic feeling, more don't passionate him away.Virgo men don't like this kind of dramatic mood.

Virgo man's character

It doesn't mean he doesn't know the "love", since the childhood, to his family, parents, relatives and friends have the strong feelings, more profound sympathy for poor people.His feelings must be accumulated slowly, or have clearly set out.For some virgo men, the pursuit of love, even if it is a kind of selfishness.

Many achievements bachelors are virgo, with the majority of readers and audience Zhao Ning is one of them.On the one hand may be used to have the scars of love, and from now on keep buried in work, or service the cause of the crowd.Virgo man after highly emotional trauma, be careful, if want to knock on his door, may be even harder.

On the other hand, the virgo man is very critical, can meet the needs of the women he, not too much, I'm afraid.But if you do not accord with his conditions, how can he love you?So, want to and a virgo man to establish the relationship between men and women, you must first have to make the he likes you, and then further the cultivation of the feelings between you.

First of all, you must be very clean, both in appearance or the heart.Impudent girl wearing a sloppy, behavior and he almost no (most of the virgo man are a little clean out-of-the-way tendency).

Second, you should have the magnanimity to accept criticism.His analysis and criticism was a bit picky, but most are objective and accurate.

Third, you need to know the progress, learning to think, because he can't stand an ignorant and carelessA woman.Please think twice before any comments, don't always said some impulsive, not through the brain, the virgo man to a woman often say some short-term, not objective, the feeling is very impatient.His criticism on you may make you unable to parry.

For virgo man, a beautiful mind is more important than a beautiful face.When you slowly accustomed to his personality, and he will become more and more like you, you love between began to slowly burning fire.Virgo man's fire was lit once the true love, it would be burned for a long, long time, even a lifetime.As long as you think of this, you will think all effort comes at a price.

He could to keep you waiting for a long time, just say to you.But once you virgo man, he can clearly express his feelings for you and his plans for the future.A lot of virgo man all in orderTo get marriedOrder for three years, or five years plan, save money,Buy a house, buy the car, his love is sincere, is very durable.

To marry a virgo man is really very happy.Virgo's husband really has many advantages: he is not as tidy as most men, he won't temper tantrum, he will not spare everywhere, let you worry.When you are sick, he will give you the careful care, he is very hardworking, down-to-earth, you don't have to worry after eating steak today, tomorrow will be even * noodle.

He has a good memory, nearly impossible to forget your birthday, or wedding anniversary.As long as you remember your wives part (the home clean, stomach to feed him), he is not a too demanding husband, and he is very willing to help you.You can develop your own career, he will often give you good advice, even if occasionally nagging trivial, I think I should be also can forgive.

Virgo man won't behave like a jealous, but the heart has the strong acquisitiveness, in terms of "faithfulness" he is one of the most important.Any of your a little bit of betrayal behavior, he will not forgive.Virgo man's wife, had better not often go out at night.When a virgo man decided to cut off the love with you, however, it is really clean almost break your heart, do a lot of his wife's people will envy you have such a diligent, careful, honest and considerate good husband, as long as you keep the original he choose you the "virtue", your future is a royal road to learning.By the way, it is best not to casually invite friends home to play, especially with a stringThe childOr a friend carried a puppy.

  Virgo man and "sex"

On sex picky virgo man, is the pursuit of perfect, therefore attaches great importance to skill.He is very care about their performance, worry about doing is not good enough, can't let each other happy.Virgo man on the expression of sex rarely is selfish, they tend to place the feeling of the woman in the first place.So your response is too important for him.If we can have confidence in his case, there may be more passion.

  Virgo's father

He is a very responsible father, he will spend some time at the expense of their own hobby in children.Teach them the lessons, and send them to learn the piano, take them to see the show.I'm afraid his patience even since you sigh.Virgo's father usually very strict discipline for children.He would think that the child should not only get education on knowledge;Etiquette habits of life, also is very important.Have a virgo's husband, you really can easily do a mother, all you have to do is to let children know that mom and dad will love him, because virgo "perfect personality may give the child too much pressure.You have to do the buffer between them.

However, many virgo men are not strong desire to "dad".

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