Pisces man's character

  PiscesThe man

If you are a pursuit of romanticA woman, then the Pisces man is won't let you down, see the sunrise in the morning, starlight boating, is likely to be his actions, his gentle and incomparable imagination, will bring you an unprecedented sweet and happy.Pisces man's love is like a soft bed, let you sleep bad habit easily.Just like a lot of the characters in the romance novel, every day doing nothing, as long as love can live.

Pisces man's character

However, in real life, love, after all, not all of them if you're lucky to understand the water a fish, he knows to grasp every opportunity to play to their talents and imagination, and then you can set his mind at to enjoy his wealth and fame brings you!If you run into is a lost tidal fish stranded on the beach, quick cut string!You in addition to accompany his dream in my life, all have to face the real life of pressure!

Pisces men are very romantic fantasy, many Pisces men also really spent a lifetime in the dream.Because his dream was to too far away from the reality, most of his time is spent on how to put his dream to do a little bit more perfect, and not how to actually let the dream come true step by step, so many opportunities slip through his eyes, doomed to a lifetime stranded on the beach.He may still feel good, because he has always been a dream in my heart.But if you want to be together with him life, then I'm afraid there is a little sad.Don't blame he has no sense of responsibility, his romantic, is not the reason why it is that makes you right?But you didn't expect that he would "romance" to the point.

Of course, I also said, there are still some understand water fish, you'd better pray every day you can meet a.For a girl, really have no better chance than this.He is romantic, gentle and considerate, he has a rich imagination, his dream of great and brilliant, and, more importantly, he was able to grasp every good opportunity, make all dreams come true.He will be generous let you share his sense of accomplishment, and he won the honor, status, wealth, there are a lot of envy and jealousy.

Don't say I exaggerated, the two types of fish I have ever seen.I know that stranded fish, his dream is to find a rich wife, less struggle for twenty years, and can have enough capital, love to do what.So, he never work in earnest, half the time of the year in unemployment, poor couldn't pay the rent, often doesn't even have a place to sleep.Very not easy to earn a little money, go to the hair,To buy clothes, DongJieXiCou bought a locomotive, strutting his stuff on the crashed a few days didn't have the money.Of course, has yet to wait until he have the money to the wife of my dreams.Changed several's girlfriend, every girl began when is want to help him with love, take care of him, because he is so gentle, kind, and poor.But in the end left him depressed.

I know that understands the tides of the fish, it is a good project talent, with his rich imagination and thinking, created many successful cases miraculously, he was planning many times, at the beginning of time everyone thought absolutely is not possible, but he was able to seize the favorable opportunity, all the opportunity to link together.So every time can surprise.At work, everyone admired him, in his has a lofty position in the industry.At home, he is a gentle husband, loving father.While his wife quietly enjoy his dream into true magic.When he has to, to give him sincere advice and help.

Of these two types of fish are very great success and failure model, in fact I have seen once, then back onThe seaFish, and had mastered high tide many times, its one-time fish, finally dried up and died on the beach.For the failure of his success, actually you are still very influential, but the way to help him should be gentle and patience.

Pisces man hard to avoid has the tendency of decadent, often need others' affirmation and praise, your encouragement is very important for him, with the cold actual words shatter his dream, will be the fastest way to lose him.

Warm and caring Pisces man, will be the good friends for every object, including, of course, also there is a heterosexual friends.To restrain your toy, join them, is a good way to avoid an affair.He often need time alone to balance his vulnerable to outside influence mood, please don't in his mood, talking to him, complain, this is likely to let him disappear from before you quite a while, even no longer appeared.

Pisces man gentle nature, can let he collected a lot of secret, in fact he is sensitive and alert mind, let he can see through someone else's heart, want to deceive him is not an easy thing.But if he want to tiger you can easily!In his imagination, make up the story was too simple.But most Pisces man is very good, there are few malicious deception.

But to say no wound indecent fibs is possible.Seemed to hide some fact that he is more a sense of security!Don't be too make a mountain out of a molehill!You can turn a blind eye, close one eye.Fish flexible total also not swim out to sea again, if you have the sea general mind, you will always be his dream of Alice, there are a few girls can be like you so lucky, lifetime all can enjoy the romantic love?

  Pisces men and "sex"

Pisces men in terms of sex is to pursue their happiness, also hope to make each other happy.Pisces men some sex, on the expression of sex is imagination, might come up with all kinds of fresh things, to stimulate the fun of each other, he is romantic, gentle indifference girl would let him do not satisfy, even to his frustration.

  Pisces dad

Pisces men can be a father please a child's heart, vivid imagination to satisfy himThe childFantasy, they will like crazy, together with his play, said the story together.His gentle and considerate, will give them a great sense of security, he won't give children love oppressive feeling, he always make allowance for their emotions and made wrong.Teaching children to discipline, I'm afraid not his adept, because Pisces man huan have no discipline itself, that you're much more attention about this.

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