Capricorn men most constellations

The following by/astro/Capricorn men and sort out for youThe zodiacThe index, everyone see index will know who is the most match constellation Capricorn boy.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Aries(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 6.8Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 46:54

You like with lee seung hwan and chae rim, belongs to the type I want you to fill.

A hot and passionate, a calm calm, although the two contrast big personality, but complement of Yin and Yang, you easily attracted to each other's advantages, the endurance and stability of you let her.Fall in love with you, she would have to have enough patience, you a long time to visit her, hone her, once get your approval, you will be dead set to protect her, care for her, love her.Over time she will think you age are flexible enough, and you will also think she blundering unrealistic, you can easily dispute.After marriage, you should make some more heart communication, you'd better able to for her sincerely, and as much as possible to give her a sense of security.And if she also can restrain competitive personality, considerate of you, you will get along well!

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Taurus(girl)

  Auo index: 9.6Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9.3Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 55:45

Remember the romance of The Three Kingdoms sun ce and big Joe, heart is the best you emotional.

Take careful steadfast, loyal and reliable, it makes you feel like, you will immediately like magnets attract each other.After entering in love, her sincerity and your thoughtfulness, though not earth-shattering romances, but is expected to achieve water out of love, common goals and ideas, let you go, far afraid tired, trying to create new life belongs to you.Rare you could be so tacit understanding and coordination, but please pay attention to oh, don't forget to give the ingredients of simple life add some appeal, so that life is not boring.After entering marriage, work together for a better life in the process will be full of frustrations, you begin to care about in front of reality, abandon each other to earn enough money, easy to criticize each other's faults.If only there were less criticism, more advice, patience, believe that you will give each other a satisfactory replacement.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Gemini(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 6.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 53:47

You two are like "the legend of the condor heroes" guo jing and huang2 rong2, belongs to the curious "fresh".

First, she would have a freshness to your traditional conservative, and you will be her imagination and happy state of mind.After love, distinct personality let you friction constantly, relationship entered into a state of "sugar".Get along for a long period of time, it will be difficult to put up with her state of mind, constantly face uncertainty personality, and she also can abandon you, ignorant of the old traditional flexible thinking step by step.After marriage, if you don't pay attention to adjust, it is easy to appear the situation of the cold war.You must learn to take back the strategy, don't be old guy with a face at ordinary times, relax, chat more relaxed topic, even if the gossip is just as well.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.cancer(girl)

  Auo index: 8Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 70:30

You two are like shun oguri with yamada, a typical "mutual trust".

You are all very introverted, but when the initial there will be a kind of heart tacit understanding, each other is attracted to each other.In love, you are thoughtful, considerate of her, fascinated, and she was tough for your majesty and careful steady personality feel safe, you mind attraction to each other, depend on each other.Get along for a long time, you always put by a rigid poker face, it is a little uncomfortable for inner sensitive her, thought she was something make you not satisfied.After marriage, if you still face tense, not a little change, be careful each other be you away, love she let her change a little, with gentle image, to your marriage.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Leo(girl)

  Auo index: 6.3Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6.5Affection index: 6.2

  The dominant proportion: 44:56

You two are like lu and BaoLei, is a typical "fighting".

Her masculine domineering, and your depression is rigorous, you would have been very uncoordinated, but when you work involves the life ideal and goal, you will each other heart to move.Hand in hand, your love will be bumpy road, sweet relationship is not met.When dealing with her quest for power, enjoy the leadership, and your pursuit of achievements, to climb the peak, both want to be a dominant, her face will never compromise, and you are patient first, but the heart is also famous in secretly plotting.After marriage, if do not pay attention to coordination easily, in fact as long as you both can do more communication between each other, revisions, find each other's advantages and affirm, believed to be quite future-oriented a pair of love.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.virgo(girl)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 10Affection index: 9

  Dominant proportion: 59:41

You two are like xu zhimo and lu xiaoman, belong to "break".

You two are not romantic type, but can be found in composed of actual reality in common.You two don't belong to that kind of love at first sight, but with the deepening mutual understanding and feelings between you will gradually transition from friendship to love, and with the extension of time, and love more stable and strong.When dealing with her thoughtful of is the most attractive for you;And she will think you careful steady, all things considered, and has the ideal, let her feel sureness, have safe feeling, you can feel each other is each other to discuss work and the future partner in life, even if you two are silent, also can feel each other's mood by intuition, have an affinity for each other.After life hand in hand, your marriage will be very happy.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.libra(girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 52:48

You two are like zhang guoli and Deng Jie, belong to "suddenly calls" type.

Meet both of you will be attracted to each other on different characteristics, it is easy to call, but it is not appreciate each other, to go to need you to try each other together.Once you determine the other half of each other's heart, your relationship will be very steady progress, both sides like seamlessly.When dealing with your personality is complementary to each other, mutual appreciation, she likes you sedate elegant manners and inside collect taste, you are natural weeks for her turning in a social situation, play hard to get to the sentiment, let a person elusive and admired.To get marriedAfter you match tacit understanding, as she smart mind and broad social circle, you have a colorful life, at the same time you is sedate and balance her frivolous, you emerge the sense of responsibility to your family more stable and harmonious, cherish this rare chance.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Scorpio(girl)

  Auo index: 8Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 9.2Affection index: 7

  Dominant proportion: 67:33

You two are like liren, matilda tao, it is a typical representative of the "tacit understanding trust".

At the beginning of the acquaintance, you can see through each other's minds, two people together don't need to deliberately hide, each other there is a feeling of comfortable and at ease.Due to improper within each other, express, if no one puncture the enough you are hard to come together, each other once in hand, however, so you will be very loyal to each other, love sweet and stability.Get along, she can inspire your potential, let you to get rid of the rigid line, and she also can because of your support and achieve twice the result with half the effort.After getting married, because you are both very shy, emotions hidden deep, it is easy to suppress feelings for a long time and the outbreak of anger, two people get along with in addition to the faithful responsibility, also need a little tenderness;Moreover, is more communication, don't suppress in mind everything.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Sagittarius(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 8Affection index: 6.2

  The dominant proportion: 47:53

Do you like mark?Antony and cleopatra, belong to "mutual influence".

You are careful steadfast and ambitious and her pursuit of freedom, happiness, adventure and novelty, the two of you to go very hard, but she still will be attracted by your manly, and you also very appreciate her enthusiasm and cheerful.Because your personality difference is very big, even if together, love is hard to avoid twists and turns, you need to influence each other, so as to consolidate the relationship.When dealing with her pursuit of happiness, freedom and you put by a pair of static poker face all day long, you hope she steadfast steady, and she is keen on communication, active, have nothing in common ideological let you easy to conflict.Married, if uncontrolled, prone to quarrel, you might as well when dealing with care, to think more for each other, at the same time take some time to cultivate more about your common interests, also can let you move closer.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Capricorn (girl)

  Auo index: 7Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

You two are like "princess huanzhu" er kang and crape myrtle, belong to "tells a pity".

You both in personality and ideological values are consistent, inner tacit understanding to heart you to each other.Fall in love, seems to be a little less between you sweet words, flowers, chocolate, but it doesn't stop you love each other, appreciate each other really pity.When dealing with a tacit understanding between you, can understand each other's motives and thoughts and give each other closely, the steadfast sense of security.After getting married, because you are both a little stubborn, jealousy and belligerence is quite strong, it's easy to have a good claim situation, it is unavoidable.In fact, the two of you considerate and patience are superior, each other feel gentle and reliable.If you can establish a good communication, have what words all said frank with each other, can the heart hand is linked together, the prospect one be bright beauty oh.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Aquarius:(girl)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 48:52

You two are like "prank kiss" jiang zhi in the tree and Yuan Xiangqin, is "coordination".

You cautious sedate, ambitious, and her head and fraternity, two completely different character to go together, unless you're injured, now she her love, all can produce you touched, you will have love dawn breaks.Just enter the love, can you accommodate each other, but this kind of situation lasted not too long, you immediately restore their true colors, love to meet a lot of running in.Get along with, you can't stand her love, good to everyone, don't think you the mood specially;And you too serious and require strong sex, she will feel is a kind of bondage.After marriage, you both want great coordination, learning and tolerance to each other.Actually, your steadfast was her tranquilizer, bring her shaky peace;And she have the courage to try new things and bold pioneering spirit is what you want to learn, or you will be too rigid.

  Capricorn (boys)V.S.Pisces(girl)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 9.8Affection index: 9

  Dominant proportion: 73-27

You like Louis and kay, belongs to love each other "complementary".

You a reason a sensibility, but the heart is very tender feelings, complemented and cross, you like each other very easily.Once, you will show the most tender one side to the other side, the love of a affectionate, a practical material, match is very perfect, sweet emotional stability.Get along, you will get more from each other's own perfect quality, your specific goals and assiduous sureness, can appear sometimes stiffness, and her romantic warmth and spirit of sacrifice, can compensate for you.You is sedate sureness, achieve the goal step by step personality also give you a sense of security, to love fantasy, often puzzled by the atmosphere you have a positive influence.After marriage, you happiness.

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