Capricorn is the date to the date

  Capricorn is the date to the date

Capricorn is a solar calendar on December 22 ~ born on January 19

Alias Capricorn, Capricorn is appeared in the southwest of the winter night sky constellation, Capricorn is the symbol of the head and tail.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Capricorn is located in the southern, is a mainly composed of star constellations.It has a clear outline, big and bold, but because it's not a star, so look serious square.Capricorn dominated parts of the body: joint, gallbladder, and peripheral nerves.(byThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Capricorn is the date to the date _ the zodiac

  Capricorn personality tags:

Capricorn: gentle and stubborn

Capricorn: men love to dominate

CapricornA woman: family first

Capricorn: children mature and steady

  Guardian star:Saturn

  Properties:Earth sign

  Symbol:The knee joint

  On behalf of:The rigorous attitude, sense of responsibility, the enterprise belongs to the leading character.

  Capricorn lover:Modesty, upward

  Capricorn personality:We often use "the bow shock ghost, stern jing thief" to describe a Capricorn, Capricorn exactly whether a sign pointing?Actually Capricorn is the most patient of the zodiac, be careful of the zodiac, all things are down-to-earth, stubborn arguably their biggest qualities, regardless of the view of things, attitude, once opinionated, don't achieve a goal, they won't let go.Same Capricorn person, patience, diligence is also the most of the zodiac, of course they also is the most lonely a constellation.A typical Capricorn person, the most important is oneself of face, you'll never know his inner thoughts in appearance.Under the influence of Saturn, they naturally depressive mood, always feel in the heart with a lot of responsibility, is because of this, others are difficult to understand the thoughts of his heart, his advice to others is not generally what reaction, make to the side of the people are very boring, so don't delusion to understand him, so they must rely on their own;Actually very insecure, not fully trusting, always think twice, became the "bow shock ghost, stern jing thief" say love!

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