Taurus is the date to the date

  TaurusWhat is the date to the date

Taurus is a solar calendar on April 21, born on May 20.(byThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Taurus BiSuLiang star said v-shape structure, also known as Taurus V.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, bulky, issuing beauty.It has only about love in the zodiac and moving legend - the love of Zeus and Europa.Taurus is dominated by the body part: the cerebellum, neck, throat and vocal cord.

Taurus is the date to the date _ the zodiac

  Taurus personality tags:

Taurus: solid solid

Taurus men: a down-to-earth

TaurusA woman: strong ability of self-control

The Taurus children pay attention to the behavior culture

  Guardian star:Venus

  Properties:Earth sign

  Symbol:Bull's head and Angle

  On behalf of:Things belong to the organization to the growth and development of character

  Taurus lover:Beautiful and practical

  Taurus personality:Venus is Taurus guardian star, so the constellation of Taurus is conservative, he doesn't like change, safe is his attitude towards life.Taurus is the one who is, won't be impatient impulse, only patience, s) "in the practise,", it is their portrayal, but also very stubborn, once decided to go to change the things he does not like.Because of the lack of a sense of security, unemployment is the most afraid of facing problems in Taurus, lose focus on behalf of their life;Taurus has the potential of male male chauvinism, in the home they don't speak, but the dignity they attaches great importance to, and a woman in addition to practical Taurus, will love to dress up oneself, because the patron saint of Taurus is love and incarnation of beauty (Venus).They are often slow to spend some time to adapt to a relationship, a job, an environment, but adapted to the later, they will little change, unless forced to have no.And Taurus artistic cells, highly appreciate any art taste and ability.

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