Aquarius is the date to the date

  Aquarius:What is the date to the date

Aquarius is the Gregorian calendar on January 20 - born on February 19th

  The English nameThe Aquarius.Aquarius is also called Aquarius, due to the ancient greeks translation errors, so translated into "bottle".Aquarius is the middle of November at dusk, symbol symbolizes the running water.In the southern sky visible signs of the zodiac, its in Y little star is Aquarius.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Aquarius is a huge but dim constellation.It is composed of several star together in the shape of the bottle, look from the sky, as a person is holding a bottle water.Aquarius was originally in Greek mythology is a handsome prince, targeted by Zeus became the eagle catch back to the celestial, forcing its deals with pour wine, over time, slowly changed into Aquarius astrology.Aquarius dominated parts of the body: the calf, ankle and shin, teeth, blood, blood circulation, the eyesight.(byThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Aquarius is the date to the date

  Aquarius personality tags:

Aquarius: life on the rainbow

Aquarius men: friendship first

Aquarius:A woman: a departure from the secular

Aquarius: children born "wizard"

  Guardian star:Uranus.

  Properties:The wind sign


  On behalf of:Mutation, rebel, fraternity, unusual.Belong to the group character

  Aquarius lover:Free and easy, enthusiasm

  Aquarius personality:Aquarius: the biggest characteristic is innovation, the heaviest a constellation of individualism, the pursuit of their own unique way of life, is his attitude towards life.But he to the stubborn side, sometimes is uncertain, but pay attention to the humanitarian Aquarius friendly, also pay attention to privacy, this all is due to the influence of Uranus.Innovation, changeable, stubborn and rebellious Aquarius, what on earth is a person?Actually they are very contradiction of the kind of person, not just outsiders see children, even they feel their own contradictions.When you first know a Aquarius, it's easy to find him easy to talk with you, because of Aquarius is a star of "friendship", he is fond of zygomatic and every kind of people do friends, but it is often three minutes heat, with a Aquarius people do bosom friends, in human speech takes a long time;At the beginning of the meet you, at the same time, in their bright appearance, the heart is already booked for you the next grade.Like fresh stimulus, Aquarius, general friends, like to work, although very intense taste a gentleman he is meng, but he must forever just to good friends, for their own family seem cold and distant.

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