Pisces is the date to the date

  PiscesWhat is the date to the date

Pisces is a solar calendar on February 19th - born on March 20

Pisces is one of the constellation of the zodiac, covers an area of 889.42 square degrees, account for 2.156% of the day, all day in 88 in the constellation, 14 out area.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Pisces is a large and dark signs of the zodiac.It is composed of several star Angle of west and north fish, two fish, and there is a bright star in the vertices between the two fish.Pisces dominated parts of the body: cellulose feet, toes, blood, lymph system, joint synovial fluid, the organization of the body.(byThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Pisces is the date to the date _ the zodiac

  Pisces character tags:

Pisces: swimming in the crowd

Pisces men: a romantic

PiscesA woman: charismatic

Pisces children: in the dreamland

  Guardian star:Neptune

  Properties:Water sign

  Symbol:Two fish contain

  On behalf of:The human mind and the universe one belongs to teach character

  Pisces lover:Romantic and sentimental

  Pisces personality:The last palace Pisces is the sign of the zodiac, so he can focus on the advantages and disadvantages of all the zodiac at an organic whole, and can also be represented by two swam to the opposite of Pisces the fish are symbols of, know that this is a constellation multiple contradiction;Add water very element of emotional, you can imagine how complicated the Pisces man, ifScorpioIs one of the most illusive, constellation, the Pisces is the most "sorrow" signs of the zodiac.Nervousness, forgetfulness, sentimental, rich imagination, self-deception and so on are all Pisces image of words, but the Pisces's biggest advantage is that he has a kind heart, he most likes to help people, willing to sacrifice themselves for others, but don't think he is great, but he just by helping others and highlight its own value for certain, can be seen how much they have no confidence.Because no confidence, often make excuses for himself to escape, he knowingly when many, because of his love ourselves!People also do not think that Pisces nature gentle, sometimes older Pisces will not settle yourself under pressure, and converted to your temper, unreasonable to others, self-centered;Even so, his heart is still fragile.Guarding the Pisces Neptune, represents the ideal, imagination, inattentive, hesitant, and hypocrisy, also like Pisces.

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