Sagittarius is the date to the date

  SagittariusWhat is the date to the date

Sagittarius is a solar calendar November 23 ~ born on December 21

Sagittarius (also known as Sagittarius), Sagittarius, one of the constellation of the zodiac.Center: ascension 19 when 0, declination - 28 °.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Striker seat in the Milky Way most wide and light, the whole constellation image as bow arrow horse Khartoum to quit.Sagittarius dominated parts of the body: hip, pelvis, sciatic nerve.(byThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Sagittarius is the date to the date _ the zodiac

  Sagittarius character tags:

Sagittarius: candid

Sagittarius men: optimism

SagittariusA woman: kind and warm

Sagittarius: children curious

  Guardian star:Jupiter

  Properties:Fire sign

  Symbol:An arrow

  On behalf of:Optimistic attitude, religious beliefs.Belong to the group character

  Sagittarius lover:Humor, bold and unrestrained

  Sagittarius personality:Patron saint of Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, is Zeus, so Sagittarius person optimistic, honest, enthusiasm, love a challenge, but it's easy to impetuous and recklessness.He is the zodiac constellation adventurer, deeply loves the travel, likes to gamble, is varied, slaughter, with a dual character.They possess the secret of forever young - refers to a state of mind, they like pursuing knowledge, clingy tide, also have language talent.Dual personality and Sagittarius, changeable, have the opportunity to do two completely not the nature of the job at the same time, his versatility is also likely to do a broad range of work.Willpower is Sagittarius a big defect, lack of self-control, such as gambling addiction, defies the idea.

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