Libra is the date to the date

  libraWhat is the date to the date

Libra is a solar calendar September 23 ~ born on October 23rd

Libra (Latin: Libra, astronomical symbol:?)Is one of the constellation of the zodiac, is one of the Ptolemy constellation.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Libra began in the autumnal equinox, is located invirgoTo the southeast, it is the zodiacThe zodiacThe most late was found signs of the zodiac.The brightest in the constellation of four stars, it seems that as a libra, so named.Is a need to be the sign of the praise, represents the harvest in the autumn, also represents the devotion and the harvest need to balance.Libra dominated parts of the body: the kidney, adrenal gland, the endocrine system, skin, blood vessels.(by the zodiac/astro/Provide)

Libra is the date to the date _ the zodiac

  Libra character tags:

Libra: implementation of perfectionism

Libra men: looking for the balance

libraA woman: considerate

Libra: children won't choose

  Guardian star:Venus

  Properties:The wind sign


  On behalf of:Aesthetics, the principle of fairness belongs to the leading character

  Libra lover:Elegant and charming

  Libra personality:Libra by Venus, ruled by Venus, affect their interests pursuit of peace and harmonious feeling;Libras appearance elegant, warm kind, margin very good friends, like listening to others, communication ability strong again, just have balked at the biggest problem.They always require balance, maintain a deep relationship with others is his life's goal, they are most likely to feel lonely, when many mind appear on empty;Although the share is his life motto, it's a pity that easy just to own a set of ideas upon others, is the so-called "with its own ruler measure the scale of the others", libra friends need to be careful of this.Don't like the decision, because they don't know how to decide, likes to escape from reality, indecisive, confused, don't know how can to do next;They are the most afraid of lonely, friends are important to them, women libra wish best 24 hours with her partner!

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