Cancer is the date to the date

  cancerWhat is the date to the date

Cancer is a solar calendar June 22 - July 22, born in (by)The zodiac/astro/Provide)

Cancer (Latin: Cancer, astronomical symbol:?), one of the zodiac signs.

Date of constellation is according to the Gregorian calendar (the Gregorian calendar).If you only know his birthday lunar calendar (lunar calendar), can get through itcalendarConvert the Gregorian calendar.If you are in the middle of the two zodiac signs border, it depends on the specific time you were born.

Cancer is the sign of one of the most dark, it comes from the Greek mythology is the Greek hero, hercules step into pieces a large in the battleA crab.The cancer constellation fragmented, represents the main period of time in the summer, also represents the tides and growth.Cancers dominated parts of the body: the stomach, breasts, pancreas, blood.

Cancer is the date to the date _ the zodiac

  This sign character tags:

  Guardian star:The moon

  Properties:Water sign

  Symbol:The two crab pliers

  On behalf of:Deep sensibilities, protecting color and family belongs to the leading character

  The lover of cancer:Considerate, sensitive

  Cancer personality:When it comes to cancer, is bound to mention their loving family maternal nature, but don't forget loving is one of the characteristics of cancer;Like the crab they tag, has a hard shell, has a soft heart, so the sign of cancer are very understand to protect themselves.Cancer is a water sign, so small not unavoidable emotional, have very strong memory, for some don't have to haggle over every ounce of things he would, but to the person they love very thoughtful and kind.They are ruled by the moon, have an effect on mood and digestive system.If you know cancer early, you will be misled by the first impression you think of him;Because they are needed to protect themselves, not open to strangers, but when you know him further, you will know that he was a great guy.In the zodiac, the sign of the cancer is the most stick it out, he told friends and loved ones are very loyal and persistent, for family values is very high, and he is most like collecting storing things, don't give up about everything, there is a high and their taste for the beautiful things.

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