The most worthy constellation cancer girl boys


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

To get along for a long time, we must both sides effort, because Aries self-centered, the concept of work is more important than family, and your family centered attitude completely on the contrary, his home as the hotel's way of life, can make emotional extreme sensitive cancer more uneasy, produce suspicion.

If Aries is a man, you must be mentally prepared, cancer women don't like to leave your emotions, but the heart and think your boyfriend must understand her mood.In the world of love, her efforts to get the same in return, but they'll never feel enough.If is a man of cancer, you have to give Aries girl friend think you have some manliness, although you the kind of people personality, willing to take care of each other is popular, but for a long time to get along with you've got to give her some real confidence.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Because the constellation Taurus and cancer are introverted, and for the ultimate goal in life, family so as soon as the sparks between two people is a perfect couple, love each other very deep, the only problem is that the two sides of jealousy is very heavy, as long as there is nothing happens, immediately became more sensitive, do not know to control your emotions, and the character of the collect inside, often into the situation of the cold war.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

In fact, Gemini, and you fall in love, only "talk" mentality, who know the ride was found very talk.Gemini that an attitude, laughing a cancer quite gentle heart.Strike up a conversation very casually, then sat together, togetherHave a mealAnd pay together, this process, it is the picture of Gemini &cancer met and fell in love, but after eating the meal again how is the problem you face, this a happy maybe will become the future of sorrow.

Because everyone's outlook on life is different, the twin use rational look at love, cancer with perceptual, get along with, after a disagreement, conflict with sensitive cancer will try to grasp very outgoing Gemini, but excessive force, pliers hurt him, would go Gemini, pay attention to, cancer like to stay at home, but you will feel like at homeGo to jail

Sexually, Gemini is completely controlled by the psychological desire, but this particular about atmosphere at that time, the tacit understanding is not enough oh ~

Good friend you absolutely no problem, do couples want to rely on luck!!!!

  Cancer: cancer

Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Because everyone has the same qualities, in a pair of very much!!To note is that you are both negative water sign, very introverted, too many feelings hidden in the heart, high sensitivity, easy to estimate errors because of small things, make oneself not happy, another is mood swings and therefore affect the people unhappy, why?

Strong maternal qualities, love the family, you will be in a relationship after entering plateau, talk about marriage and children also will have to think it is perfect life.Common life can take care of each other, depend on each other, pay attention to the memory of you are too sharp, each time the quarrel, will be aged 18 generations before the will find out, the mutual JieChuangBa, for people not to matter, small is interest, always hurt feelings.Fortunately, you can review afterwards to calm yourself.

Sex, too complex and meaningless emotions affect you, can't have too much time to enjoy the fun.


Matching index

Friendship: u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

You can do a very good couple!But first must know each other is exactly the opposite of a person, with you Leo in charge by the sun, is a fire sign, cancer governed by the moon, is a water sign, and this is not, but if two people to understand and learn each other, take long short, can be a very good couple, the heaviest if know how to coordinate with each other.Leo looks arrogant authoritarian, but the heart sensitive mood lose not cancer, but they stick on the surface, so a dispute, in order to face, never lower the head, and cancer, also spoken to each other is so a few days will happen.

In addition to pay attention to the consensus of all financial management concept, cancer can feel sometimes Leo too extravagant, buy some unrealistic things all day long, a waste of money, just put the money as a gift.Leo also wonder why cancer to worry not happened all day long.But to get along with for a long time, everyone will affect everyone's way of thinking, can also be happy!

In terms of sexual life, everyone will have difference, Leo initiative enthusiasm is bold and direct methods, isn't for cancer, should you pay attention to care about the habit of feeling!


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

You usually start from friends, after a period of time to get along with, or because some fuse so that you may find each other can be your life partner, but this phase may be dragged on for a long time, the two of you are lack of initiative and too introverted, faced with feelings have different direction of fear in the heart, cancer never afraid of injury, virgo always feel every lover has big distance with his idea of the perfect, because such a see-saw waste a lot of precious youth, but once you go together, can have a long lasting relationship.

Organized a family time, and your feelings of another test, although this is the way of living, but compared with virgo that fraction will of thousands of small home attitude a little distance, caution you tend to make a mountain out of a molehill, put some XiaoShiHua big, "wet broken broken" little quarrel, actually very easy to destroy your feelings, be careful.

For you, Sex is not the important thing, just keep all small links, a bit of a routine.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

When you start, may be attracted to each other's a look in the eyes, as if he is what you are looking for a gentle, but is found to be together for a long time after get along must redouble efforts!That is because of the character of libra, make to always pursue security cancer good confused, constantly wondering whether he likes me how many?Libra will always hesitate whether he is I want a partner?The worst is that everyone is softhearted, personality is not strong and don't want to do "ugly man", a problem not to face, one to hide the bottom of my heart, a deluded, often tepid, all are hard to break.

The long run, to pack up your heart, mercurial cancer to add two more gentle, play a strong maternal, will he keep, solved the unable to break through barriers, he will be very good for you, optimistic, love beautiful nature makes you happy, it is best not to repeatedly all day long, you don't make any noise, after he comfort you once twice, the third time he will turn and go.

Sex cancer also want to try to give him more satisfaction, he emphasizes the atmosphere and emotional appeal.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Similarly is a water sign, Scorpio, and the feelings of the cancer is more than words, everyone is feeling person, have a tacit understanding of freemasonry, although began to talk about love, is not necessarily a touching love, but the longer time, enthusiastic attitude mounting, is definitely a good couple.

Best on emotional sensitivity, suspicious of cancer, but more severe Scorpio, you mustn't tell him the previous love history, dozens of years later, he can also find out.Scorpio should also understand the cancer emotional, he can really bitter bitter face tomorrow, a few laughs today know his chop and change, give he needs comfort and care!Marriage life, everyone in their own home for the first position, the cancer will control by Scorpio, know how can he enjoy a warm and happy family.

As for sex, so sex really possessive Scorpio, for cancer to feel valued, also by his instructions, sublimates sex to the mental state, harmonious share the orgasm.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: to end to end

Affection: u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Why is falling in love with a person who don't go home?This is a cancer with Sagittarius has to ask a question?

You are very different in principle, like a home, a family will never stick, a sensitive pessimistic, one is a woman.she, why be together?Or start time, Sagittarius optimistic heart, no machine to cancer a hope!But after cancer will find striker even fundamental small do you most need can't give you a sense of security.For Sagittarius, how can he stand this sign a chi bound?Cancer the heaviest if home, for the striker, the home is just a hotel!, easy to quarrel all day long, you will what all regardless of Sagittarius, oneself go out and find other happy, and cancer is only in one person sad depressed.Money, cancer that can province is character, Sagittarius cannot understand!

After sex, Sagittarius in fresh, feel this is a little routine, not able to satisfy his challenge and adventure, consciously boring and develop relationship with a third party.

  Cancer: Capricorn

Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

In the horoscope learn, cancer and Capricorn is a palace, can be very couples, could also be a lifelong friends, to see you to.

Usually you is the fate, in has attracted to each other, when he first met you that a mother's gentle taste for cancer, and understanding of the character is very fascinated, Capricorn and cancer to the father's dignity and stability is a sense of security, so if it is the combination of a pair of male Capricorn female cancer, often easy to succeed, but if it is female Capricorn male cancer live husband wife food is likely to happen.For a family, you will have a consistent consensus, will soon pull a skylight, and soonThe child, but after a child is born, the child is likely to affect your emotional reasons.Because everyone is focusing on children, but reduce communication between everyone.

It is you two common family, most of the spending is invest in family life, seldom other unnecessary waste, and has a long-term savings plan.

Capricorn on sex often because things on the job, interfere with their sexual interests, chain cause cancer doubts about their own attractive, need to spend some time looking for spirit to oneness.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: to end to end

Marriage: to end to end

Family: u u

Talk about feeling required:

Be careful, you may only be a short love!!Because cancers and Aquarius personality is different, cancer this desire safe love specificity, in the eyes of Aquarius is so funny, the bottle will never to give up a forest for a tree, crab ~ want to use the tender feelings to him, so he will be very rational tell you is not the case, should give him more freedom, but relax when ignored him, and he will think you don't care about him, cancer that is very difficult to use on him!First cancer for the Aquarius will attracted by the gentleness and family characteristics, but get along with go find not so, so want to change the cancer.But how stubborn introverted cancer may listen to you?He doesn't agree with you that a set of!Get along, often for the problem of free cause disputes, good afraid of cancer bothersome, Aquarius would rather go with your friends, avoid long-term bombing.

Sex may not be good, because cancer never know sex are needed when Aquarius, tend to cause imbalance.


Matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required:

Very the tacit understanding to each other.Both are feelings of water sign, everything is in order to love word line first, your relationship is like a love of literature and art piece, full of make you both in the plot.By begin to love each other the same vision, to know that you have found the people have been longing for in your heart, you will be very hard for each other a sense of security, will be very careful to maintain the relationship between the two individuals.But be careful of your strength and your emotional crutch, because of your sensitivity is high, the more nervous the other party, affected by the other party mood, the greater the small things can make you not happy, eyes not a grain of sand!In a family, this cancer's better to be responsible for the organization of work, especially in terms of finance, Pisces this play, sometimes make family in crisis.

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