Aries girl most constellations

The following by/astro/Sort out for youAriesThe girl withThe zodiacThe index, everyone see index will know who is the most match constellation Aries girl.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Aries (boys)

  Auo index: 10Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 8.8

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

You both like the su da ji in granting titles to gods and the shang king zhou, will inevitably cause a little wave.

Both of you in each other's idea, the idea and practice all the same, it is easy to resonate with the feeling of home.Once you call, you will be developed rapidly enter a state of love, and strong emotions, the pace is also easy to cooperate.But you too the same temperament, let you after getting along for a long time, easy to were at sixes and sevens, bitter rivals, clashing frequently quarrel to cause dramatic probability is very high.If we do not pay attention to the adjustment mood, and get along with mode, when two people become husband and wife, marriage quarrel will become more frequent and more use of empathy, the heat of the keep fresh is to maintain the way of love.Additional financial expenditure in the family, should be planning, use words carelessly, be careful to make ends meet.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Taurus(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6

  Dominant proportion: 59:41

The combination of the both of you like Victoria and David Beckham, belongs to the combination of the complementary.

The concept of action is very different from you two, an impulse halfback, a hesitation is slow, both complementary character, if can coordinate the two rhythm, it's easy to call.After the call, you will actively pursue him very much, and he is too careful, which greatly affect the enthusiasm of you.When two people get along with, might as well take doubles tennis strategy, an attack, a guard, the dawn of the victory is not far away.After married, you still want more tolerance, to discover each other's advantages, to control the pace of life mutually acceptable range.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Gemini(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 58:42

You both like a fallen city of love, the white fringed with van LiuYuan, is a very perfect couple.

Urge you and changeful him, both of you with a click of attitude towards life.Once you have a favorable each other, you'll fall in love hand in hand, his creative, you are energetic, give you add infinite love.But get along for a long time, he will because your self-righteous, complacent and distress, and you will abandon his sharp brain, love-hate relationship with him.If you walk down the aisle once, each other conflict is inevitable, both sides should be more tolerant and understanding, if you are appropriate to restrain the character of complacency, all ask for his advice more, rather than impose your ideas on him, so the relationship will be more harmonious.

  Aries (girl)V.S.cancer(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6.2Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 73-27

Your portfolio is similar to the Slam Dunk "slamdunk" with red wood haruko, belongs to the endurance test type.

Collect inside your outgoing forthright and sincere, he implicitly, the two of you to come together to really work.The pace of your relationship once established, coordination is important, you are a always determines the goals will be dashed forward, and he used to escape from a problem, the mind sensitive and exquisite, at ordinary times you also should take care of him in a silent mood.Especially after entering the marriage state, you should be appropriate to restrain outside playing crazy behavior, otherwise it will make the he is homesick.In addition, must be good at observing his words and deeds, and read his mind, and then eliminate the doubts on his thoughts, advise his feelings, feelings that would go longer.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Leo(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 9.8Affection index: 7.6

  The dominant proportion: 49:51

Your portfolio is a bit like hyo-jin kong and seung-beom ryu, belong to "ganci agni" type.

Both of you first met easily sparks, as magnets attract each other, and progress fast and powerful.Mutual attraction between you two, usually naturally and effortlessly, as long as find out each other's feelings, the heat of the two people will continue.However, you both character is very strong, is easy to cause offense for leadership battle, need more communication.After entering the marriage state, you need more tolerance to him, give him enough out of face, to satisfy his vanity, at home, you can properly performed, but not too much.

  Aries (girl)V.S.virgo(boy)

  Auo index: 7.3Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 8

  Dominant proportion: 63-37

The combination of the both of you are similar to JiQin and wang2 ren2 just, is a typical love-hate type.

In the beginning you will be attracted by his carefully, for he wanted to be so considerate and thoughtful mind and admit defeat, but he also was conquered by your enthusiasm is active.Once you fall in love, you will be hard to put up with his haggle over every ounce, mother-in-law mother, even some of vitriolic character, and his will to you hate to gnash careless, don't behave, you quarrel with opportunity will be very high.After entering the marriage state, if both of us can't adjust their thinking, and the argument will speed up the frequency, more transposition thinking, good at understanding each other's good, to make love.Second, you need to earn more, they have the opportunity to enjoy together.

  Aries (girl)V.S.libra(boy)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 8.5Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 56:44

Your composition similar to lu and sun haiying, is an outstanding representative from each type.

According to the views of astrology, you are two completely opposite person personality, but because of this, you can easily produce the feeling of a magnet, deeply attracted.He was really attracted by your bright and cheerful, and you are conquered by his smart, witty.This kind of character completely complementary, let you feel short time relationship fresh and perfect.After marriage, he would build the sweet home for you, you will also praised his good taste, but get along for a long time, the two sides will expand each other's shortcomings, so as to produce the feeling of alienation, only more communication can eliminate the cracks in the distance.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Scorpio(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 6.2Affection index: 6.6

  The dominant proportion: 70:30

You both like a rosette with the combination of takuya kimura, is a typical Mars hit the earth, once collision, passion will release of nuclear power in a short period of time.

His enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained cold on while you are outside, but your indifference hidden under the appearance of the mystery of a suffocating temptation, curiosity heavy he urgently want to unlock the veil of mystery, you soon to come together.After entered into a state of love, because you all have a competitive side, rapid cooling of emotion is easy to happen.Want you to keep constant temperature, love needs more tolerance, all things don't by his own temper.After entering the marriage state, if you want to for a long time, the two of you must learn to mutual tolerance, to develop common interests supernatural enhance communication to you both.Don't be too vs., he should put his CARDS on the table, don't old in his stomach to burn, and it's time for you to do some convergence, don't always want to control him.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Sagittarius(boy)

  Auo index: 10Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 51:49

Your composition is similar to Cecilia wong and chan pak cheung, comedy duo are most apt to you.

Do you have the same pursuit, behavior patterns and thinking habits are surprisingly similar, so it's easy to do.You admire his independent character, he appreciates your energetic, click this kind of feeling, make you very enjoy this state of love.But, with the two of you are action oriented, is lacking in soul communication, should be appropriate to slow down the rhythm of the life, the true feelings of his heart, and sometimes doesn't mean that happy laughter and maybe he had certain stimulation.To get married, along with the fade of passion, the desire for freedom is likely because you let themselves go and find him again love each other, usually more concern to each other, even more take the initiative to undertake some housework.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Capricorn (boys)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 6.8Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 54:46

Do you like chae rim and lee seung hwan, belongs to the type I want you to fill.

A hot and passionate, a calm calm, although the two contrast big personality, but complement of Yin and Yang, you easily attracted to each other's advantages, his endurance and stability for you.Fall in love with him, you must have enough patience, he long time looks at you, hone your, once get his approval, he will be dead set to protect you, care about you, love you.Time is long do you think his age are flexible enough, and he'll think you blundering unrealistic, you can easily dispute.After marriage, how to communicate some of the soul, can get along well.You don't be too aggressive, don't worry too much, make allowance for him;And the best he can sincerely to you, and as much as possible to give you a sense of security.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Aquarius:(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 8.5

  Marriage index: 8.4Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 53:47

Your portfolio is colorful, stuffed with Laredo Eva and gianluigi buffon have one.

Your enthusiasm and lively, and his love, cheerful, you are attracted to each other.Rapid development after the call, it is easy to become a lover, have an affinity for each other.You two together, you can sometimes seem a bit childish, not mature enough, and his way to treat a friend or even better than you, make you jealousy.If you don't pay attention to adjusting the psychological, the two became husband and wife, after the quarrel would like nightmare intertwined with you, more tolerant, more see the advantages of each other.In order to increase the adhesiveness of love, at ordinary times can take part in some social activities.

  Aries (girl)V.S.Pisces(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7.4Affection index: 8

  Dominant proportion: 76-24

Your portfolio is like zhao and zhang mowgli, belongs to the mutual infiltration.

Although the thought character of both contrast is great, but the complementary character makes you attracted to each other.Early love you will be captured by his exquisite and affectionate, he will be attracted by your passion vigor.But for a long time, you can abandon his emotion, sentimental, and he is difficult to put up with your call a spade a spade, the contradiction between you deepen therefrom.After marriage, you'd better to restrain their swagger, guided him into your mind world, at ordinary times more encouragement and praise to him, let him feel confident, his mood change, all questions will is not a problem.

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