Sagittarius girls most constellations

The following by/astro/Sort out for youSagittariusThe girl withThe zodiacThe index, everyone see index will know who is the most with the constellation Sagittarius girls.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Aries(boy)

  Auo index: 10Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 8

  The dominant proportion: 49:51

Your portfolio is similar to the rice field ayaka island with water macros, comedy duo are most apt to you.

Do you have the same pursuit, behavior patterns and thinking habits are surprisingly similar, so it's easy to do.He appreciate your independent features, you appreciate his energetic, click this kind of feeling, make you very enjoy this state of love.But, with the two of you are action oriented, is lacking in soul communication, should be appropriate to slow down the rhythm of the life, the true feelings of his heart, and sometimes doesn't mean that happy laughter and maybe he had certain stimulation.To get married, along with the fade of passion, the desire for freedom is likely because you let themselves go and find him again love each other, usually more concern to each other, even more take the initiative to undertake some housework.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Taurus(boy)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 6

  Marriage index: 6.5Affection index: 7

  The dominant proportion: 58:42

Your portfolio is a bit like na ying and peak, will continue for a long time will have certain difficulty.

His life is the pursuit of stability, and independent feature do you like, the pursuit of fresh stimulus, despite a big gap between your manner of life, but you can choose together because of envy other's money.Love, your relationship is not very stable type, material support, if there is no money your love could rapidly cooling.Initially he will accommodate your capricious, like your vitality, but in the long term, not the same life he will feel so tired, so he started to avoid you.After marriage, you a pay attention to the quality of life, a love to play, your live is established on the basis of the material, so it is imperative that a lot of money, enjoy life.Secondly, can develop a common interest, cultivate the tacit understanding, two people together to create a happy family.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Gemini(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 8

  Dominant proportion: 56:44

You two are like a happy life of "Garfield" Irene and Garfield, belong to "like-minded" type.

You are both outgoing and cheerful, optimistic, talkative, each other like-minded very feel.Once in love, you will be attracted to each other, he's strong desire for knowledge and fast rhythm of life you will constantly friction sparks of love, you are the lover, but more like a friend.When dealing with the uncertainty will you let him feel lonely sometimes;And you also sometimes think he pursuit of spiritual life attitude and new knowledge is misshapen.After entering marriage, if can't reconcile with each other, one side is prone to an affair, you should have more respect and agree with each other and learn from each other in the common life, complement each other, make the relationship more stable.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.cancer(boy)

  Auo index: 7.5Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 7.5

  Dominant proportion: 72-28

You two are like carina lau and Tony leung chiu-wai, belong to "bread lovers".

One of you are from Mars, one from mercury, personality is exactly the opposite, but there is a mysterious attraction each other's eyes.Once in hand, and your relationship in a short period of time also is very sweet, a long time, "rainy" relationship will be.Get along for a long time, your "haunt" make him hard to digest, his guess suspicious let you dislike, many of the cold war will happen between you.After marriage, you probably because of each other's personality differences, "eye", the two sides of thoughts in common less and less, is really love each other to find a way to develop your hobbies and interests, have a common language, will shorten the distance between you.At the same time, to develop their respective business, wait to have a solid material foundation, then slowly cultivate your tacit understanding.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Leo(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 9.5

  Marriage index: 9Affection index: 9

  The dominant proportion: 47:53

Do you like Chen and Chen kaige, typical "touching" type.

You are all fire sign, mutual enthusiasm can inspire strong love sparks, you easy to fall in love at first sight.Once in hand, your relationship will continue to heat up, each other mutual affinity, educated, love the more fragrant.You are both the pursuit of freedom and unrestrained way of life, can reasonably respect each other and make a little concessions, so it is very perfect couple, it's easy to fill some empty from his optimistic open, and his empathy, like you have a point, no burden and pressure.After marriage, the two of you more like two funThe child, not only can use the things around to have a nice time, your relationship is like a play extremely exaggerated.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.virgo(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 6.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 62:38

You like sun and xue-bing wang, a typical "possessed".

He is gentle and rigorous introverted, and your enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, meet, because personality is complementary to each other you easily attracted to each other.But usually you love belongs to three minutes heat, the concept of each other the cause of the gap is too big, want to make love also need to work on.Fall in love, his pursuit of perfection, always likes to pick, once fell in love with, requires that each other is single-minded to him, and you like the freedom, unrestrained, it is hard to let you give up the whole forest for a tree, do you think of sudden excitement and adventure, make life more enjoyable, will further expand the gap between you.Once life hand in hand, you both need to cooperate with each other, you'd better understanding, let him trust in your adventure;And if he can CARES for you, give you space and freedom, your marriage will be happy for a long time.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.libra(boy)

  Auo index: 10Love index: 9

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 7.5

  The dominant proportion: 55:45

You two are like although ou qianyi and Roger kwok, is a typical "click".

You are fun, freedom, along with the gender of the person you like, because each other common interests and the feeling of resonance.After each other with affection, you will quickly in hand, love in the ear of potential development, romantic and exciting.When dealing with your optimistic open-minded, informal section, in his eyes charming;And his calm, also you can appreciate, you appreciate each other, love freedom, all of you at the same time, as you can give each other enough private space, can effectively preservation for love.After marriage, do you feel happy each other, the marriage harmony happiness, if want to plus for your relationship, the lasting development, still have to jointly establish a sense of responsibility, use your intelligence.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Scorpio(boy)

  Auo index: 6.4Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 7Affection index: 6.2

  The dominant proportion: 69:31

You two are like charlene choi and William, belong to "hot water".

Your personality is totally opposite, implicative, collect inside a an enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, you probably because the sexual attraction to each other and together.In love, you seldom pay attention to the communication of spirit, more is to use hot eyes, suggestive words stir up each other's instinctive reaction, short of passion is not love, when the newness disappear, your relationships will gradually cool.When two people get along, the straight just easily hurt his heart, and he was always good at hide deep, very little emotion out of their complaints, but strong emotions of vengeance, he broke up even more powerful than the volcano.You two get along, you will be with your heart to him, pay attention to the art of speaking, but if he can be tolerant and forgiving, try to accept your free living habits, so the relationship between the two of you can also turn good.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Sagittarius (boys)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 8

  Marriage index: 7.8Affection index: 7

  The dominant proportion: 50:50

You two are like guo ke be filled with and frankie lam, belong to "feel".

You both lively and cheerful and a little capricious and self, because of the similar characters, feel natural and friendly at the first glance, there is a bore.After the call, your emotional development let nature take its course, not deliberately to pursue, relaxed and stress-free, but want to keep for a long time, still need to work on.Get along for a long time, you get to know each other, easy to resonate and trust, can also give each other a piece of heaven and earth, keep not oily relationship, but because you are both like social activities, less time for each other, to strengthen emotional interaction need to take more time to each other.After combination family, if you at the time of freedom and space to each other, each other can improve the loyalty to the love, then you will grow hand in hand.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Capricorn (boys)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7.5

  Marriage index: 8Affection index: 6.2

  The dominant proportion: 53:47

You like cleopatra and mark?Anthony, belongs to the "mutual influence".

He careful steadfast and ambitious and your quest for freedom, happiness, adventure and novelty, the two of you to go very hard, but you will still be attracted by his manly, and he also very appreciate your enthusiasm and cheerful.Because your personality difference is very big, even if together, love is hard to avoid twists and turns, you need to influence each other, so as to consolidate the relationship.When dealing with your happy pursuit of freedom, he spent the whole day and invariable poker face, not with a pragmatic stable he wants you to live, and you are keen on communication, active, have nothing in common ideological let you easy to conflict.Married, if uncontrolled, prone to quarrel, you might as well when dealing with care, to think more for each other, at the same time take some time to cultivate more about your common interests, also can let you move closer.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Aquarius:(boy)

  Auo index: 9Love index: 10

  Marriage index: 9.5Affection index: 7

  The dominant proportion: 51:49

Do you like kara?Carla Bruni and nicolas sarkozy, is a typical "mutual respect and mutual trust".

Values and attitude towards life, you are the pursuit of freedom, have the courage to try new have in common, it is easy to resonate.Once the call, quickly enter a state of love, love sweet.Get along with, because of cognition are the same, you cannot modify the behavior of each other, which makes both sides feel comfortable at home, at the same time help preservation of love;Do you appreciate each other, at the same time, he thought, reform full of pioneering spirit, and it is to appreciate you,And he also like you optimistic humour, your adventure and freedom he is love.If married, you can more time to care for each other, you would be the most know how to enjoy life a model husband and wife.

  Sagittarius (girl)V.S.Pisces(boy)

  Auo index: 6Love index: 7

  Marriage index: 7.5Affection index: 6

  The dominant proportion: 75:25

Do you like her?Jovovich with Paul?Anderson, feeling belong to the type of "mixed".

You warm and cheerful, and he was urbane, a vibrant, a vulnerability, affectionate and easy to attract each other.But a sweet feeling comes quickly, but not necessarily permanent, you once let go will go very simply, and he is to the emotional entanglements.When dealing with you, sacrifice, while reveling in his tender care, but can't stand the appearance of his melancholy and sadness xi xi;And although he appreciate your wisdom and humorous, but you sharp-tongued and Shanghai style of dating, but to his insecurity, alone frustrating.After a family, to make a lasting marriage still have to work, he needs to change the tender affectionate personality, always more independent, have a grievance and have courage to express opinions, and if you can take care of his emotions, cared more about him, then you can also get along well.

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