Taurus is lucky number

  TaurusLucky number

Taurus is lucky number _ the zodiac

Taurus lucky Numbers: 1 and 9

The Taurus lucky color is blue

The Taurus lucky stone sapphire

Taurus lucky date: Friday

Taurus lucky place: quiet place

  Taurus lucky Numbers in detail

The April 21 Taurus lucky Numbers

Born on April 21, who was the number 3 (2 + 1 = 3) and the influence of the largest planet Jupiter.Those dominated by 3 people, often appear ambitious, sometimes quite dictatorial!Under the influence of Jupiter's optimistic nature, born on April 21, people for money often too careless handling.They just want to how to get rich quick, but often end up in debt, financial overdraft or losses.Also, subject to Mars and Venus (dominant Aries and Taurus) respectively, the influence of the enhanced the people born on this day to sensory, sex, and the pursuit of comfortable, etc.Because they like the pursuit of fashion, so often ", as long as I like to spend more money don't care "attitude.

On April 22, Taurus lucky number

Born on April 22,, to be number 4 (2 + 2 = 4) and the influence of Uranus.Uranus represents the eccentric and grumpy, because the planet Mars (despite ruling planet) and the influence of Venus (ruling planet Taurus).Born on April 22, people in the use of power, must pay attention to avoid using sex or charm, to achieve the goal of control other people.Controlled by the number four, to person to matter has a unique methods and insights.Because they often take a minority view, and confident, so sometimes will inevitably incur enmity, set up numerous enemy hiding in the shadows.Besides 22 is dual, born on April 22, people often interested in the things in pairs, such as twins, coincidence of things and the symmetry and so on.

On April 23, Taurus lucky number

The man who born on April 23, is the number 5 (2 + 3 = 5) and the effects of mercury.Mercury is thought to change quickly, so people born on this day must try to between the vitality and the strong demand for security, balance.They agitate the pursuit of pleasure in the body of the impulse, like on the fast roadDriving a carThe same.These passions (despite ruling planet) on Mars and Venus (ruling planet Taurus) under the influence of more strongly.So they must control these impulses.In the process of life suffered a huge blow, rarely to those who are governed by the number 5 has sustained effect.

On April 24, Taurus lucky number

Born on April 24, people are number 6 (2 + 4 = 6) and the influence of Venus.Controlled by the Numbers 6 are very attractive, attracted to other people's love and admiration, together with the ruling planet Venus is Taurus, and society has a very strong interaction relation, so born on April 24, people inevitably will work with other people.Dominated by number 6 in the life, love often become the main topic.Seen in astrological chart Taurus, plus the number of 6 traits and anyone born on April 24 itself character, all point to the affected by the moon, was born on this day people strongly influenced by love, all at the same time and harmony, the influence of the related relationship and beauty.

On April 25, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on April 25 is number seven (2 + 5 = 7) and the influence of Neptune.Because Neptune is made of water, control the vision, dream, and the phenomenon of mind, if you don't and realistic Angle, born on April 25, is very worrying thing, especially when zheng disputes into the feelings of others, this problem because of Venus (ruling planet Taurus) the shadow of suspicion Mang more serious.

In addition, dominated by the number seven people, is a typical feature of seeking change and travel.It may also cause anyone born on April 25 memory conflict, because they need to work with the established even more close.

On April 26, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on April 26 is the number eight (2 + 6 = 8) and the influence of Saturn.Saturn with a strong sense of responsibility, and accompanied by cautious, restrictions, and fate, so anyone born on April 26 conservative tendencies to be so obvious.Governed by the number 8 slowly and carefully made their life and career, it also highlights the characteristic of anyone born on April 26.Although the number eight people can be quite warm, but their appearance often appear cold.Control over due to Saturn and Venus (Taurus), the connection between the in love, they may be through difficulties and disappointment.

On April 27, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on April 27 is number 9 (2 + 7 = 9) and the influence of Mars.The number nine have strong influence on other Numbers.Any number plus 9, have the same number;14, 4 + 1 = 5 + 9 = 5;Any number times also can produce 9:9 * 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9, born on April 27, so people have great influence on the people around.Mars is powerful planets, represent the power of the male, but here for Taurus Lord a star (Venus, with the vigor of women), and soft.Therefore, people born on April 27, has a unique opportunity to combine the characteristics of male and female.

On April 28, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on April 28 is the number 1 (2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) and the influence of the sun.Controlled by the number 1 is a typical unique people, point clear, can't wait to climbing the peak.As mentioned earlier, people born in the year of the day is tend to be the dominant type, must be wary of not swayed by his own will to power.The sun symbolizes the strong creativity and flame, should be steadily to guide is (dominant Venus has the positive effect of Taurus), rather than let it burn, sporadic scattered throughout to be handled.

On April 29, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on April 29 is number 2 (2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2) and the influence of the moon.Because people are often subject to the number 2 is a good working partner and partner, rather than the leader, so people born in the year of the day it is best to his influence, using in the realization of the ideal family or work team.The influence of the number 2 can also be in personal thoughts and actions of infancy, play the role of brakes.And strong tendency of reflection and passive, the moon and Venus (ruling planet Taurus) feminine, the influence of characteristic of more strengthened the number 2.Secondary number 11 (2 + 9 = 11) polyester rather the person who was born the day for material things (is also affected by the earth sign Taurus), and for symmetry, and phenomena are very much interested in pairs.

On April 30, Taurus lucky number

Born on April 30, who was the number 3 (3 + 0 = 3) and the influence of Jupiter.Subject to the number 3 people no matter at home or at work, are easy to climb up the highest position.They also like independence;If must be integrated into the community, but it is not exempted from some obligation, frustration arises spontaneously.Jupiter for people born on April 30, add a optimistic and cheerful personality, this by Venus love beauty and comfort (ruling planet Taurus), and is more intense.

On May 1, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on May 1 is the number 1 and the influence of the sun.People born in the first day of each month for what was usually likes to run the first, but was born on May 1 person competition is the driving force is affected by the Venus (ruling planet Taurus), so mild.Represents the characteristics of the warm sun, and the development of the good self, their positioning of life positive and compassionate.Subject to the Numbers 1 to individualistic views on most things.And the count.While the people who was born on May 1 and try to avoid open conflict with others, but their stubbornness is obvious.Dominated by the number 1 is a typical aspirant, but born on May 1, people might only in more subtle ways to this feature.

On May 2, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on May 2 is number 2, and the influence of the moon.Because of the influence of the moon, the day people born character full of romance and imagination in the color, this trait in Venus (ruling planet Taurus), under the influence of more strong, the power of it.As people who was born on May 2 think of things to the objective and rational, so may and inner rich imagination this side of the conflict.Who happened to be affected by the number 2 is the second in the home, may be protected by his family, and some are ignored.Under the guidance of the parents, they will be the eldest in the family with strong emotions, but at the same time, it was relegated to a secondary role.Controlled by the number 2 is the best marriage partner, but it is not a good business partner.

On May 3, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on May 3 is digital and the influence of Jupiter.Numeric attribute is 3 people generally do well in their field, but also easy to become overly authoritarian, arrogance (born on May 3, especially be careful).Lucky number 3 are often eager to independence, coupled with Jupiter and Venus (ruling planet Taurus), the influence of which has great social charm and appeal.

On May 4, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 4, one was number four, and capricious, and easily outbreak of Uranus.Well they naturally calm, calm personality, can balance the influence of Uranus, and also cultivate Venus type (ruling planet Taurus) beauty and harmony of love;However, affected by the number four people with their own unique ideas and practice, so often full of confidence to put forward different opinions, so easy to recruit to hostile resentment, new enemies and don't even know it.Although these people affected by the number four often rebel routine, but most can moderate and smooth way.

On May 5, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 5, people affected by the Numbers 5 and mercury.Mercury represents the agile thoughts and changes, thus doubling their wisdom.Taurus is the master of the planet Venus, is representative of charm and idealism, dominated by the number 5 people, tend to be fond of adventure, even attempt to gambling, racing or dangerous relationship, therefore, will pay attention to and they can make friends.Impulse to impulse, however, they are on the job can not afraid of setbacks.

On May 6, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 6, people affected by the Numbers 6 and Venus.Affected by the lucky number 6 people so it's easy to fall in love, side is not short of admirers, coupled with Venus (ruling planet Taurus) also represents the positive social interaction, born on May 6, so people will have a lot of social contact with others.Affected by the Numbers 6 people, love is almost the main topic of their life.

On May 7, Taurus lucky number

The man who was born on May 7 is number 7, and the influence of Neptune.Neptune is a water sign, on behalf of aspirations, dreams and psychological phenomenon.Affected by the number seven people should try to avoid touch with reality, especially for people who was born on May 7, because Venus (ruling planet Taurus) influence on Neptune, make them become more romantic and sensitive.Dominated by the lucky number seven people usually like to change and travel, it was born on May 7, however need to persist in habit the individuality of things, but will bring considerable conflict and contradiction.

On May 8, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 8, the people affected by the number eight and Saturn.Saturn represents the has a strong sense of responsibility, careful, and fatalism, these traits was born on this day people have developed to get incisively and vividly.The influence of the number eight people will slowly and carefully developing personal life and career.Although the heart good, but under the influence of Saturn, their appearance may give people a feeling of indifference, serious;If coupled with the influence of Venus, born on May 8, the emotional life of the people is more complicated.

On May 9, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 9, people affected by the number nine and Mars.Number 9 have great influence on other Numbers (add 9, any figures will reply itself, such as: 14, 1 + 4 = 5 + 9 = 5;Any Numbers multiplied by 9, we will get 9, for example: 9 * 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9);Similarly, who was born on May 9 can also affect all the people around you.Mars containing the power and masculinity, however, after Venus (Taurus ruling planet, rich in the power of women) after neutralization, let the people who was born on May 9 can reduce aggression, and comfortable, gentle personality.As the combination of the Mars and Venus, also let the person born 5 per month with irresistible sexy glamour.

On May 10, Taurus lucky number

Was born on May 10 people affected by the number 1 (1 + 0 = 1), and the influence of the sun.A person who is affected by the Numbers 1 to do anything all have to take the first, while the sun is to let them have the thermal radiant self, can saying is the dragon of people, people of chicken!Their attitude towards life is very positive, coupled with the power of the ruling planet Venus, is charm can't block!However, if in childhood they don't get enough love and care, this kind of charm might be discounted.Most of the people affected by the number 1 multipolar ambitious, but the day people born without showing in the outside, their power is usually under the mesa, leading the people on the table.

On May 11, Taurus lucky number

Who was born on May 11 by the number 2 (1 + 1 = 2), and the influence of the moon.A person who is affected by the number 2 is a good colleague, good partner, is not a best leader, but is unique nature make them perfect for workers, small business owner, or other more free and independent careers.Was born on May 11 the human imagination as the moon's shadow too Mang become more abundant, and joint performance and strong ability of introspection and negative attitude.They are from Venus (ruling planet Taurus) in the infinite charm, at the same time also very tasteful for material comforts.It is interesting to note that anyone born 11 are usually very interested in the things in pairs, such as: twins, coincidence, symphony, or any such things.

Taurus lucky Numbers on May 12

Born on May 12, the people affected by the number 3 (2 + 1 = 3), and Jupiter.A person who is affected by the number 3 to get the highest position in their field, they are also easily become arbitrary, born on May 12, people pay close attention to this.However, influenced by Jupiter and Venus (ruling planet Taurus) can make the influence of both the day people born with a gentle, idealistic traits.The influence of the number 3 people like independent, so they often hope to be able to take management responsibility to hand over, so you can have more freedom, in fact, the light wants them to command others to do things, will make them feel whole body uncomfortable.The number 3 characteristics, combined with the nature of Jupiter, let the people was born on May 12 for their hard work and future remain very positive, optimistic attitude.

On May 13, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 13, one was number 4 (1 + 3 = 4) and the influence of Uranus, born to be strange, hot.Number 4 represents the resistance, often bizarre belief and desire to want to change the rules.Although most people think that 13 is an unlucky number, in fact it is a powerful digital, can use, also may lead to self-destruction.Because, on the other hand, was born on May 13 people often participate in social activities, so they must learn to control the qualities of body Uranus, and Venus (ruling planet Taurus) characteristics of led them to discover beauty and harmony.

On May 14, Taurus lucky number

Born on May 14, people were affected by the number 5 (1 + 4 = 5), and the effects of mercury.Numbers 5 and mercury represents change, hate boring behavior, and personality impulses.Fusion of mercury and Venus both affect people born to this day have grace, wisdom and idealism.People born today, however, must be too bold, don't try to control a temporary impulse, at the same time to learn to accept modest incremental change, fortunately, given by the number 5 personality, will make them after the setback can snap out of it.

On May 15, the Taurus lucky number

Who was born on May 15 by the Numbers 6 (1 + 5 = 6), and the influence of Venus.Affected by the Numbers 6 person usually has a mortal have been unable to block, and even let others admiration of love.Also mentioned before, there are quite a number 6 and Venus correlation, while Venus is Taurus ruling planet, so, who was born on May 15 May therefore be too "Venus", and therefore is very negative.They should try to active some, let the body is the energy of Mars, and so (male) Mars and Venus (female) traits can be balanced.

On May 16, Taurus lucky number

Who was born on May 16 by the number seven (1 + 6 = 7), and Neptune.Neptune is on behalf of the dream, fantasy, religious sentiment of the planet, and Venus (ruling planet Taurus), makes people born the day appears super romantic, sensitive.Plus people born that day would tend to emotional instability, so special to be careful not to reality.Affected by the number seven people sometimes had no qualms about spending money, and even let the finances of struggling in the home, so for them, a good accounting or financial personnel will be priceless.

On May 17, Taurus lucky number

Was born on May 17 people affected by the number eight (1 + 7 = 8) and the influence of Saturn.Saturn has strong PiPanLi, so more strengthened the human qualities of the foregoing was born on May 17 for people to oneself is very severe.Saturn and Venus (ruling planet Taurus) interactions and will cause a lot of difficulties in all kinds of social relations.And the influence of the number 8, will also make them on the material and spiritual aspects have a great contradiction.

On May 18, Taurus lucky number

Who was born on May 18 the number 9 (1 + 8 = 9), and the influence of Mars.Number 9 have powerful influence on other Numbers (any Numbers to add 9, will reply to the original number, such as: 14, 1 + 4 = 5 + 9 = 5;Any Numbers multiplied by 9, leads to 9, for example: 9 * 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9).Thus was born on May 18 people has a great influence to the person of side.Mars strong energy and gentle Venus (ruling planet Taurus) is a peculiar combination, the combination of the two will produce a powerful magnet and sexual desire, and when this desire is thwarted, are likely to harm the people was born on May 18.

On May 19, Taurus lucky number

Who was born on May 19 by the number 1 (1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) and the influence of the sun.Due to their vitality in the border zone, located in 48 interval and strongly influenced by the number 1 with the sun at the same time, so, must be wary of powerful dynamic error guide, otherwise will bring disaster for family or personal relationships.

Affected by the number 1 people like to be boss, ambitious, and don't like being restricted.Although Taurus ruling planet is Venus, at this time of the may, however, can also feel graduallyGeminiGive play to effect of mercury.So, born on May 19, people should be careful, don't be too by force of the power of mind, take precautions against impetuous, mood swings.For them, learning to let own mind and body to calm down, is the most important topic.

On May 20, Taurus lucky number

Was born on May 20 people are number 2 (2 + 0 = 2) and the influence of the moon.Affected by the number 2, gentle, and rich imagination, it is easy to hurt by criticism and neglect.And at the same time by the moon and Venus (ruling planet Taurus), the influence of may be overly sensitive and emotional.As mentioned earlier, because too often influenced by emotional ups and downs, from time to time, they do tend to change plans and ideas, and the quality is so strong, mainly is because adjacent Gemini, so will be affected by the strengthening of the mercury.In short, they must pay more attention to, avoid nervous tension and emotional instability.

On May 21, Taurus lucky number

Was born on May 21 people affected by the number 3 (2 + 1 = 3) and huge Jupiter.Affected by the number 3 people often seem to be ambitious, even inevitable, thus was born the day you have to beware of yourself too aggressive.While under the influence of Jupiter's optimism, handling of money too casual, they not only willing to borrow money, others are also often their plan on how to get rich quick, but end up in debt overdraft, mounting losses.Jupiter and mercury (ruling planet of upcoming Gemini), under the influence of people born on the very stubborn already see, that it is difficult to discuss things with others well.

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