Leo: lucky number

  LeoLucky number

Leo lucky number _ the zodiac

Leo lucky number: 5 and 9

Leo lucky location: broad space

Leo lucky color: golden and orange

Leo luck gem: ruby

Leo lucky date: on Sunday

  Leo's lucky Numbers in detail

On July 24, Leo lucky number
Born on July 24, to be number 6 (2 + 4 = 6) and the influence of Venus.Affected by the Numbers 6 people usually extremely attractive, easy to let people's desire, and even take the initiative to win the favor of them.In addition, Venus and social interaction are closely interrelated, and master the influence of the Leo sun, more strengthened the tendency in this field), as a result, intense relationship and irritable sexual experience, has been strongly tempted the people born today.No matter how life, affected by the Numbers 6 people throughout his life will put the love in the first place.

The lucky Numbers on July 25, Leo
Born on July 25, to be number seven (2 + 5 = 7) and the influence of Neptune, plus the sun the influence of the ruling planet (Leo), so that they have a strong sense of "the sun" - Neptune complex.This means that their psychological easily confused, keen to unrealistic romantic fantasy.In general, the influence of number seven people like change and travel, it has to do with anyone born on July 25 to a desire for far away adventure.Digital 25 often together with danger, it plays again good people born today.

On July 26 Leo lucky number
Born on July 26, people are influenced by the number eight and Saturn.With Saturn has a strong sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility and prudence, temperance and fatalism.So are those conservative born today.Affected by the number eight heart may really is very warm, but their appearance will show how much apathy and alienation.Step by step they will carefully planning life, opens up a path, especially involving money, they will more careful.The ruling planet Saturn and the sun (Leo) together, will make them more enthusiasm, but the odd thing is that they lack real confidence, so under the appearance of a bluff, actually hiding the fragile heart.

The lucky Numbers on July 27, Leo
Born on July 27, to be number 9 (2 + 7 = 9), and the influence of Mars.Number 9 has great influence on other Numbers (after any Numbers plus 9, 10 digits and single digits addition is equal to the original number, such as 5 + 9 = 14, 4 + 1 = 5;And any number multiplied by 9, after two digit Numbers together will be equal to 9, for example, 9 * 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9), in the same way, people born on this day also have profound influence to the people around you.Planet Mars is a good energy and aggressive, also represents the male energy (master of Leo sun reinforced this trait), as a result, the traditional concept of general held women, born on July 27, women's domineer over the head.

The lucky Numbers on July 28, Leo
Born on July 28, to be the number 1 (2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) and the influence of the sun.Affected by the number 1 people want to become a champion, they targeted, eager to climb to the top.People born by taking a day has been a strong tendency to dominate, plus dominate the influence of the Leo sun, makes it more obvious, therefore, they must learn to overcome his lust for power, and not on the ideas of others.

The lucky Numbers on July 29, Leo
Born on July 29, to be number 2 (2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2) and the influence of the moon.A person who is affected by the number 2 is a very good colleagues and partners, but by no means the best leaders, this character is very suitable for born today group oriented values, however, it can also be a personal creativity and action on the block, and lead to frustration.In addition, the characteristics of strong reflection of the moon and negative tendency and become more evident, but born today active side will be the ruling planet (Leo) from the sun and the influence of reinforcement.In addition, the number 11 (2 + 9 = 11), makes the living concept of orientation on July 29, is relatively steady.

Leo July 30, lucky number
Born on July 30, to be the number 3 (3 + 0 = 3) and the influence of Jupiter.Due to the effect of the number 3 people usually want to climb to the highest class of one's profession, therefore, are often committed to the pursuit of money and material success, the influence of the number 3 people enjoy independent, decisive and individuality.Jupiter's influence on July 30, the living, is optimistic about the future development, the effect was the sun from the ruling planet (Leo) energy and courage to strengthen them.Unfortunately, this was born in today's people might be overly optimistic about the future, but is unable to process or aware of his failure.

Leo on July 31, the lucky Numbers
Born on July 31, to be number four (3 + 1 = 4) and the influence of Uranus.As the only seven months of a year is 31 days, as for birthday and the date, it has more unusual, so people born on this day is not easy to understand.People affected by the number four due to stubborn personality and argumentative, although on the surface is very strong, but in fact, when they encounter emotional hurt and rejection, the heart is very fragile.Uranus represents the explosions and fickle, and this trait will be for the sun the ruling planet (Leo) brought by the power and energy and more.

The lucky Numbers on August 1, Leo
Born on August 1, to be the number 1 and the influence of the sun.People born in 1, really want to be a major player in the crowd, and resolute, eager to climb to the top.People born on this day must pay attention to, don't do it for one has the will to power and lost themselves, even to the people around.The sun will bring strength, creativity and passion for them (because the sun is the master of the Leo planets, for those who was born on August 1 influence is strong), but those traits have to balance development, cannot indulge them crazily flame without restraint.

The lucky Numbers on August 2, Leo
Born on August 2, to be number 2, and the influence of the moon.Generally speaking, who is affected by the number 2 will be good partners and colleagues, and FeiYiLiu leader.The born on August 2, however, people are less applicable, their ability to work, no matter from the point of maturity or qualification, could serve as indicators of others.Owing to the Leo sun dominate, born on August 2, one is with the junction of the sun, the moon must guard against mental thrust beyond the tolerance of the body.The moon represents the strong tendency of introspection and passive, but it only on special sensitive born today can be found.Born on August 2, and it is the second child in the home, described above with the moon in the number two qualities will be particularly apparent, because, compared to older brother sisters, she or he may be forced to in such a situation.

The lucky Numbers on August 3, Leo
Born on August 3, one will be affected by the number 3 and Jupiter.Affected by the number 3 people will usually want to climb to the professional fields in the top, but character is very independent, this trait was born on August 3 and energetic Leo is especially obvious.Jupiter will bring people born today optimism and open social vision (if they can get master Leo energy of the sun, was even more so), and therefore, their original will be more confident and positive attitude.

The lucky Numbers on August 4, Leo
Born on August 4, people will be affected by the number four and Uranus.People affected by the number four has the difficult and the good tendency to debate, this trait was born on August 4 people particularly evident.Like other people affected by the number four, born on August 4, people attaches importance to ideal based on money.In addition, Uranus represents fickle and unpredictable.Grumpy on August 4, the living personality will be the ruling planet (Leo) from the sun and Uranus energy function and become more intense, therefore, people born on this day must be careful to guard against the mood suddenly broke out.

The lucky Numbers on August 5, Leo
Born on August 5, one will be affected by the Numbers 5 and mercury.Because mercury is mental agility and change, therefore, anyone born on August 5, has long been dominated by Leo the influence of the planets, the sun strong impulse) when young, often make a bold decision, and change the established mind again and again.But no matter what in life on the road to the site of the blow or trap, these born today can quickly recover, coupled with the influence of the sun, the speed of recovery tend to become more rapid.

On August 6, Leo lucky number
Born on August 6, people are influenced by the Numbers 6 and Venus, due to the effect of digital 6 people deeply the affection and admiration of others, and Venus have great relationship and social interaction, as a result, people born on this day often work in highly social environment.It happened that they hate, for this kind of environment will feel very many people even so dun Cain rose up, live the life of the unknown (or even been forgotten), in fact, stable social life is the last thing they like.Love, is often affected by the Numbers 6 people's largest theme in your life.The ruling planet Venus and the sun (Leo), as well as the influence of the will let anyone born on August 6 is very attractive and sexy.

August 7, Leo lucky number
Born on August 7, people will be affected by the number seven and Neptune.Because Neptune is a planet control image, dream and heart phenomenon, like water, so people born on this day and will be unstable.Once this power and the influence of the ruling planet (Leo) after the sun, will make people born today make a capricious behavior, draw up the impractical plan or expectations, can appear even disgusting behavior.Typical affected by the number seven people like change and travel, the be fond of this on August 7, and the living is.

The lucky Numbers on August 8, Leo
Born on August 8, people will be affected by the number eight and Saturn.Because Saturn symbolizes the sense of responsibility, self-control, cautious and fatalistic, therefore, people born on this day will be more conservative.And people affected by the number eight, although in your career with a strong impulse to find new jobs, especially in middle age they actively want to have a great change on the job, but generally speaking, they will still be careful to start a new career.In addition, the sun the ruling planet (Leo) influence on Saturn, will show on August 8, the living strong personality traits, but it doesn't mean that they must have considerable confidence.

The lucky Numbers on August 9, Leo
Born on August 9, people will be affected by the number nine and Mars.Number 9 for other digital has a strong influence (after any Numbers plus 9, 10 digits and single digits Numbers together that will be equal to the original number, such as 5 + 9 = 14, 4 + 1 = 5;And any number multiplied by 9, after two digit Numbers together will be equal to 9, for example, 9 * 5 = 45, 4 + 5 = 9), in the same way, born on August 9, people also have strong influence on the people around us.In addition, Mars represents strength and aggressiveness (due to dominate the Leo impact the heat of the sun, these qualities become particularly obvious), is a symbol of male energy, therefore, the day women born sometimes too active, while men are too aggressive.

The lucky Numbers on August 10, Leo
Born on August 10, to be the number 1 and the influence of the sun, a person who is affected by the number 1 is clear his years in the campus, and desire to have at once can climb to the top, must be careful not to deviate from the often far, governed by a strong driving force, demanding too much attention, and for his energetic and makes others the toes.Ruling planet of the sun (Leo) on behalf of creation of energy and passion, these forces should keep balanced flow, rather than come up to blaze like volcanic eruptions, within a few days they vanished.

The lucky Numbers on August 11, Leo
Born on August 11, to be number 2 and the influence of the moon.Usually, the people affected by the number 2 is a very good colleagues or partners, to establish a constructive relationship with others.Ruling planet of the sun (Leo) is full of power and inspirational energy, and the reflection characteristics of the moon together, will make people born today have considerable insight.Number 11 will bring their down-to-earth qualities (this may be due to the powerful influence and become more prominent), in addition, they could be twins, and other various pairs of coincidence is particularly interested in things.

On August 12, Leo lucky number
Born on August 12, will be affected by the number 3 and Jupiter.The influence of the number 3 people aspire to climb to the highest summit in the professional field, born on August 12, of course not exceptions.Affected by the number 3 has independent, and this tendency is more fierce fiery Leo to strengthen.Jupiter symbol optimism, and bring the open social outlook (this trait will be dominated by Leo sun to highlight), therefore, confident people born on this day, with positive, a positive outlook on life.

The lucky Numbers on August 13, Leo
Born on August 13, people will be affected by the number four and Uranus.Uranus symbol of capricious and eccentric.People affected by the number four is hard to get along with and argumentative, this is because they are often with a different perspective to look at things.In addition, because digital 4 represents the rebel, specific and would like to change both the rule of desire, as a result, several traits will be for the reinforcement, plus the sun's influence on Uranus strong, intense degree more will be highlighted.Although the number 13 is considered by many to be an unlucky number, but it is very strong and powerful, people must use its power wisely, otherwise it will cause self-destruction.

The lucky Numbers on August 14, Leo
Born on August 14, one will be affected by the Numbers 5 and mercury.Was born in today and tend to like the person who comment and analysis, the rationality and the analysis of the characteristics will be strengthened (due to dominate the influence of the Leo sun to deepen its psychological power), and in these people affected by the number 5, we can also find the vagaries of behavior and impulsive behavior.People born on this day must learn to control the impulse, and gradually to change it.Fortunately, the number 5 will lead to the characteristics of easy to recover, no matter what encounter in life, people born on this day can show quickly recovered.

The lucky Numbers on August 15, Leo
Born on August 15, people will be affected by the Numbers 6 and Venus.People affected by the number 6 is usually quite attractive, even as an object of worship, this kind of influence can make up for the August 15, the living quality, make them more leader demeanor.Because the sun is Leo ruling planet, on August 15, the living personality belong to the sun in combination with Venus trait types, namely both aggressive and full of love.

August 16, Leo lucky number
Born on August 16, people will be affected by the number seven and Neptune.Affected by the number seven people often anticlimactic, and it is easy to lose touch with reality.Neptune is a representative dream, fantasy, and religious feelings of the planet, Neptune and the sun through the ruling planet (Leo) interaction effects, born on August 16, have encouraged highly romantic qualities in others.But affected by the number seven people lack of the concept of financial management, often make the family's livelihood, therefore, must be someone tube zhang or act as their accounting for them.

The lucky Numbers on August 17, Leo
Born on August 17, one will be affected by the number eight and Saturn.Because Saturn symbol of serious, therefore the people born on August 17, for yourself and others are more meticulous.The ruling planet the sun (Leo) and the dual effects of Saturn, will bring a very responsible attitude, but lacked the courage of personality may be produced at the same time.Number 8 leads to the conflict between material and spiritual world, so in general, these people affected by the number eight is lonely, and have a tendency to indulge.

The lucky Numbers on August 18, Leo
Born on August 18, people will be affected by the number nine and Mars.Due to Leo dominated by the sun, so anyone born on August 18 was affected by the sun and Mars, makes them particularly strong energy, but at the same time also can have emotional overreaction, tend to act on impulse and would not agree.People born on this day must pay attention to emotional problems, they can easily Angle and make enemies, because and population, therefore, as far as possible to avoid any leads to argue with people.If you want to get more success, was born in today's people have to control them easily outbreak temper their exact and moderation.If a good channel by digital 9 of energy and ambition, meanwhile domination, born on August 18, people will have many chances of success.

The lucky Numbers on August 19, Leo
Born on August 19, to be the number 1 and the influence of the sun.Because this day is the first day of the lion virgin SEC, at the same time will be affected by the ruling planet (Leo) the sun and mercury (virgoThe master of the planet) strongly influenced, so it is inevitable that people born on this day there will be a strong driving force, prompt them to an intelligent level was a considerable success.And the influence of the number 1 people usually want to be a middleman, rich of inclination, and don't like to be at home.

The lucky Numbers on August 20, Leo
Born on August 20, to be number 2, and the influence of the moon.Affected by the number 2 people tend to be moderate, rich imagination, but also easy for other people's criticism, ignore the injuries, so always take defensive attitude to look at things, always want to lose his temper (by Leo the influence of the ruling planet of the sun).And subject to the people of the moon, is usually sensitive, thought also susceptible to emotional.Due to the effect of the Leo, a person who is born today has a strong physical fitness, of course, when the lion palace and virgo SEC, inevitable will have a strong influence in mind, this is because the virgin ruling planet is mercury's sake.

The lucky Numbers on August 21, Leo
Born on August 21, people will be affected by the number 3 and Jupiter.The influence of the number 3 people are generally very ambitious, and even some overbearing arrogance.Although, Jupiter brings optimistic and broad-minded would achieve the result of restriction to scale (plus the lion's ruling planet - the positive side of the sun, influence another times), was born in today's people or to be wary, don't let yourself too want to dominate others, this domination is very stubborn, sometimes even in silence to express their not very identity.In general, subject to the number 3 people, as well as more specific said, was born on August 21, people must pay attention to prevent don't build too many enemies, because they are easy to cause the hostility and envy of others.Usually, accompanied by 21 Numbers, there are a pair of beautiful appearance.

On August 22, Leo lucky number
Born on August 22, people will be affected by the number four and Uranus.Uranus will bring volatile and explosive energy, the latter because under the influence of the sun the ruling planet (Leo), became more obvious.Affected by the number four people, generally speaking is extreme individualist.Because they often darkly to minority's point of view, because this often cause the hostility of others and tree many enemies.In addition, because 22 is a double even, who was born on August 22, is likely to be twins, coincidence events and interested in all kinds of things in pairs.

The lucky Numbers on August 23, Leo
Born on August 23, will be affected by the Numbers 5 and mercury.Mercury is our mind sharp and changeable, these qualities in people who have born on August 23, particularly evident, this is because the looming in virgo is also affected by the rapid planet, in this intersection, Leo the ruling planet of the sun may brings strong aggressive, thanks to the people affected by the number 5 whether on the voyage of life encounter any difficult or trap, can quickly recover from the damage.Number 23 frequently with incident but closely, born on August 23,, the more reveal their enthusiasm for interesting characters and events.

The lucky Numbers on August 24, Leo
Born on August 24, people will be affected by the Numbers 6 and Venus.Because people who are affected by the Numbers 6 susceptible to attract love and the love of others, and because Venus and social interaction still has a very close relation, born on August 24, people indulge in stimulation of romantic romance and sex experience, has become a great temptation, of course, but also because of the ruling planet mercury is he (virgo's influence is obvious on the surface now), so people born on this day will not necessarily directly involved in such an experience, on the contrary, they will play the role of a bystander.

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