Scorpio's lucky Numbers

  ScorpioLucky number

Scorpio's lucky Numbers _ the zodiac

Scorpio's lucky Numbers: 3 and 5

Scorpio's lucky date: Tuesday

Scorpio's luck gem: topaz (byThe zodiac/astro/Provide)

Scorpio lucky place: the sea, lake and river where the water is

Scorpio's lucky color: dark red

  Scorpio's lucky Numbers in detail

October 24, Scorpio lucky number
Born on October 24, to be lucky number 6 (2 + 4 = 6) and the influence of Venus.Due to the effect of digital 6 always has an irresistible charm, to attract the opposite sex with the eye of attention, plus Venus is in itself a interact with social personnel on the planet, so for people born today, sex excessiveness or addicted to the temptation of romance and cannot extricate oneself will be a cause.Especially when their house just cycle, namely Venus and Pluto each fall intolibraAnd Scorpio, this feature will be more clearly shown.Affected by the Numbers 6 people, relationships often master in their lives.

Scorpio on October 25, the lucky Numbers
Born on October 25, to be a lucky number seven (2 + 5 = 7) and Neptune influences that are rich in water.Neptune plus (libra ruling planet Venus), they add a character points elegant breath and imagination, but due to the influence of Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet), virtually and bring such a combination of the valley on the will to power.People affected by the number seven, was a typical representative of love change and travel, but many people born to the day with a family as the center, the results they might form a dilemma and the plight of the nursery, especially when they have to long-distance commuting and business trips.

Scorpio on October 26, the lucky Numbers
Born on October 26, people will be affected by the number eight (2 + 6 = 8) and the influence of Saturn.Because Saturn has a strong sense of responsibility and careful personality, makes the self-handicapping and resignation in conservative who born today is more significant, the resignation characteristics but also by Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet) the shadow of suspicion Mang more intense.Similarly, due to the combination of Saturn and Pluto makes serious, controlling and desire for power quality has been strengthened.The influence of the number 8 person will often with step by step, actively prudent way to build their own life and career.Although they are usually very kind and considerate, but their appearance is likely a calm and detached manner.

Scorpio on October 27, the lucky Numbers
Born on October 27, to be number 9 (2 + 7 = 9), and the influence of Mars.Number 9 has a strong influence for other figures, so the people born on this day also have the power to sway others.Mars symbol itself was strong and aggressive, coupled with Mars and Pluto on Scorpio dominated relationship together, made the characteristics on October 27, the living body double.People born on this day has not only to win all the qualities of Mars - aggressive, positive, and impulsive behavior - at a suit, and also brought in the Pluto irresistible and inevitable tendency of dark character, this tendency is particularly evident in terms of money, sex and power.

Scorpio on October 28, the lucky Numbers
Born on October 28, to be the number 1 (2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) and the influence of the sun.A person who is affected by the number 1 is a typical individualist, quite stubborn already see, and eager to climb up the first place.Because on this day people born with strong dominance, coupled with the number 1 qualities, so they should be careful not to let carried away by the power.The sun symbol is rich in creativity and passion, the best they can keep the creativity and enthusiasm in stable state, instead of let it cannot control in a flash.Although the sun and Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet) combination seems to illuminate the dark side in the character of Scorpio, Scorpio makes them a bright and cheerful disposition, but also for people born on this day in the life journey added serious trait.

Scorpio on October 29, the lucky Numbers
Born on October 29, to be number 2 (2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2) and the influence of the moon.The people affected by the number 2, if let them playing the role as leader, it is not good to work with and arch file more appropriate, because this for their more introverted personality, will help them use their own way, an ideal target practice for family or work team;But may also like brakes, tao creativity of the individual behavior caused frustration.Under the influence of the characteristics of the moon in the huge reverse may be more obvious.And the moon together with Pluto, more gifted people born on this day have a look at the dark side in the empty human nature hanli special hole.Dominated by Pluto Scorpio has a strong sexual instinct, the accessory number 11 (2 + 9 = 11) emphasizes the material level, as well as to the likeness, coincidence, images, or other symmetry objects produce special interest.

October 30, Scorpio lucky number
Born on October 30, to be the number 3 (3 + 0 = 3) and the influence of Jupiter.Many of those affected by the number 3 is ambitious, even dictatorial tendencies, but this feature in all things used to pursue economic and material results in the doctrine of the mean way on October 30, the living body, seems to be not one hundred percent accurate.Even so, they like to take the impulsive personality still cannot from Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet) the shadow of suspicion Mang becomes more obvious.The good independent personality appears with the number 3, for they always extremely negative group responsibility, may sometimes be a difficult problem.

Scorpio on October 31st, the lucky Numbers
Born on October 31, to be number four (3 + 1 = 4) and the influence of Uranus.Due to the year only seven months have 31, so it was a special birthday Numbers, and this day was born people are also usually unfathomable type.People are not affected by the number four obstinacy is good debate, the opinion is often are quite different with others.Combined with the relationship between Uranus, making it easier for the people affected by the number four quickly shift mood and burst.The characteristics in the Pluto and Mars (Scorpio is the master of the planet) under the dual impact of more apparent, can cause a surprise, they secretly scheming character.

On November 1, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November first, the people will be affected by the Numbers 1 and the sun.Born 1, people usually like to beat for the first position, the person is also affected by the number 1 has the typical individualist, very stubborn already see, and are anxious to get on top of a supreme.People born today different from ordinary people tend to have the patience and persevere to the end of the concentration, but it is likely to encounter setbacks.In addition, the sun symbol of rich creativity and passion, best can continuous steady flow state, rather than let it lose to control the outbreak.Combined with Pluto and Mars (Scorpio is the master of the planet) in coordination with the, the influence of the sun makes it easy to the living, on November 1, reckless, reckless, and is likely to be destructive harm to themselves and others.

On November 2, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 2, to be number 2, and the influence of the moon.People are usually not affected by the number 2 people and partner.Even so, the influence of the moon could also like brakes, inhibit the behaviour of individual creativity and caused serious frustration, the characteristics of the moon have huge reverse power will be more significant.Cooperate on the very nature of Pluto, dark Scorpio again, the moon will make this day people can deeply affect people life born out strong control and manipulation of mood.

On November 3, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 3, the person will be influenced by the number 3 and Jupiter, so will be in place in the field of hard uphill climb.At the same time, the power of Jupiter with Pluto and Mars (respectively, the master of Scorpio and common dominate planets), will make it easier for the invasion of their characteristics to promote control, or to the development and lead to tragic result.In addition, the influence of the number 3 people love independence, so only when they are really work hard for yourself, or enjoy a high degree of autonomy, is the most happy time.

On November 4, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 4, people will be affected by the number four and Uranus.A person who is affected by the number four has to deal with things method;While Uranus represents the instantaneous change ability and the action of unpredictable, these characteristics was born on November 4 person will be more shine brilliantly.In general, affected by the number four people didn't take the money, then born on November 4, people also without exception, have a kind of ideal concentration and persistence.Even so, they can't afford to psychological harm, especially by their dedication group sketch to refuse.In addition, Uranus and Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet), the combination between the indicated that emits the sexy glamour.

On November 5, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 5, people will be affected by the Numbers 5 and mercury.Mercury is quick-minded and change rapidly.Because Scorpio's ruling planet Pluto, born on November 5, the man by joint, as well as the influence of the mercury and Pluto makes their thinking others adds one more Ning the feeling, curiosity is also more normal university;However, they are most likely incur resentment and secretly against others.Even so, the influence of the number 5 suffer any strike or framed, can usually recover quickly.

On November 6, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 6, who will be affected by the Numbers 6 and Venus.A person who is affected by the number 6, charismatic, able to attract others' support and appreciation, combined with Pluto and Mars (Scorpio's ruling planet, respectively and common ruling planet) influence on Venus, more make the appeal is sexy.Because of this, love between men and women will often become the main subject in their lives.

On November 7, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 7, people will be affected by the number seven and Neptune.Neptune represents the fantasy, dream and heart phenomenon, therefore, born on November 7, people tend to be easy to the influence of these unstable, volatile.Ruling planet Neptune and Pluto (Scorpio) combination, is showing people born on November 7, it is necessary to their childhood receives QuWuCunJing religion and family values, and to create a set of their own philosophy of life.However, they have to be careful because don't blindly follow his dreams and reality, and should avoid any ambiguous heart study and supernatural activity.In addition, the people affected by the number seven, is the typical love change and tourism, the characteristics of just also accord with the people born on November 7, of the appetite for adventure and exploration of the personality.

On November 8th Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 8, people will be affected by the number eight and Saturn.Because Saturn has a strong sense of responsibility, and tend to be cautious, self-handicapping's characteristics, so it and Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet, represents a kind of never compromise, somehow influence of negotiation room) joint, would trigger people born today is relatively dark relationships, and cause major personality changes.At the same time, the influence of the number 8 people, usually in dry and by actively prudent way to set up their own life and career.Though they are actually quite friendly, but might be showed a calm and detached manner.

On November 9, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 9, will be affected by the number nine and Mars.Number 9 has a strong influence for other figures, so anyone born on November 9 about the relatively substantially increase the capacity of the others.Mars represents strong and aggressive, is also a symbol of male strength concrete, and because Mars is born today ruled, namely Scorpio's ruling planet together, so the feature was born on November 9 people (whether male or female) is doubly significant.If (Scorpio's ruling planet) in combination with Pluto, and Mars hidden qualities - ruthless and blind ambition, have enhanced trend, however, the change of the deep pit Mang meaningful potential will rise accordingly.

On November 10, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 10, to be the number 1 (1 + 0 = 1), and the influence of the sun.A person who is affected by the number 1 like anything for the first.The sun gives a warm and lively and developing a good character, and makes a person with quite a human, a positive attitude to face life.But since Pluto (ruling planet of Scorpio) the influence of the dark side, these qualities such as sunshine, cheerful people who was born on November 10, are likely to have been buried.People affected by the number 1 for most of the issues are with strong subjective consciousness, and sometimes very stubborn already see, think that opportunity is the key of success, but this approach may not be the right thing to do.

On November 11, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 11, to be number 2 (1 + 1 = 2), and the influence of the moon.A person who is affected by the number 2 as co-authors and arch file more appropriate than as a leader.Under the influence of the moon, their rich imagination and gentle characteristics more prominent, and Mars and Pluto (the master of Scorpio respectively and common rules of planets) a combination of both also added a strong force.Unchanged, however, these properties of the same planet on November 11, only makes the living of the temperament and yes control desire unabated.Number 11 is dominated by the material development route (in terms of born today, the shadow of suspicion because Pluto Mang focuses on sexuality), and show a kind of interest in a variety of similar content may be produced, such as coincidence, doublet, symmetrical graphics, images, and so on.

On November 12, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 12, to be the number 3 and directness broadness amounts to the influence of Jupiter.The influence of the number 3 person will often try to in their own professional field to climb to the highest position.Likewise, they are also easy to become arrogant, this is the person who was born on November 12 should pay special attention to.The influence of the number 3 people the importance of personal independence, so some people born on November 12, in order to be able to freely work or business, may feel the need to give up a safe and has security existing rather work.Although the power of Jupiter can inspire anyone born on November 12 are determined, to enrich themselves and improve their positions, but in Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet), under the influence of it will unfortunately causes for their money, sex and power.

On November 13, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 13, one will be the number 4 (1 + 3 = 4) and character fickle, grumpy Uranus.Ruling planet Uranus and Pluto (Scorpio) joint yi was born on November 13, suggesting that trouble may overturn the lives of others, and their lives are vulnerable to sudden change.Although many people think that the number 13 is a lucky number, but it is a strong figure, so anyone born on November 13 people born has an obligation to use it wisely, otherwise may take the risk of the self-destruction.While the number four on behalf of all the meaning of a rebellious, unique letter ye and a desire to want to change the educational administration, just further highlights the aforesaid on November 13, the living qualities.

On November 14, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 14, people will be affected by the number 5 (1 + 4 = 5) and agile rapid mercury's influence.The mobility of planet, fu and the people born on November 14, a very sensible and indomitable character;Combined with Pluto (dark ruling planet of Scorpio) on the role of the more strengthened their curiosity and desire to want to discover a secret.In addition, for some often suffer from unreasonableness unfortunate people, the number 5 instead brings a kind of can quickly recover energy characteristics, make them in reality under the relentless force of life, also can avoid to cause permanent damage.

On November 15, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 15, to be number 6 (1 + 5 = 6), and the influence of Venus.Affected by the Numbers 6 people tend to achieve people's love and praise, may even be another object of worship.However, Venus and Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet), as well as the influence of the their love life may cause various stimulus and fascinating elements, but in fact is dangerous and disturbing.So from that point, they should be on their addictive demand (especially sexuality) tend to be vigilant.

On November 16th Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 16,, to be number seven (1 + 6 = 7), and the influence of Neptune.While under the influence of number seven people often cannot complete own ideal, and very easy to disconnect with the real world, but these problems only when they develop more bad or lack of experience.In Pluto (Scorpio's ruling planet), under the influence of outside can often to the actual things, especially money, has a solid control power.A lack of foresight, however, one might be cautious attitude place and make his family get into the predicament of the slumping economy.

On November 17, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 17, to be the number eight (1 + 7 = 8) and the influence of Saturn.Because Saturn has a strong sense of restrictive and constraint, and highly critical side, born on November 17, people are more likely to become victims of impartial.Ruling planet Saturn and Pluto (Scorpio) combination of the two, more highlights the people born on this day have dominant monopoly, cold, and deliberately depressive feature.Number 8 tend to conflict between material and JingShenJie resistance, can also often rarefied, lonely feeling and sex tendency to excess.

On November 18, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 18, to be number 9 (1 + 8 = 9), and the influence of Mars.(Scorpio's ruling planet together) on Mars and Pluto, on November 18, makes the living character adds a stunning strong power, the charm characteristics.But this ability shouldn't be any abuse caused violent and destructive behavior.The number nine is always a highly dominant number, thus can assign and today people born in business efforts to sprint.In addition, due to their impact on others often quite big, so full of the sense of responsibility is also an indispensable part of the people born on this day.

On November 19, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 19, to be the number 1 (1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1) and the influence of the sun.Because the people born on this day in Scorpio striker (on behalf of the meaning of "change") was born on the first day of the, and at the same time by Mars and Pluto (Scorpio rules), Jupiter (SagittariusRuling planet) the power of influence, so clearly show the energetic in life, create and rich, and may even destructive energy, thought and action are taking positive and gram inner open attitude, in the pursuit of success is aggressive, even relentlessly.Likewise, affected by the number 1 people often without being limited by the constraints, and the determination to beat, ranked first.

On November 20th Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 20, to be number 2 (2 + 0 = 2) and the influence of the moon.Affected by the number 2 people tend to be gentle and polite and rich imagination, and easily injured by the actions of the attitude of the criticism of others or ignore.They may also have literally angry, very angry easily due to the stimulus.For anyone born on November 20, was born in Scorpio Sagittarius (meaning: change) make them emotionally unstable, and have a tendency to break into a furious rage, especially when other people don't know or don't appreciate them (the characteristics in common ruling planet Mars, Pluto, Scorpio and Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter affected by the moon have further enhanced role.

On November 21, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 21, to be the number 3 (2 + 1 = 3) and directness broad-minded Jupiter's influence of the number 3 people always ambitious, sometimes even show a dictatorial.Number 21 usually implies that the beauty of the flesh, this for women born on November 21, even more so.Jupiter (Sagittarius and the masters of the number 3) with dual influence, make a philosophical attitude towards the world, but Pluto (the masters of Scorpio) intervention forces, as well as born on this day the vitality of others adds one more dark, intense impatience.

On November 22, Scorpio lucky number
Born on November 22,, to be number 4 (2 + 2 = 4) and the influence of Uranus.Uranus haunted the impermanence, explosive force is very strong;On November 22, and at the same time, the master Scorpio Pluto and master of Sagittarius Jupiter interaction effects, the more people born with today strong rebellious tendencies and authoritarian personality, and filled with idealism.Figure 4 also represents the reactionary, specific values and desire to change the rules, but born on November 22, it is these qualities best picture.Because 22 is a double number, because this was born on November 22 people for things people will be particularly interested in pairs, for example, the twins, at the same time coincidence, and the beauty of symmetry, etc.

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