Sagittarius girls

  SagittariusGirl's basic character

Sagittarius girls personality is elegant, is characterized by a defiant attitude, with lofty ideals, the pursuit of freedom and dream, a strong personality.Give a person the sense with such as the spring breeze, even a time of life is gone also will send out the beauty of youth, open and active personality.Easy to shy, and always maintain the innocence of the young girl, but for your own comments or sensitive.There is a strong independent spirit and rich imagination, easy to feel tired in the ordinary life.Free brand of wit and mental clarity often make people exclaim, sometimes make a whim.Don't want to loss to others, the secrets of the character has a strong side, attaches great importance to the privacy, lack of cooperation spirit, often cause trouble.


Even have the unpleasant things happen, and always want to toward the good direction, is an optimist.Reality will be ideal as a target and hard work.


Is ahead of theory of action type.Like sports events often mistakes in a rush.

  Intellectual sent

Seems stupid, in fact, had a high level of knowledge, especially like philosophy.

  Bored easily

Interests are constantly changing.Especially in the field of performing arts, because of the gossip is more, always be pointing fingers.

  Sporty girl

Motor nerve abnormalities developed.Whatever the movement can be easily accomplished, posture is lightsome and elegant.

  The most hate bound

Always hope to live freely according to oneself idea."There is to break the rules!"Is Sagittarius girls carrying the flags.


Interested in anything, hanging out, reading, etc., anything like it.Because curiosity is rich, so can absorb all kinds of knowledge.

  Psychological pressure

Once there is psychological pressure to speak out.Although there is no malicious, but in others it seems this is a bad habit, belong to the "innocent" with words.


Have serious amnesia.Finish one thing as long as out of step 3 usually content will be forgotten.

  A lie

Have a strong sense of justice, so don't tell a lie.As much as is on the topics they don't know much make it satisfy the vanity.


Even in the teahouse is not my leisure to sit down and rest, to leave immediately after a cup of tea.Tired of long time stay in the same place.


Toward the ideal struggle, and though more interesting topics, but as long as it is to discuss with your lover will have happiness.


Must choose their own love object.But relative to the romantic love, prefer developed from the friendship of the type of friends love.Believe that eye contact is very important.

  The degree of flower heart

Willing to give each other freedom, also hope you have free, don't like any bondage.So flower heart high degree.This is closely connected with personality of prone to boredom.


Sagittarius is very talented in language, especially English.Born to have a stronger ability to act, to foreign countries will be like a duck to water, very few barriers to travel abroad alone.


Sagittarius girls body and hands and feet are very slender, though not particularly plump chest, but due to the slim waist, so overall very well-balanced, just like a teenage girl.But get fat when they first on the arms, legs grow proud flesh, which bring some Sagittarius girls distress.Healthy body, has a strong ability to resist disease.But not too believe my physique and negligence, if do not pay attention to health, will one day suddenly fallen or long-term treatment in hospital.Some people will be in a serious piddle or eating out often lead to partial lack of nutrition.If you drink too much, easy to damage the liver.Also should pay attention to low back pain and fatigue.Easy to cause side effects, so don't use selling drugs on the market, but directly to the hospital.

  , Sagittarius girls' attention

You are too straightforward, sometimes careless say painful things.Do you like to play, often unnecessary consumption, weak concept of money, so try to avoid carrying cash.Although born lucky, and everything is positive, but if there is no flexibility, always want to follow one's inclinations, will taste the bitter failure.

  Sagittarius girls, career and money

You are not able to in the home xiangfujiaozi type, only within the scope of the activities of the larger community of life will be satisfied.Pursuit of freedom and the nature of the make you full of exploring the unknown curiosity, so love adventure, will shine in more speculative career.Keen perception, animal reflex developed, is not content with the status quo of aggressive boldness of vision.Pay attention to methods, worldly wise, often get the favour of the elderly, this life have a great help to the society.Although don't want to loss to others, often comes into conflict with others, but it will become a rare in women of supreme head.

Suitable for specific career diplomats, politicians, a salesman, designer, beautician, nurse, teacher, artist, etc.You is a theory with fresh charm, with no less than the energy, do not take the romantic, is reality.

  , Sagittarius girls in love and marriage

You like to enjoy the spirit of the free world, bold and open, and at the same time of quiet fair maiden temperament.You'll probably feel naive young men stupid, to associate with older men.Hope at the age of 20, is being chased by many members of the opposite sex to to date, some frivolous.Fall in love like romantic atmosphere.Early know sex, more open, love all kinds of dating.Would not subject to any bondage, just want to enjoy my freedom, hope and savour sex and spiritual love.Along with the increasingly mature, lust will be growing and begin to take the initiative to request to her husband, if not satisfied can be a problem.Open in terms of sexual love, passion for outdoors or in the daytime, prefer handsome men of wisdom.

The most idealTo get marriedThe object isAriesLeoMen, at the age of 21 and 30 years old when they encounter the most ideal of men.If marriage do not participate in social activities, only stay at home, and her husband was estranged by demands were not met, seriously will lead to divorce.

  Sagittarius girls health and disease

You are action oriented, so you don't have to go on a diet can keep in good health for a slim figure, but the respiratory system disease easily.You must see to it that balance rest and activity, all-night play and beyond the body burden of a long journey will make the body imbalances, cause liver function obstacle.

Particular attention should be paid to the age of the disease is 25, 34, 46, 58, due to acute nerve, should pay attention to neurosis.

  Sagittarius girls home

Housing should be well ventilated daylighting, vast, convenient use, such as water and lamps and lanterns.Housing near the best walking trails, or conditional construction yard, if is close to downtown and the transportation is convenient, is the best choice.Doors and Windows to WSW towards best, interior space is more capacious, the better, the apartment is also a good choice.

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