Twelve constellation Sagittarius character analysis

uSagittariusFlexible vivid and in the eyes, the nose has the characteristics of Greek nose straight and long, beautiful lip and chin is pointed, round face facial features delicate, thick hair wavy, noble character,.Open-minded and inclusive, but sometimes it is not enough and smooth rendering exaggerated, fully show the highly traditional Sagittarius character.

Taken the Sagittarius's birthday (on November 22) : intuition and the nature of the prophet, and assign a sharp observation, often the pursuit of knowledge, will greatly help you to success.Business and scientific career will be very lucky, but love has many setbacks.Philosophy and research different from ordinary people also have the genius.

Taken the Sagittarius represents "change and often" rules, constellation motto is: "is the invariable principle".

When u sell yourself Sagittarius said: people can do what I can do;I can do others won't be able to do.Hire me, absolute firm earn not to compensate.

Taken the rich artistic cells, can be obtained from the dance is quite fun.They love nature, outdoor activities, sports and distant adventure travel so much.

  Sagittarius legend:

  The striker kindness

In ancient Greece's prairie, along with a group of centaur ethnic group, this is a natural disposition is fierce ethnic group."Centaur" represents the rationality and irrationality, contradiction between human and animal struggle, this is Matthew tribe.The only exceptions in the tribe striker Aaron, is a natural disposition is good man, he is honest and sincere, humble.So is everyone's respect and love.

One day, a hero hercules to visit his friend, Aaron.Hercules had heard horses race's wine mellow, asked Aaron brought him enjoyment, but, he drank the wine of the cilento is still not ready, determined to drink all the wine.The cilento very patiently explain to him, the wine is tribal public property, not any one can sole possession of, hope hercules don't make public anger by whim.Hercules always cranky, how can you listen to the cilento, he put this kind friend, pushed aside, broke into the tribe.Not surprisingly Aaron had anticipated, irascible hercules and fierce men touch together, conflict is inevitable happen.

Hercules strength, youth strangle python with both hands, he completed the king's ten all impossible task, even fear him three points, the sun god Apollo horses race though, and not hercules rivals, they all fell.Hercules carrying god bow catching up, with wine, wantonly attack.Sagittarius family forced desperate, had to flee to Aaron's home.People panic, hercules standing in the doorway shouted, if nobody comes out again, he will destroy the tribe.The cilento heard that, in order to tribe, for friends, in order to resolve the conflict, he desperate push open the door, walked out.At the moment, hercules arrows fly up too!Hercules sorry and sad to see his friend the arrow shot through the heart by god, and the cilento is used up the last strength, said: "the more sharp arrow will also be weak heart tolerance;Crazy beast to also won't die out humanity."

At that time, the cilento body smashed into countless stars, flew to the sky, they are gathered together, like the appearance of horses, the arrow also appears to have on his chest.In memory of the kind the cilento, people call the constellation Sagittarius.

  Sagittarius character:

Sagittarius people advocate freedom, and have a tendency to claustrophobic, if be in the same environment for a long time will become rather depressed.Emotional, he is afraid of a bound marriage, moved easily, so it is easy to be friends or colleagues.

Astrology Sagittarius symbol is half man and half horse form hand holding the bow and arrow at the target, in fact also can confirm in character.He is interested in the vast space outdoor activities, especially riding a mercedes-benz.This constellation of people no matter in spirit or in real life tend to explore the unknown, they believe that life is made up by a series of challenges.Full of curiosity in anything, in the process of growing, if found to hunting places will be like full string arrow aimed at its prey.For Sagittarius people, in the process of life ideal and vision, is more important than the goal.

Sagittarius style bold when I was younger,Driving a carLike speeding pleasure with little regard for safety and security problems, there is a tendency of excessive pursuit of stimulation, and naturally optimistic, even have a tendency to blindly optimistic, therefore Sagittarius lesson from mistakes often than other constellations.Young often there will be out of the traditional manner, but in old age, it is easy to forget that recklessly as stuffy as a young person.Although he do not change the habits of the advocation of individual freedom for life, was born with but can always play some wisdom and potential, is likely to be involved in field of view and philosophy.

Sagittarius easily impressed people like outdoor sports than intellectual activities, in fact they are quite good at thinking.Very love truth and justice, like in exploring what they don't know, language is a tool for their development experiences, and actively expand the various language ability.Often the eye on things beyond my ability, see it as a simple and easy goal to pursue, but always in a hurry to finish one thing before then engaged in the new plan.

Sagittarius peopleGeminiVersatile, natural, often engaged in more than one job.Ability a strong ambition, have a good compromise, is excellent in power, is very suitable for political career.Often engaged in various types of mental activities, therefore, need a lot of sports to gentle pressure.More often than not, when they feel tired because boring, as long as a change of work can restore always angry.Must try to correct the restless defects, or on the business or marriage is difficult to have a happy ending.

  Sagittarius mental performance:

Sagittarius people like freedom and outdoor activities, mind very quickly, often scatter energy in various affairs at the same time, rather than focus on a single goal.adventure

Heart is strong, like making friends, travel, hate bound, the pursuit of a free life.Although informal, they ingenious skill is superior.On track, with the proper cultivation and put into their mind is absolutely the first superior performance.With proper cultivation and into, their performance in the mind is absolutely first-rate!Aggressive, ambitious, intelligent power and physical strength is abundant.When in trouble, they are the most good at a turn, and then with a fresh perspective to find ways to overcome the.Their ideas are often breaks through the traditional mold, new and fresh feeling to people.

Sagittarius people attracted by gentle, love and trust, loyal to the friendship, marriage and love is not stable.Like a challenge, overcome all obstruct the ability and determination to find fault with audio or exploring the origin of poetry, is he willing to overcome the difficulties.Why one plus one equals two?Attract his is not the answer, but a question mark means.Take it easy, too nervous easily nervous breakdown!

  The advantages and disadvantages of Sagittarius:

  Taken the advantages of u

Optimistic, lively, frank, high self-esteem, versatile and a high degree of wisdom, has the rich intuition and inspiration to the strength of others, open-minded, adaptable, good judgment, has the faculty to handle emergencies, philosophical thinking, the rich noble sense of justice, is very sensitive and intelligent, love freedom, sincere, honest, reliable, and prudent.

  Taken the shortcomings u

Personality sensitive and a little impetuous, boastful, hyperbole, no sense of responsibility, capricious, has a tendency to restless, and overly optimistic blindly, careless, extreme, clumsy.

  Sagittarius love:

Sagittarius people are very enthusiastic, personality, cheerful and lively, like tense, so too ordinaryA womanCause his interest.Men don't like a passive girl, often to the difficult challenges, the dead girl's most interested in.Prefer the members of the opposite sex is strong and handsome type, Lin daiyu girl or boy of sage like type, he (she) is over the eye.Sagittarius woman romantic personality, the world is full of curiosity, no fear, reason often hurt by impulse, but optimistic personality made her not be crushed by setbacks, and have the courage to try again, so love someone mistook her game.Like intellectual activities, so there are always from the status of the friendship into love, in fact, they often don't know the difference.They need to be flexible and creative sex - no formalized, place, or time - can cooperate with each other, to create a different atmosphere and the way of sex scenes, this constellation of people interested in their partner's body not only, also must have a balanced shrewd and smart.Although the happy desire of the body, but there may be many in the opposite sex friend Platonic love.They are emotionally requires appropriate space to accommodate his advocating freedom, jealous or possessive strong will make his losing enthusiasm.If not moderate in the marriage freedom, joint daily life would also be affected, under the double constraints, he is likely to have a free mind.

The Sagittarius woman is to heat the scattered, sometimes hot a bit out of control, and hurt many people.She is a lively and active, although she seems to be so gentle and quiet, but as long as the switch is opened, she would have endless bugs you;Don't think you can just turn off the switch, the switch is bad.If lucky enough, you may find the battery, trying to pull;But she is likely to be made of plug.

She is fairly straightforward, regardless of anything.If you think she is too informal, she will think you a bit odd, even think that you are not bold enough.This have to do, just holding your hand, and not to be with youTo get married;She will be so treat her male friend, so you don't make a fuss, this in her thought is really nothing to surprise.

Basically, she is immune to puns.She often make a mistake of affection, the friendship when wrongTo make loveLove, love when friendship, it makes her very confused.So if you like her, and want to associate with her, can need not have struggled with euphemism words to express, as long as you have to do is tell her directly.Then you'll probably hear she gave a charming smile, tell you don't kidding.Or show her beautiful smiling, gracious answer: good.As if nothing romantic at all.

She doesn't like sheep type of man, because she liked the idea of being protected, but you can want to know: does not represent can be protected.She is quite independent, and her head like a horse and want to tame her, but not so easy!She won't casually just burst into passionate love, unless you prove to her that from the start, you will never have to "settle" down her!


Sagittarians usually love animals, because they will not have a demand on emotion, fits him like the freedom of nature, so the vet, dogs, horses are the star's specialty.Quite talented in art, theatre, music, literature or art is very suitable and profitable career.

This constellation of people even didn't have a chance to advanced education, still has strong thirst for knowledge, and after they will drop out of school, continue to study.Because naturally like to accept the challenge, in business, also needs a sense of achievement, in order to avoid boring and dull, he is always in constant change.Although there are many sagittarians lifelong work in the office or the factory invariable, but they are mostly under the situation, not willingly.

  Sagittarius: between parents and children

  U parents u

Challenging in the constellation of parent-child relationship still plays an important role.Optimistic nature that Sagittarius parents confidence in their children, and can meet loves a challenge, from the children of education psychology.In the level of wisdom, might expect high performance, but the child under his osmosis, can not only enjoy life interest, also can adapt to life's challenges.

  Taken the children to end

Sagittarius child more difficult to tame, they cannot bear too much strict family education and school rules, if discipline is too severe, there will be serious rebound.Are not under the boy girl naughty naughty, relatively is also longer than sports and games, and responsive.

  Sagittarius lucky things:

Your lucky day, Thursday

Lucky stone: turquoise

Lucky color: purple

Lucky Numbers:

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