The Capricorn character analysis of the zodiac

Capricorn constellation: (negative, earth sign, guardian planet: Saturn)

Taken the Capricorn forehead wrinkles, knitting heavy eyebrows and sharp eyes, make he looks serious and slightly cloudy, is difficult to close.

Taken the Capricorn's birthday (December 22) : intelligent, competent, practical, with a business mind, interested in the business on all aspects, natural leadership talent, can gain the respect of friends and colleagues.Overcome the spirit of good quarrel fight, can reduce a lot of difficulties.If the tendency to develop into bad habits, on your social activities and business, will be crafty.

Taken the Capricorn on behalf of the "success" rules, constellation motto is: "success is not out of reach, success is inevitable".

U sell yourself Capricorn will say: please don't judge a book by its cover!Indifferent appearance, is enough to show I'm a man of perseverance is dye-in-the-wood.

U like music and art, have test and scientific mind, very interested in the mysterious science.They are easy to get into the habit of, can find fun from trivial things, and can be enjoyed.

The legend of Capricorn:

Capricorn's happiness

Fauns pine grow very ugly.His days tending cattle and sheep of Zeus, but can't sing with the gods;He always love the fairy temple to play harp, but dare not say to her...All this only because of his ugly appearance.Paine shy and self-abased, no mana, in heaven, after all.

No one know his ugly under the mask of the fiery heart, no one willing to approach him to listen to his touching those who weep.There is a lake, at the end of the tianhe, who is also fear to tread because of its water is cursed, anyone to step into the river will become a fish, will never change don't come back.But paine without care, he knows that even if their no one pay attention to in the most lively place, as well as the lake edge flute, maybe can hear fairy!

One day, however, is god a banquet in public together, black forest of many eyes suddenly went into the hall!This monster called day xiao, avalanche, all god not uniform it, and fled.Is playing the harp fairy was so scared, she just stood there, don't know what to do.See the monster to the fairy, timid and shy boy pan fiercely jumped out, he picked up the fairy and ran, monster hot pursuit.Paine know oneself was not monster, however, the feeling be nasty in suddenly remembered the tianhe at the end of the lake, so desperately ran to the lake.Monster knows that lakes, it did Sarah laugh paine's stupid, ran there not seasoned road!

Never thought, but a monster paine they threw into the lake, he put the fairy high holding in their hands, their standing in the middle of the lake.Monsters that didn't method, had to give up.Wait until the monster left, Pan Encai carefully down to the shore fairy.Fairy very grateful to pull paine, but paine's lower body has become a fish!Zeus created in his imageCapricornAnd Capricorn people also like pine, rigorous and inside collect, with its own unique understanding to happiness.

Capricorn personality:

Appearance is Capricorn, bust as the sheep bust as the fish was born in the most cold season all the year round, so the show its independent spirit and feminine personality.

Capricorn people are diligent, steadfast, step by step, slowly but surely, everything being fair and reasonable, they are naturally conservative and respected by the younger generation, open more with hard.Generally speaking Capricorn person has the traditional and conservative ideas.They have a strong heart, will all energies in the pursuit of career success and social status, always pushed himself or relatives, but often is too serious about everything, and ignored the appeal of the life.They often have their own views for things, and often opinionated, not willing to compromise, sometimes even thinks himself to the point of stubborn, let a person have a perverse impression, so easy to make the person produces, if can be more than for the other people's shoes will be more popular.

Capricorn cautious, reliable, patient, they may not very agile action, but like the tortoise and the hareThe tortoiseGenerally, persistent personality makes them play the spirit of perseverance unceasingly in adversity, and won the final victory.Their brains deep, ambitious, good ability of organization, are natural leaders, like to control other people.

Capricorn mental performance:

Capricorn person always knows what he is doing, he likes to control the global, and don't want to do is manipulate the pieces, but seems to become a leader is seldom seen goat goat (aka Capricorn), because they are not to contend for power for power, power is the pursuit of the ideal tool, although it is true that the Capricorn is the strength of the leader and tolerance, but the disgust in the vortex of a power struggle.Pursue high ideals, Capricorn people morale, even if therefore make head and scarred, and never give up.Capricorn like to occupy the first place, if unfortunately they ran in the front, they will do their best to transcend, they are not so want to be a "first", just can't stand in front of someone is blocking vision.

Capricorn coherent thought, and they are good at precision and complex mode of thinking, and has put into practice patience and ability, once started, there is no room for everything.Capricorn person full of ambition, is deeply shrewd, they work in judging things and is engaged in the research, few for immediate emotional reaction or judgment, usually only do cinch, not one thousand one hundred percent chance, also should have at least eighty percent sure will come through, they always think, hammering out before jumping to conclusions, so if you have a bet with you, as long as see him big bets, then you'd better hurry up to throw in the towel, because he hadn't one hundred percent winners, is to make you a lose-lose.

"Who" is the characteristic of Capricorn, the most afraid of other people think they are not perfect, so is always tough to criticize yourself, don't forgive, for their own fault because emotion is always in tight state, so often out of control and temper easily temper over trifles.Capricorn people are eager to be understood, but because of extreme insecurity and mistrust of others, so there are few bosom friends, life is so lonely, so, do you often visible capricorns posing as loneliness, indifference of faces.They are melancholy, is melancholy temperament constellations of all the most strong one.If mercury inScorpioThe location of his ideas will be more deep, delicate;Mercury inAquarius:, the appearance is more open and bright, also more enlightened.

Capricorn people are slightly shy nature, usually they like to quietly watch others to decide the performance of close to the distance.If you meet their standards, and their expectations, he would have to be near you, but is still in the alert;If your words thinking is the same front, let him think and you can contact with you;But only when he began to put the heart true feelings, unknown in the past (for example, the relationship of the ups and downs) tell you, just calculate your official friend's list.

The advantages and disadvantages of Capricorn:

Taken the advantages of u

Conservative and cautious, practical, responsible, reliable, intelligent, independent, respect for authority, value yourself, cautious, ambitious, patience, and discipline.

Taken the shortcomings u

Pessimism, fickle, appearance indifference serious, difficult to close, hidebound, stingy.

Capricorn's love:

Capricorn people often have relationships, especially to establish close relationship with others.He is poor communication, on the one hand, perhaps because shy, on the other hand he is clinging to his career achievement.No matter under what circumstances, he always have the feeling of isolation.If the position of the sun in Capricorn, the weakening or strengthening of weakness, it depends on the position of Venus.

They suppress their emotions and sexual desire, if Venus is in Capricorn orvirgo, is the depressing situation will be more serious.But you know, Capricorn is actually a double-sided people, appearance indifference, heart is on fire;Look realistic, but the bottom of the heart desire romantic;They don't like losing control, but beyond its control ability of the opposite sex, but has great attraction to them.

Capricorn person no matter pay much attention to both men and women's social status, but consider a slightly different direction, Capricorn men care about is whether the social status of the family will help his career;Capricorn woman care about is whether the man of their own social status to help decorate her appearance, they need through the material status and wealth in order to get emotional security.Capricorn personality is conservative and traditional, think the love in the end is in orderTo get marriedOnce, when they settled down to, can the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, eternity.

Capricorn woman regardless of her appearance to give you what kind of feeling, don't you think she is likely to be weak.Basically can be soft, but not weak.And you also don't take a man's position to think she is vulnerable groups, because it is likely to make you lose again when the confidence of the man, what's more, even if you take a man's ambition when bet, you will also lose the light.

She is a very clear what you can do, and the woman what to do.She is always very careful handling their own things, for you, she is not don't care;Only she is so clear their positions, what's more, you are a man.She may put the feelings in the second line and the work is the first forever;But this does not mean that she doesn't need affection, just for a waste of time is not interested in her.

She has a good background, or are interested people have a good family, the key is not money;Because she could also make faster than you, more than you, but she is more care about social position.She is a very traditional person, and very opinionated.Maybe she is very conservative, but she is also very feminine;Maybe she is very quiet, but she can be very cold to accept the challenge.

She has a unique elegant, conservative, traditional, style, etiquette, stubborn, depression, pessimism and depression.She actually very rich change, only with his own her own chain of nature, because she know the way ahead is long, in the man to rely on yourself, there are a lot of things have to do;Moreover, any man can see clearly more than her future road?


The one who is, won't Capricorn in "surprisingly rich" or "magic", they are always working hard, step by step toward the established goals.Security and stable income, it is the sign of considering the conditions of the first when people choose a career.

They are likely to succeed in business, you have the advantage of, can make they once determined, it will.With a business mind, interested in everything about business, because they have excellent organizational ability, so is suitable for any work and management.

Usually has a special music, especially the location of VenusTaurusorlibraThe more has the potential to become a musician.

Capricorn: between parents and children

U parents u

Capricorn's parents' high expectations psychological particularly high, they want their children to be somebody, if the child personality negative, will cause considerable problems for them.

Because they control, often in imperceptible in your children's manipulation in his palm, and therefore should always remind myself to keep a sense of humor, dilute the tension of relationship, and to encourage and cheer to the child from time to time, and tried to bring fun for children's life, otherwise it is easy to produce gap with their children.This constellation's father often busy career, and will take care of the child's responsibility to mother.This constellation in children at a young age, the mother of the best as a loyal housewife, because of the forbidding appearance, it is easy to let the child have a lack of warmth.

Taken the children to end

Capricorn boy although good at sports, but because of its isolated character and not adjust to life in groups, and seldom to join the movement.CapricornThe childIn general is relatively slow, parents should give encouragement from time to time, to make, they are more open and not be too isolated.

Capricorn lucky things:

Your lucky day: on Saturday

Lucky stone: JieZi agate

Lucky color: dark green

Lucky Numbers: 3, 7

Lucky place: stay away from the noisy and exciting concealed places

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