Cancer of the zodiac character analysis

Sign:cancer(negative, water sign guardian planet: moon)

To end this standard character for firmness and perseverance, face, round, fleshy, often locked brow, thus has obvious grain, can fully see the melancholy of nature.Eyes full of affection, pug nose, mouth slightly pendulous, stubby neck and round his chin to give a person the sense of nurturing maternal.

Taken the cancer (June 22) : birthday with good personality and compassion, affection deep, nature intelligent precocious, need happy environment, partners must be respect or admire.Like outdoor activities, emotional temperament is patient to understand, not rough and tyranny.

Taken the cancer on behalf of the law of "love", constellation motto is: "there is love everything no problem, no love of all problem".

Sell yourself to end cancer said: when I was a shy, not words, but guarantee is absolutely and absolute loyalty to the company.

U love literature, music and art;Like outdoor activities, especially the hobbyswimmingAnd sea travel.

The legend of cancer:

The curse of the cancer

In a long time ago, snake, hercules war out of the sea from the cancer, to help the snake bit the hercules ankle, later the cancer killed by hercules, fell on a small island in the Aegean sea.Cancer did not complete the mission of the goddess Hera, so damned, the curse has affected the queen of Athens.The princess when beauty was born in Athens, there is a prophet predicted that the princessTo get marriedWhen is the time when the queen died.For the prediction, the queen has been called the princess to marry.

Until the U.S. at the age of 20, the city of Athens to a prince, named sayin.Sayin is come, he wanted to marry beauty, and beauty in what at first sight sayin also deeply in love with him.Curse is terrible, however, the princess also don't want to own happiness to sacrifice the life of the mother.So she also try their best to stop the sayin to prevent their own desires.He set the nine, nine like mission impossible, unless the sayin do it one by one, he can marry beauty.However, the brave and courageous by sayin in do it one by one!The princess stuck in a dilemma.The great mother to her daughter's happiness, resolutely decided to marry beauty to sayin.

Sayin in beauty and this is the day of the wedding, the queen is not there, she didn't want the party goes to destroy the atmosphere.The queen a person quietly towards the sea, to meet the Aegean sea waves, might have water on himself.When people could not find the queen, found a giant crab at sea, its arms around the chest, as if the lack of a sense of security, and an effective protection of the mother.

After Hera know that there are some regret, then let the gentle and sensitive mother into a constellation in the sky, it's image is a cancer.

This character:

Sign of cancer are naturally sentimental, there is a tendency of melancholy and daydreaming, he often in the past the good old days and keyed to remember, and easy to live in the past, the position of the mercury in cancer will reinforce this character), but he also can fully grasp now, sign of cancer are indomitable will, once the plan, must be put into practice.For private interests, sometimes too generous, should avoid unnecessary luxury.

Sign of cancer are easy to have extreme emotional expression, their emotions in rain or shine, often lost his temper well, for others' question, also can follow their own happy counters or simply refused to answer.In good times, but he became the best audience, give full play to the advantages of understanding, considerate idea.Their character often swing between the two extremes, only when affected by the family, is likely to settle down, natural love for cancer family, marriage and cherish them.

Sign of cancer are petty, often for a little thing and, without allowing people magnanimity, often like an enraged thorn pricked up all over the sharp spines that can keep people away, but in his own words carelessly hurt friend, also can have self-knowledge, guilty, should learn tolerance, understanding others, so add the polite charming personality, sociable, rich sense of humor and respect for humanitarian, will attract a lot of friends.In fact sign of cancer are often under the strong appearance, hiding the weak heart, he is like this - of the constellationA crabWith hard like breastplates shell armed themselves closely.

This mental performance:

Cancer is one of the advantages of good memory, he can remember as a child, not only for historical events, and everything has a good memory, this may and they like to recall the past character.They think of things, like the appeal to intuition, and can usually make the right judgment.Good at digest the ideas of others, then to innovation.But as the sun sign is cancer while mercury isGemini;Mercury in or rising sign is cancerAquarius:, such advantages are less obvious.

Sign of cancer are often worried and don't want to and friends to share but will bother to hide in the heart, brain years down, easy injury and digestive system, and therefore easy to suffer from stomach ulcer.

Highly of the imagination, as reference, that ease in your heart;But if life too seriously, can make its alarmist and suspicious of the problem is more serious.

The advantages and disadvantages of cancer:

Taken the advantages of u

Kind, enthusiastic, sensitive, compassionate;Longer than the memory, brain sharp, good understanding and adaptability, a high degree of imagination;With a strong maternal or paternal instinct, protecting color, cautious and thrifty people strong;Has a strong willpower and endurance, perseverance;Good financial management concept;Patriotic;Loyal to love, pay attention to the warmth of family and stability, good at housework, attaches great importance to the family harmony, is the most family values of all the constellations of the zodiac.

Taken the shortcomings u

Skeptic and emotional to hard to please, jealous and Oedipus complex, may be overly sensitive to self-pity, mercurial personality and unstable, sometimes lost because of attitude to life is too serious and boring, narrow-minded, demanding, greedy, untidy, like being flattered.

Cancer love:

Cancer people like is superior and the object of success, so the partner must be he respect or admire, they naturally romantic passion, sex can give full play to the keen sense of feeling.But this signA womanEasy for busy household, even if the situation allows, cannot enjoy the appeal of the life, because of its natural reserve, prudence, makes it the best but the mistress is not up to the role of housewife.Cancer's husband can give a person a sense of security, but must pay attention to control the excessive development of Oedipus complex and ignoring the companion, and his wife and cancer should avoid bringing their emotions to family life, so as to avoid due to the view of egocentric and persistent lead to marital discord.

This woman is very sad.Actually not only that, she is also quite madness, hysteria, she can be very sad, can be very happy;Of course, will be very sad, also very crazy.She is a very gentle, feminine, shy, but she is still water do woman, and as long as began to cry, it's hard to can have to stop, you have to take a few more handkerchief is enough.

She is quite passive, that you have to be prepared, so do not think that she is not for you, don't forget she is very shy, in front of her don't make any big moves or sound, it makes her feel you is not happy with what she has, and so make her feelings hurt.Tell you, sometimes you will find that there is no longer anything more miserable than her emotional injury.

Sometimes you will find that she will have emotional problems, and downs, but like what a cycle.Don't doubt, this sign is ruled by the moon, so you will find that her mood is like the moon, there is a rain or shine round the changes.She needs to feel safe, she afraid to lose, no matter what.She needs a can shelter.

She is a good wife, she will burn good dishes, but also will bringThe childTake care to make you jealous, eager to you still was a child.Her tender care for her own everything, including, of course, also including you.She care about many things, like money, food, family and mother and secret, etc.

You say where are you?You are not in her secret!?

This sign:

Cancer good personality and keen perception and longer than the nature of chores, women is a good nurse, is particularly suited to take care of infants and young children.And its natural like SiGu huai far, coupled with good memory, successively zhizhi can conveniently twist on the old events to effortlessly, also suitable for work in the history research and textual research.In addition, because of its ties with water are inseparable, so the work related to the sea also can do the job.

Sign of cancer are able to give a person a sense of security, cooperate with inherent excellent memory, remember the names of many people, not only faces and some trivial characteristics, also know the customer's interests, plus the mind sharp and good quality, make them successful in the market place.In addition to cooking, also suitable for food and beverage industry, but its only in the quiet work environment to avoid digestive discomfort caused by the emotional tension, therefore, must choose the workplace.

Cancer: between parents and children

U parents u

Cancer's father or mother will be hard to try to keep the family together, but often get the opposite effect.This constellation of acquisitiveness although not like itTaurusSo strong, but they put family above all things, the spirit of willing to sacrifice everything for the family should not be ignored, in normal circumstances they can maintain a happy family.

In general, cancer is maternal constellation - in fact, they are not only suitable for breeding strong dependence and independent child, because cancer mother couldn't accept the fact that their children have already grown up, they like to command and control their children's life, and can not bear children, the children of reason and independence is strong clashed more easily.

Taken the children to end

This emotional and vulnerable children.Student period can take advantage because of good memory, especially the historical subject, love swimming and art activities.

This child born care for family, but in a discipline and apply it to this kind of emotion without the need for other severe punishment.

This lucky things:

Your lucky day: Friday

Lucky stone: pearls and moonstone

The lucky color: silver, white

Lucky Numbers: 3, 8

Lucky location: close to water or water

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