Twelve constellation virgo character analysis

Sign:virgoSign (negative, soil, guardian planet: mercury)

Taken the virgo man looks clean, intelligent, with soft eyes and closely observed the eyes, a beautiful mouth, chin, wide as a whole, of fresh and elegant temperament.Like to criticize others.

Taken the virgo's birthday (August 23) : romantic nature, is likely to be idealists and who love to dream, sometimes it's hard to please, due to stubborn, self viewpoint.Love interacting with the rich, and unfortunate people, should be the heart of tolerance and understanding, don't forget the old.

Taken the virgo on behalf of the "perfect" rules, constellation motto is: "to the criticism of the world, but for god's criticism, because god has made all of perfect".

Sell yourself u virgo will say: as long as the superior metasomatism, oneself must exert all his efforts, obedience and service completely.

Taken the virgo people can fully enjoy the fun out of personal hobby, garden, walk or ride a bicycle for a ride, on their body and mind quality of their education.

Virgo myth:

The winter of a virgin

Persephone is a pure goddess?

She is the mother earth, the only daughter of the god of grain harvest Demeter, bright goddess of spring, as long as she stepped over gently place, will be full of delicate and charming be about to drip of the flowers.

One day, Persephone and his companions on the grass to pick a flower in the valley, she was surprised to find a silver narcissus,.She gradually away from the companion, stretched out his hand to pick the daffodils.At the moment she picked it, narcissus into a purple smoke, a faint fragrance diffuses to come hell.Smoke dissipates, at present there appears a black, with purple eyes, the elegance of the extraordinary man.

Persephone was a step back.I saw the man mouth reveals a terrible laugh, said: "the goddess, to break the curse you saved my life, that will fulfill my vows to marry me!"Persephone haven't figure out what is going on, the ground opened a crack, a powerful force her involved...

Persephone screams echoed in the valley, harvest Demeter grains in the hand, leap mountains in search of her daughter.There is no the mother earth, seeds sprout, no longer fertile land is the key to the string grain, human face a huge disaster.It soon spread to the ears of the Zeus, he knew of Persephone is Pluto, Haiti, ordered to curse him again.Haiti and never compete Zeus mana, but he is really love Persephone.He knows he'll be back into long lethargy, and he said to Persephone: "the fragrance of my body should belong to the earth, please take it away!"Say that finish, Haiti and closed his eyes and could no longer see the beloved spring goddess Persephone.

Persephone back to earth when it is from the spring, she put the fragrance of flowers and on the earth, and bring sunshine to everyone.She could not forget, however, in hell to Haiti, those purple eyes linger in the heart of the goddess.Thoughts of the summer, the goddess of exhaustion.In autumn, the goddess and heavy thoughts.In winter, the goddess finally ran to the hell to visit Haiti.At this time Haiti would miraculously woke up, until spring Persephone left him, he again fall into sleep.Year after year, the pure and beautiful virgins found himself is really fell in love with the dark ghost ghost.

Then Zeus rules more than a quarter of the year when can let them meet.Since then, the frost, nothing grows in winter is Persephone to hell to Haiti and days.Zeus was moved to this special love, will be in the sky a constellation virgo to commemorate Persephone for everything in the world.

Virgo's character:

Virgo people think highly of touch the branches of the festival, often for a small local perfect and ignore the overall situation.The position of the mercury affect the intensity of this tendency, for example, if the position of the sun in virgo, the location of mercuryLeoWhen can the tail from wagging the dog.They work hard working, practical, good virgo people not only seriously and has helpful nature, they have a spirit of service, and fully enjoy the pleasure of giving.

Because there is a force for from mental support doers, so they always look busy around, but enjoy it.The problem is they hard to relax the mood to enjoy the leisure life, he stopped to rest, the situation is like others have problems troubled.If the guardian planet mercury position is inlibra, you can leisurely to enjoy leisure time.Although mercury is alsoGeminiThe guardian planet, but virgo people don't like Gemini hypomania turgid.

Perhaps because the constellations and "pure" from the relationship, virgo man especially interested in health and health of the body, there are many is vegetarian, otherwise, will be to practice moderation diet.Believe in their innate love neat and precise, and as the name implies, constellation pure sex xi, sometimes even so as for cleanliness, bring yourself and others, also easy to cause interpersonal obstacles.

As long as the correct these shortcomings, compassionate heart and gentle personality in virgo in had the requirement of good companions, and his naturally reserved attitude instead added how much mysterious charm.

Virgo's mind:

Don't sign virgo analysis ability is the people difficult to compete and they are thorny problems, will be in accordance with the intuitive response to detail analysis.For the cause of the things happen, way, and time pattern of the logical reasoning, which found the important clues.They are due to a lack of overall concept and not the tail from wagging the dog that can't have the wisdom of the high performance, but with its keen feeling logic and clear thinking, if the job is engaged in the research, then it's not hard to do well, but still must pay attention to the tendency of his perfectionism and attention to detail.

Virgo people easy to depression, tend to sentimentality, they often in a jittery mental state, in life there are always various taboos, accumulated for a long time, easy to have stomach ulcers.This constellation of people should try to relax their spirit is moderate;Emotions can have free hair pipes, if can shift attention from constantly remorse and reflection, may have more open mind for other things.

The advantages and disadvantages of virgo:

Taken the advantages of u

Humility, love clean, doing things carefully, mind clear and strong analysis ability, can distinguish between right and wrong.

Taken the shortcomings u

likeeggsPick bone, asked too much so that critical, sentimental, make a mountain out of a molehill, rigid, and difficult to please.

Virgo love:

Virgo people tend to have cleanliness, and thus on the emotional life more difficult to establish close relationship with others.When he fall in love, very few direct express, but, in the form of implicit so relationship appears to be very lonely.Venus is the location of the key with the element of emotion, if the location of the sun and Venus in virgo, he will be more in emotional taboo, at the same time, it is more difficult to share with others close relationship, but the position of Venus in libra, the manner of expression is freedom, character is more approachable.

Virgo woman is sentimental.Only this will not have too many people agree with, but she was so.But you must also understand, like her cautious woman, how could so easily let you see the dream of her inner side.So she is not not sentimental, just ordinary people can't see.Her request is quite strict, whether it is for what.Of course, you could say she is picky, this is every virgo some traits;At the same time, the virgo man may also denied the trait.But you will always find the virgo man when choosing fruit and vegetables, be careful, and this is only one of the traits will show unintentionally.

She doesn't like emotional development too fast, which made her think of "passion", and in her heart think passion is disgusting, filthy, shady, not true.To think her feeling to come slowly, to be visible to the truth, so most of the virgo man will marry at a mature age, will also have a love affair.Even, there are many virgo, and childhood playmatesTo get married

Don't forget to virgo man but have cleanliness, so as a woman, she is very clean.When her other half have to pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene nature;Like you oftenTake a showerAnd wash hands,Brush your teeth, there is a positioning, timing quantitative.However, from another perspective, is not this for your own good?Though sometimes she might blow hair blowing defects was the people around, but if you can be her love, is happy, because she would rather sacrifice everything, also won't force her loved ones.

In fact, in the emotional and practical is there anything wrong?At least you won't be discovered after marriage: you married a woman you don't know the door.


Due to the inherent lack of leadership, the virgo man is very difficult to become a great director, the most suitable for work as chief of staff, to help leaders fitting and secure.Basically, the virgo man looking for work is the premise of must have a stable income, a solid economic foundation to its full sense of security.

Women with a virgo is best suited to secretary - always is a neat and elegant dress, desk and pick up in an orderly way, give a person the feeling, relaxed and associate to our bosses, able to handle more coherent.They like the same routine, because the orderly is their goal.In addition, all of any relevant analysis work could make.

In map was born, we can find that if the rising sign is virgo, zenith probably is Gemini, virgo and Gemini guardian planet is mercury), and work also tend to Gemini for the industry.Because of the impact of mercury, virgo man is often a great literary critic, or more inclined to Gemini likes the nature of communication, and work in the news or the announcer.

Virgo's parents and children:

U parents u

When this constellation, the mother of children at the sight of the whole body to make dirty into her bother to do clean the room, her cleanliness will keep her temper.Although fortunately virgo people are picky, they can urge the children make the best use of spare time, especially in teaching them from trivial things (such as housework) cultivate patience.Because virgo don't habit, children is not easy to get friendly treat, they can easily because appearance indifference, and cause the gap between children and, in daily life should pay attention to all the more.

Taken the children to end

School regular life and virgo likes orderly nature just the same, so the virgo children the most popular teachers in the school life of love, they are not for all discipline can accept according to the order (because it was of a suspicious nature, send out against any unreasonable question), but they are very reasonable, as long as put forward reasonable explanation, must abide by, well-behaved, good grades not only, and no matter the examination paper or homework can maintain clean clean, fonts are also written in the qing qing xiu.

Spare time parents should encourage them to do some creative art activities.Girls learn sewing, can encourage boys to process was good.

Virgo's lucky things:

Your lucky day, week 3

Lucky stone. Red and onyx

Lucky color: grey

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8

Lucky place: a small city

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