The Pisces character analysis of the zodiac

Sign:Pisces(negative, water sign, guardian planet: Neptune

Taken the most Pisces has bushy brown hair, and all of its gentle, sensitive characteristics, appeared on the elliptical face.Have a beautiful arc on the forehead, a pair of big and warm eyes, small nose, plump cheeks, pointed chin, and full of beautiful sensual lips and neck, limbs fit and slim.

Taken the Pisces's birthday (19 February) : shy, diligent and firmness of the nature, shall, from time to time to control the tendency of envy, love literature, music and art, try to use your intelligence and business training, should develop the self-confidence and the ability to understand others point of view of.Affection is not stable, sometimes it's hard to understand.

Taken the Pisces on behalf of "miracle" rules, constellation motto is: "the birth of life and the operation is a miracle, but to believe in miracles but human is difficult than miracle".

Sell yourself u Pisces will say: I am willing to with the company's growth, give me a chance, I must pay my dedication and sacrifice.

U like everything have to pass the matter with water, especially water travel and long sea voyage.Is born with heart art, painting, design, writing, photography, music and art related projects, such as are both interested in and can work as two multiplication makes the achievement is outstanding.

The legend of Pisces:

The romance of Pisces

Fish also have tears, because in the water cry, we can't see it.

Cupid has its own love.Only, that is a far, far away the past, no one remember, no one mentioned.

The story should speak of from the goddess Venus.When Venus is still very young, she fell in love with David - the most beautiful man in ancient Rome.David is perfect, and Venus is broken, she is a broken arm, her disability in David's eyes is so complete.Their combination is the most great love in divinity, because of this given to them on a most can symbolize the gift of love, that is their child Cupid.

Cupid is a lovely boy with wings, and he has a pair of exquisite bow, the god of people who by his arrow would fall in love, but also a lifetime of happiness.But also the longing for love Cupid cannot bring you happy, because he can't use arrow.

As the party of god, Venus with beloved son Cupid to participate in, a look a special girl broke into the Cupid's heart.This is a very nice girl, but a face of pine, Cupid came up to ask the reason, this girl is the daughter of the prophet Solomon, and Solomon predicted that the party was a disaster, and her blood stone, will be the offering of the disaster.Cupid after listen to very sad, because he not only sympathy for the girl, and already fell in love with her unconsciously.

At the same time, a terrible eyes strange!It will call wind call rain, the party get a mess.And eyes are specially with the gods, its ability is very big, the gods have no way to it, in addition to hard to escape.Blood stone said: "you can't continue like this, we all want to get rid of the demons."She seemed to forget the father's prediction, brave rushed to the monster.And Cupid's share in the case of stone, an arrow towards the monster was panic, he just want to beat him, and forget his own arrow is what to do.Unfortunately the arrows hit the monster, not only has shot towards the monster blood stone!Venus, meanwhile, found the beloved son, pull up he jumped into the river, they become two fish to escape.Cupid could not throw off her mother's hand, he looked back, tears in eyes, looked at the blood stone with a monster to leave, disappear in the boundless universe...

Later, the sky had a constellation called a Pisces, but Cupid not there, he a person lonely sitting on Jupiter, sometimes to shot the arrow on the one hand in the direction of the earth.So, romance will be in Pisces girlThe end of the worldDance with strangers, fall in love with him, then the migration to another planetTo get marriedHaving a child...

Pisces character:

Pisces last palace, located in the zodiac is integrating the strongpoint of eleven sign, of course, also brings together the 11 kinds of faults, so the complexity and in a split personalityThe zodiacIt was the first.In addition, Pisces in all constellation, also the most easily affected by the outside world, they naturally sensitive, thoughts and free from vulgarity but impractical, often tend to escape from reality.The location of the other planets in the birth chart was born with the some weaknesses have positive or negative influence.

With gentle romantic personality, the rich intuition and the artistry, have the spirit of self-sacrifice, but volatile, not easily under the correct judgment.A bit likeThe child, full of adventure and lofty dream, somewhat impulsive and radical, although luck often visit this constellation, but once the good fortune for granted, the risk will increase greatly, should be self-correcting.Tongue can lotus flower, have the andGeminiPar of the smart speed, but only to show when it feels threatened, and Gemini argue that for those of different personality.

Tend to too much romance, in his (or her) the misty eyes to see the dream country, if the fish should be smart enough to own disadvantage into advantage, show in the art of fiction, drama, poetry or dance needs is the dream.Unfortunately many people in order to escape from reality and of excessive dependence on the drug results in destruction and difficult to extricate themselves.Due to weak and indecisive, don't know how to refused to others is a big weakness, should be alert themselves do not obsessed with the temptation of the outside world, and the lack of the principle of personality may make oneself always live in the shadow of others.From advantages, Pisces people have a lot of compassion, with a little tender loving care, prayer or meditation care friend the trauma of the mind, but lack the courage to face reality.

Pisces easily reminiscent of "water".Their personality and the sea has many similarities: really dark, all of a sudden storm, and the trend of the thrashing around in.Other people's feelings is like a raging waves, deep and intense, and therefore have taste bitter suffering for love.Many of the world famous artist, born diagram shows a strong tendency of Pisces, is good at will the mammoth emotional sublimation, empathy in the art of creating a countless handed down from ancient times.

Extremely romantic fish can't stand the mechanized way of life, serious discipline and invariable routine, and his romantic nature photograph back.He is considerate, honest and attractive, can let friends feel the full warmth.Pisces affectionate and bottle's love, in the eyes of the general secular point of view, may be referring contemptuously as promiscuous, but in fact he care of friends and friendship, is the current social society should vigorously carry forward the naked.

Is often in the mountain looked TaShan, always think in another place there must be more fun things happen, always without target moving from one thing to another thing;From the target to another target, it is easy to tired, have to study concentration.

Pisces mind performance:

On the surface, Pisces people introverted and shy, but the heart of complex and contradictory but not an outsider can imagine, in the fish's heart, good and evil, spirit and matter...And so on opposing always go with the facts.Although there are abundant imagination, relatively easy to do the unrealistic fantasy, fantasy with the presence of the prince charming (or snow), rather than the original existing in real life the fate.Moreover also should be careful not to because of the abuse of imagination and addicted to fantasy, when there is gap between ideal and reality and cause mood swings, pay attention to details were distracted and undermines efforts to seek to improve.

Pisces people when deciding things or express their own thoughts, rarely coherent.Their ideas, often appear the situation of long carriage and how to choose.Often put forward more than realistic and unrealistic views, but honest enough fish in others, to the tone of euphemism criticism they will accept and generous with praise to each other.

Pisces needs a hero image to follow, no matter what happens, other people will find out with the brightest characters in the field, as the objects of his imitation.Because ruled for control sixth sense, compassionate Neptune, so the fish religious tend to be more other signs also strong, highly intuitive, like close to the knowledge of paranormal mysteries, sometimes, in turn, to develop the ability to communicate and spirit world, best can eliminate the tendency of too much superstitious but itself.

Benevolence, merciful, ready to help people come to them for help, so it is easy to sacrifice themselves to help others.Pisces attentive and considerate, when performance in their care for tea, the most memorable, others often complaining to the fish, they are good listeners, patiently listen to others' misery, even found a loophole, the content of the narrative words will not like a soft heart to deliberately to stimulate.

The moist for fish of friendship, is an indispensable necessity, especially in a "feel right" friends, more can make the Pisces people feel excited.But it doesn't make the loneliness of his heart to die, because they always think people are a separate individual, the existence of loneliness, in their opinion, but is a commonplace, so wasn't too keen to lift the loneliness, but loneliness and solitude, fishes can stand loneliness is afraid of lonely, they like lively, so often like lai in the warm, cheerful party situation, in order to keep warm atmosphere, they will try to make you more happy, even do some thing to have fun.

The advantages and disadvantages of Pisces:

Taken the advantages of u

Innocent, pure, gentle and full of intuition, humble, sensitive, empathetic, emotional, and free from vulgarity, adaptable, kind and compassionate and versatile.

Taken the shortcomings u

Careless, impetuous, lack of confidence and weak will, indecision, rambling, impractical.

Pisces love:

Pisces the gentle personality, both men and women have the ability to attract the opposite sex concern, but the nature of humanity, no matter how hot the love, once it becomes dull, fish like flower bee in the emotional world, they will only stop temporarily on a flower, when the sweetness of love, will fly to the other to stay on a flower.Water sign, more deep feeling, but after the fish enthusiasm fade, eyes charming flowers were originally wilting, necessarily heartache sorry right now, but it is too soon, because the new relationship will recover immediately.

Because romantic, Pisces people also should be especially careful in emotional, sometimes a word or look involuntarily because the SEC will fall in love, until he found himself in person like this, has been in deep and wallow in.Is an ideal lover, but the fish to secular aspects of marriage often at a loss of feeling, is a husband of score is not high.ifvirgoIn the rising sign position, couples will be more picky, it can make up for his slovenly disposition in all things.If the position of Venus in Pisces, also a romantic temperament will be more obvious.

Pisces woman, many men dream lover, however, the mermaid is not so good looking.Focus is on her always know how to let her man to protect her, doing things for her.Of course you also may encounter some very powerful females, is overshadowed by the sort of man;And you also may encounter more stupid that type, is that kind of want to all things better than men.

But whatever the females, they always can make people feel they need to be protected, is shy, sometimes a little careless, charm, intelligence, confused, nervous, and so on;This is the camouflage, didn't forget?To seek the false sense of security.This is a kind of instinct, and this kind of awkward attitude, which is often make many men willing to do something for her.

Pisces woman to disarm, often make the man to talk the feeling, and the magic is in after the chat with her, like hypnosis, relax yourself, and may the woman like crazy.They absolutely everyone's favorite, of course, there are some females too pretentious, daunting;"Beloved" is used to describe this type.

She is aA womanTo smell, it has the mood of a woman about to be troubling her.She needs a sense of security, she need to be protected;Even if she's ok than men, but why to pressure men's self-esteem?She is a mystic, her secret is likely to be more than the number of your friend, but her shrewd mind always know how to hide the secret.Do you think you arefishing?I don't know who is who in the fishing!


Generally speaking, Pisces people are not good at thinking, logic and science is not suitable for noisy workplace or work in the discipline strictly, they have the strong artistic breath, and have that put his feelings into the work of nature, so suit to art, literature or design development.

Pisces: between parents and children

U parents u

Pisces people are not good at play the role of board face up lessons from others, they prefer big family, the children have a tendency to spoil, discipline is very loose, let a child free play, it's easy to have spoiled their children, unfortunately, others are difficult to persuade him to correct this shortcoming.But if the position of the moon in virgo, or the position of the constellation virgo is on the rise, then character will be more picky, can calm the and the weakness.Your parents will give the child a full of artistic breath, and in common with child temperament and fitting in as a child become very good friends.

Taken the children to end

Pisces children sensitive, kind, gentle, love fantasy, rely on heart is very heavy, unable to face the reality, so if it is in a discipline or too dogmatic schools will look unhappy.Don't like too much practical subjects, but would be interested in history.Pisces children have a natural art cells, parents should encourage them to get the direction.

Pisces lucky things:

Your lucky day: Friday

Lucky stone: blood stone

Lucky color: various color mint color

Lucky Numbers: 5, 8

Lucky place: the sea or near the city of water

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