Pisces life principles

  PiscesLaw of life

Pisces charming character gentle, considerate, gentle and quiet, work fine, romantic, have a pity.

Pisces character sketch affectionate seeds

Pisces people, men and women have deep water eyes, eyes reveal a blue eyes from time to time, let you involuntarily lost, unable to save his life.Have a hopeless romantic Pisces, once sad, tears are not to suppress, to make matters worse, most likely drown in a narcotics, until the next lover be saved him out of the mud....

The dark side of the Pisces Pisces can fall in love anytime and anywhere.

They will immediately fascinated ignorant of them.They always make the most easily plan;Any choice will cause their thoughts.Pisces are very clever, but not a Pisces. Learn to use their own intelligence and wisdomThey fall in love only one reason, that is, when they fell out and lover, can heartily in bitterness, and they have an excuse to seduce they encountered the first prize of the opposite sex as compensation.Will not allow Pisces to when the priest, is an excellent nurse, they will call girl, midnight cowboy, and judges.

Pisces Achilles' heel is too love dream

Anything can happen for Pisces, for they love to fall in love, and might as well useLeoThe same way, tell him there're so many people have a favorable to him, you can see the appearance of a tail fish infatuated.

Pisces tossing and turning "in love", even in the dream to images, we have predestination?

Pisces self-analysis if reality is cruel, I would rather live in a dream.

Pisces colour blue green elves

Compassion and kindness of Pisces, but always escapes the intertwining of self desires.You want a lot of things, to the full of guilt, to be less than again, unable to put down.So, blue and green to help, will be able to develop another new life pace for Pisces.Can't find the peace of mind, all because of his own heart.Green is for you to overcome the defects in the United States, and detailed and blue said in addition to being able to help you in the heart want to say, more able to express clearly because the inner true happiness.

Pisces woman

About Pisces, there are many romantic legend, when you're depressed, there is always a eyes silently staring at you.Pisces woman feels very fuzzy, their careful and considerate, like a shadow, always want to have personal guidance.They are easy to get into other people's mood, always worry and sad for colleagues.How to find the Pisces woman?After reading this article, not satisfiedly smile, thought you had mastered the worldly woman: think back to the past love experience, let oneself sad about it.Pisces woman is made of water, like to follow you tears, rather than a hot sand of the pigs.

From the "shape" to interpret the Pisces woman is extremely efficient.Pisces woman is always a slim figure, especially the snake waist to xian to LAN, only occasional humpback shortcomings.In accordance with the time, occasion to clad philosophy, from clothing, footwear, jewelry, even in the bag, all requirements are the same color, so pay attention to the point of research.In addition to the waist, the proportion in beautiful long legs, made her look more clever, no clothes stick to curve or wear - revealing, very charming.Though the white skin and fine hair, very suitable for iron too much makeup and hair color, it will destroy her natural beauty.If, in the gallery, you see a woman is his head cocked, thoughtfully fantasy, bright eyes, casual attitudes, light sensitive to let a person can't understand, this is the Pisces woman.A man can want to take a chance and heavy feeling of Pisces woman, treats people polite, as long as she look good to you, she will not give you the rejection and embarrassment.

Pisces men

Have an appreciation of art of noble mind.Have a keen ear to sounds.Have a moderate and tolerant heart, all things are willing to forgive others.The girl is very considerate, often generously bouquet of flowers, a gift to each other.Can economy weak hand, caring.Indecisive, indecisive, grasshopper.Exactly which one is your true girlfriend.1, once accused can appear very weak.Want to escape from difficulty.

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