Taurus life principles

  TaurusLaw of life

Taurus charming qualities sensibility and rich endurance, thoughtful, for a high taste of beauty, but also has a unique temperament.

Taurus character drawing standard

Most Taurus will have a pair of shiny, round, bright eyes, and a pair of sometimes twisted obstinacy, is stubborn, is a bit mean, but he is definitely a good savings of wealth, he will like any beautiful things, music, art, and in his world, the most beautiful realm is an silent love, with silent wins audio.

The dark side of the Taurus

Taurus and beauty and wisdom, until they are 20 years old that year, they suddenly rigidity and become bitter, stubborn, and dull.Taurus's greatest asset is stubborn, constipation, emptiness and verbal diarrhea, Taurus can be very cheap to buy off forever.They handle everything became them all, especially in other people's money.Taurus must not be a writer or actor;They are best menial, slaves, and the baker and prostitutes.

Taurus Achilles' heel of money

We first thought way is money temptation, for kindness but spare money Taurus, find a good friend borrow money from him (had better not be justified with high interest rates), and borrow no, let him back to this effect.

Taurus "in love" I really can't compare with the conditions of others?After think calmly, ah!Come on, don't want to.

Taurus self-analysis always think about what is next decision always no wrong.

Taurus color red

Poise sincere Taurus, is stubbornThe zodiacThe champions league.But its pragmatic and attaches great importance to the economy, material comforts YouYa style, emphasizing his possessions, is very clear.Therefore, red symbol of the material, sex and life attitude, is the colour of Taurus energy.Red can slow personality, advocating Taurus people take steps to speed up, don't cling to in their own little world.

Taurus woman

Taurus is a slow signs of the zodiac, in life and feelings, to keep his consistent pace, do not allow any changes.The nature of this intense pursuit of stability, so they are faced with difficulties, showed no than consistency, but in the face of change, the but again is very timid irritability.Choose the same taste everyday, prefer to repeat every day, also not willing to try new things, because "one thousand" yuck, and destroys her balance and stability.Day too, this TV play "ahshin", is the embodiment of Taurus, steadfast stubborn style, you can easily find their overturned in the off-season discounts.

Man, don't say you don't go shopping, so you are likely to miss many very nice drama.If you are looking for a Taurus woman, don't panic, to come to a department store sale stores, dignified and elegant fair maiden, you will see many weekdays are now for a wisp of clothes and hands the veins stood out.Would you please keep an eye on their expression, first of all, please, appearance is not composed of TaurusA womanNever the pull of the involuntary movements, she only do constructive, though snobbish but not others under critical stress;So she didn't take certain.To overcome a variety of man-made or natural barriers, she's good at it.In dealing with people love peace, sympathetic to her, you also look not to come out?This is the Taurus woman.

Taurus man

This sign is ruled by Venus, in charge of love and beauty and balance.Taurus man is reliable, in the emotional loyalty is also very enough, patience is also high on the first class.Their health, just as its name implies, just like the Taurus energy is quite good stamina.This kind of a man's personality is stable, not temper tantrums, but any who launched temper is difficult to answer.

Taurus men more suitable for homesick, gentleness, grace, female, if he met the woman is not ideal, typical that is likely to have seven year itch and was having an affair.But if you fall in love with such a man, you need to pay the compassion and patience, after the cows eat grass, he will be back to you, all of you, after all, not many examples of Taurus.

Remember, screw for Taurus men don't, though he began to endure, but if you still is a long period of time, the feelings between you will begin to change.

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