Libra rules life

  libraLaw of life

Libra and attractive qualities, peace, harmony, rational, stable, understanding others, we, being fair, for "beauty" of things very tasteful.

Libra character sketch love play to depend on the ideal home

He was not a born beauty, beauty or romantic natural and unrestrained, but he must have a charming smile, natural charm and unique taste and characteristic.Libra people pay attention to dress up, so they are often not old, are always to taste and temperament gradually time that's gone.

Libra's dark side

Libra is another kind of the main characters in the kindergarten.They also get drunk in clay, clip, and a needle and thread, unless can let them meet the needs of this type at any time, otherwise they will break into a furious rage.

Libra don't say no, but every time after finish, they all said the original forget;Libra not mistake, but put the blame on to every people around you, so it's best to hurry them off with money.Libra is perfect the queen and the first-class of the patients.

Libra's Achilles' heel in a quandary

Dilemma of libra, can use the two teams are invited to travel way, let him in a quandary, even quarrel in front of him (don't be too impulsive, scare him), then you can take easy, to sing together!

Libra tale of love I have to pay, I have shown that even though I know where the problem is, also know how to do it.

Libra self-analysis why I have rational analysis ability, the but again often indecisive?

Libra colour elves yellow, pink

Libra people's face and kind, it isThe zodiacThe champions league.Dress up beautiful, handsome, or like quiet and tastefully laid out and the self-expression of wear, is not easy to meet the requirements of self libra a change again.Have to, in the heart that the measure of self-examination, but very accurate, even to the brutal conditions.So, really from the heart like myself, energy is pink.Judging yourself with others, less manufacturing more happy factor, it is the power of yellow.Libra as long as the inside and outside the consistent, the color of energy are very harmonious.

Libra woman

Elegant libra, among the people, it is a very not characters.They care about other people's opinions and ideas, often in order not to offend others.Libra is not a born beauty, but the most knows how to package oneself.When her side always has a "she", don't worry if she is gay, she is just afraid of loneliness.

Libra woman's wrist is strong and powerful, are not really refers to her wrist strength is very strong, but she was born with diplomatic ability, can connect with the hand of dozens of people and not tired.In the first situation, she was eager to expression ability is better than others, want to become attached to.If you give her a big box of chocolate candy, she don't want to alone.Felt the libra born from her hand, warm arms, she is a gentle person;To deal with things, she actually measured.In a group of the argumentA woman, she tried to use reason to let everyone get a perfect ending, the more violent scenes, more can show the libra woman that easily moved by heart.

Libra men

Libra is ruled by Venus.This constellation of people are born quite pay attention to the balance and fairness of things, they believe that the world is a good thing, rather than the dirty, ugly, also hope itself can be positioned in a high level.Libra men easy-going, versatility, interpersonal relationship is very good, therefore, its itself is quite pay attention to elegance, actions will he try to be the most perfect state.

In love, he does not repel women initiative, because if he take the initiative to more or less will affect the nobility of his, so he want most after met the right woman, as long as after a hint, the woman can immediately understand and do good response.For his love of woman, he was quite patient.He would like a gentleman, gently lead her, let them to accept his love.If you are interested in libra male, so remember, a little active is just as well, and your words and deeds don't be too informal, otherwise he will scare away;Libra men quite pay attention to their appearance, if you know him, just pay attention to the dress?

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