Libra character analysis of the zodiac

Sign:libraSign (positive, wind, guardian planet: Venus)

Taken the libra most eyes soft, slightly pointed nose and wide mouth but beautiful lip type, hair supple and soft, the neck line is elegant, facial features detailed, overall coordination impression to the person.

U birthday (September 23) libra: with a strong and progressive spirit, warm-hearted and goodness, has excellent ability in medicine and charity, management property and also to succeed and insurance business, there may be frustrated in love.

Taken the libra on behalf of the "fair" principle, constellation motto is: "true charity is not afraid of false monk".

U sell yourself libra will say: my specialty is publicity, special relationship.As long as you want to do a good job in relationship, I am the best candidate.

Libra legend:

The heart of libra

Goddess of justice was the daughter of Zeus, Poseidon was the younger brother of Zeus.

In the very distant s, human living on the earth, and with god lived a peaceful happy days.The goddess of justice and Poseidon also produced in a long period of time to get along with feeling, they respect each other, love each other.Goddess of justice with a man as temperament, perseverance and passion;Poseidon is deep as the sea, cold.Have innumerable the wife of Zeus, and therefore there are thousands of children, and Poseidon was his only brother, is he made and Hera with tears.Zeus and days, love him, not only the temple of all the gods as eye.Goddess of justice is independent, have their own thoughts.

Human is very smart, they learned to build house, paved roads, but at the same time also learned to intrigue and deception.The warMany gods and evil began to spread among us, can't bear to live back to heaven, only the goddess of justice and Poseidon remained.Goddess not despair in humans, she believes that humans will one day consciousness, return to natural goodness of pure in the past.But Poseidon has lost confidence in humans, goddess of his pessimistic advised back to heaven.Goddess natural don't listen, so two people quarrel for the first time in his life.Their dispute was very fierce, rising from the human problems, finally unexpectedly loud to each other's life.Goddess of justice disdain Poseidon is but a beach in brine, while Poseidon, hitting the scandal of Zeus and the goddess of illegitimacy of the facts.Goddess of justice was a great insult, find father Zeus reason.Hera suggested that two people game, see who can let the human feel more peaceful, who lost who has apologized to the other party.Hera liked Poseidon, and jealousy of the goddess of justice mother, she know that water is the source of life, will let the human feel peace.

The place is located in the square forehead, start first by sea.See Poseidon toward the wall, very beautiful water flowed out of the cracks, glittering and translucent get rid of, let a person see the later feel infinite of cool and refreshing and comfortable.At this time the goddess of justice into a tree, the trunk of the tree with a reddish brown, green leaves and the golden olives, anyone saw all feel the love and peace.Poseidon the goddess with a smile, he knew the goddess dream came true at last.

Human to realize the importance of peace, the goddess and Poseidon reconciliation, in order to commemorate such result, Zeus got the the scale of a thrown to the sky, is today's libra.

Libra personality:

Libra people kind, warm-hearted and kung, compassionate and value relationship, doing things to justice and moderation, unwilling to extreme.Honest and modest, is an idealist, romantic, have the tendency of self-sacrifice, personality strong, smart, forward, has good flexible and query of the brain, often have special ideas.

This constellation of people don't like to argue, so easy to win over others, and in order to avoid disputes and unpleasant things, libra people like to take a soft approach to solve the problem, and their worst fault is indecisive.The notion of "cross the bridge when you come to it" deeply rooted, so tricky problems, always delayed, even to a corresponding ignored.Libras easily lazy impression to the person, but actually the real he is not as weak as appearance, once the goal set, desire will become very strong, just because of uncertainty caused by inner looks lazy.Libras often appear nonchalant before haven't take action, but once determined, then go forward, so often can get what he want.

Libras born hospitality, and also good at social events.He always have a beautiful and comfortable home, let a guest feel at home.

They have a natural desire, like to be the focus of attention, and asking others to give a warm response and appreciation.This constellation of people most often complain: "I am so good to him, he was so treat me, don't really have the conscience."In the eyes of libra will always be a libra, in the measure of his give rewards would be able to maintain balance.

Libra mental performance:

Libras, is the beauty of pursuers, taste is very high, hate vulgar things.They especially hate quarrel with people, this constellation is always a good first impression to others, because they know a way to please others, nature and their itself is quite understand treat people polite.They are without fault "elegant", know the etiquette, over time, with a warm smile;No matter what all can't lose the original calm and mature, the most taboo frictions and disputes.

Libras are naturally optimistic, like friends, the unwilling lonely personality tend to be mental biggest weakness, whether it is work, daily life, even the mental activity need companion to share.Such as the characterization of constellation "libra" symbol of balance, they are often in the field of sociable way with love and hate and clear color, not the respect, admiration, to focus on a person, is to the other extreme dislike or hate a person.

As long as it is has nothing to do with their things, libra can give fair and objective judgment, once meet with immediate problems, however, his wavering libra, difficult to decision, even in a bad mood, temper tantrums.Libras can appear so there is no definite view, the main reason is because he had to could face the difficulties of this already, and don't know which from that point.He has a strong sense of justice, and will try to give a helping hand to the weak, allowing reasonable to (but don't want to involved).His intuition is usually very spirit, occasionally able to exert force, to help him solve things.

For libra man weak, easily lead to hesitate, so when one thing after analysis many times, must jump to conclusions, don't hesitate.Libra people should be learning ability to make their own decisions, otherwise very easily influenced by others around, and become no definite view.The position of the mercury invirgoThis weakness is expected to correct, if the position of the mercury in libra, this defect will be more obvious (because mercury is the star of wisdom and control perception, judgment, learning ability, language ability, communication and other all psychic abilities).

Libra is a pacifist.Having caught in a hostile relationship with others, also could suppress feelings, with calm attitude to solve, will never angry or tough to stick to his claim.It is not constrained or favoritism, its not too bold action will not be too careful, elastic, thinking can accept various opinions, mood also very smooth, refusing to reveal the emotional ups and downs.Deal with decent, elegant, fair and impartial, so groups often play the role of mediator.

The advantages and disadvantages of libra:

Taken the advantages of u

Elegant appearance, good at communication, approachable personality, pay attention to the romantic emotional appeal, romantic idealists, charming personality characteristics, is very cherish the harmonious and pleasant living environment.

Taken the shortcomings u

Get angry easily, flirtatious personality and fickle, do things indecisive, indecisive and difficult to make the decision, like coquette, no definite view to things, gullible.

Libra's love:

Libra is very difficult to send to the feeling of love.Unwilling lonely personality, so that he often in the case of unprepared, accept the feelings of others.To further understand the signs of emotional tendency, the position of Venus has a decisive influence.

Libra is likely to beThe zodiacThe most need to "partner", in terms of its representative pattern, balance for the degree of its value, don't say can yu, so looking for a lifetime of good partner, to libra people, is more important, they are eager to share the happiness of partners, and because of its importance to friends, so do to partner dating is not unreasonable jealousy.But because of the love the person I love very much, must pay attention to don't make it too sensitive nature, make your partner for close too picky, should ask more partner's feelings, to reduce the accumulated due to negligence.There may be lack of love and marriage.

Libra woman is a beautiful amorous, but she was in the balance between rationality and sensibility was excruciating.The most interesting thing is that you often see her one with their own debate games to play, I hope you will not join her in the situation of the debate, though you will want to express their opinion, but after you tried, you will understand, you are not put into the mouth which fail to win her.

She would never argue because you don't have to win her or you look manly enough to have your opinion, but if you are not how good-looking or not how good-looking and temperament, that she might be as far as possible away from you.Libra is ruled by associated with "love" and "beauty" of Venus, the patron saint Greece again, o god Buddha boroditsky, her aesthetic nature is absolutely strong!

Libra woman will spend very positive and negative for a period of time to measure things, if you don't know, so you should have in mind: from now on, the symbol of this constellation is a "balance", and balance is easily from side to side.You should be familiar with her that balance action!Libra woman likes the feeling of love, whether it is before marriage or after marriage, she will hope to be able to immersed in love, if not, she will use to imagine.Don't get me wrong, she is definitely a very loyal woman, she is just pure imagination!So, if you is a man of no life interest, spirit that you either give her space to think, otherwise just don't find the libra woman to break her heart.

Finally there is a problem, libra is both men and women will spend money, justA womanI'm afraid and more obvious.When you encounter this problem, consider: she is the love and beauty with a desperate need of libra, and these may be most in demand or for you (in order to convey to you the most perfect one side), so you won't think she happy or spending habits make you difficult to bear.


Libra people engage in any work - dirty, poor working conditions are not included in the atmosphere.They are born with artistic and creative, has an appreciation of music and art talent, if can control the enjoyment of dwell, will be to achieve this success.In medicine and charity also have outstanding talent.Libra are extremely clever and diplomacy, so that they can easily become stand in the frontier, and welcome.

Libra person is not alone, also suitable for on the job and cooperation, and not suitable for it alone.If you want to do business (they have business mind, but not malicious heart to competitors fatal blow), probably in partnership with people.Although will in working to share the responsibility of the partner, partner, but be careful he has a spendthrift habits.They are suitable for art or career, but unfavorable to the pursuit of business, buy anything of value, to guard against fraud.If too care about other people's interests, it may hurt their own interests, to avoid take unnecessary risks in business or personal aspects, it may suffer losses due to cheating.In signing of important files involved and take extra care.

Libra: between parents and children

U parents u

Emotional libra parents like polite, emotionalThe child.Libra child as parents will discipline, but rarely punishment, over time, all the discipline nature be goes in one ear and out the other.Rapport between the star and the child, especially the libra's mother, always at the cost of expensive, children playing dress-up to look one thousand meet naughty naughty or slovenly children, can let the mother did big shake its head.

Taken the children to end

Libra discipline children should be taught him since the concept of the decision and don't get into the habit of always rely on parents, brother, sister, in addition to cultivate his personality do things stead fast.After school parents should encourage their interest in art, especially music or dance talent.Libra knows how to make children use natural lovable personality affections, they are easygoing, friendly, does not need to speak too sweat in the school.They won't have difficulties in adapting to school life, but may be due to the preference of the teachers to naughty child jealous of bullying.

Libra lucky things:

Your lucky day: Friday

Lucky stone: peridot

Lucky color: green, blue

Lucky Numbers: 6, 9

Lucky location: the location of the social activities

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