The zodiac Aquarius character analysis

Sign:Aquarius:Sign (positive, wind, guardian planet: Uranus (traditionally Saturn)

U Aquarius mostly with a pair of clever eyes, tall nose and area of small jaw line downy lips, slightly assumes the circular, comprehensive missed call is handsome and beautiful appearance, but is not particularly outstanding.Are rich compassion and reform spirit and noble sentiment, but has the disadvantage of the lack of enthusiasm.

U Aquarius's birthday (January 20) : expressing nature kind, diligent, diplomatic, born like the ocean, sailing will be successful.From relatives, wills and some problems of archives, sensitive and the nature of art, will attract a lot of unusual friendship.

U Aquarius on behalf of the "share" rules, constellation motto is: "you give life, is life for you".

Sell yourself u Aquarius will say: your company lack of creative people?I volunteered, is by no means an easy colloquial, hired knew it.

Taken the Aquarius people often put his ideas and interest in science to the leisure life, is usually hate sports, and enjoy watching, to put it mildly is biased towards intelligence and Arnold activity, but the truth is more lazy, so a single point of a resort most of its taste.

The legend of Aquarius:

The tears of water bottles

Iraq was the prince of Troy, who was a handsome young.His appearance is a rare celestial.

He doesn't love the woman of the world, deeply loves is the temple of Zeus a handmaiden of water.The commonplace piece near once in a night with a lithe and graceful song captured the heart, also took the happiness of all girls in the city of Troy.

Heaven the girl name is Helen, and the most beautiful woman in the city of Troy Helen have the same beautiful name.Zeus loved Helen, although she is just a maid.But one day, Helen overheard the sun god Apollo and the goddess of wisdom Athena on the decision of the destruction of Troy, Helen prince regardless of taboos to Iraq.The results were found in middle, guards were will Helen back to the temple of Zeus.Zeus to kill her, but decided to punish her.Under his son of Apollo tips, Zeus decided to this crime on prince to Helen of Troy extramarital affairs.

This day, Zeus will be an eagle, come over in the city of Troy.He saw at a glance the prince in the garden for a walk.Zeus was stunned, he saw many beautiful goddess and stunning mortal woman, but have never seen such a handsome boy.Zeus are attracted to the temperament of the special, the idea of an evil arises spontaneously.He swooped down from the sky, grabbed, brought him to the temple.

In the cold temple, see family also see Helen, he pined.But Zeus persecuted Iraq instead of Helen pour water for him, so he can see the beautiful boy every day.Goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus is a compulsive jealous woman, she see in the eye, anger in my heart, she not only jealous when watching the Zeus so shameless eyes, more jealousy, with her beautiful brilliance.So the Hera heart drugs, leading prince decided to harm the innocent.She secretly will let Helen, Helen nature to flee with the private lower bound, then she caught on the spot will be two people.Understand that this is the counsel of Hera, Athena but also helpless, enraged Zeus decided to put to death.However, the striker Aaron that deadly arrows at the moment of maid Helen block on the chest!

Hera saw machinations failed, become angry from embarrassment, turned Iraq into a transparent bottle, he forever to Zeus pouring water.However, jar is tears poured out!The gods monster, so Zeus turned to seal in the sky, to be a sad gods.

Iraq and nights in the far sky tears, when people looked up I saw a group of stars flashing like shiny transparent bottle hanging in the sky, so call it Aquarius.

Aquarius personality:

Because of Uranus guardian, aquarians are badly needed in the company of friends, feel side people are friends, evenTo get marriedAlso won't reduce its emphasis of friendship, once be Aquarius man as a friend, then you will get their unwavering loyalty.Aquarius people may experience a variety of different feelings, but they will never feel lonely.But Aquarius people need to pay attention to modest sacrifice for a friend do'm browned off, too, is called "silly".

Aquarius people always let a person feel kind, friendly, give a person the first impression is compassionate and understanding, but they are good at keeping a distance with others, and some elusive, on the one hand, ready to help others, on the one hand, and keep the bystander detachment, others are difficult to establish a close relationship with him.inThe zodiacIn Aquarius is one of the most rational, observation of the things can change at any time point of view, be clever analysis, the problem of complex and accurately predict possible outcomes.

Aquarius cesarean resistant, at ordinary times is not easy to show, the general impression that gives a person is soft and calm and objective observation, active and strong heart, knowledge strong willpower and fair judgment, but due to the character of its integrity, very disgusting please, curry favor with SIMS posture have impartially.This hard attitude, is liable to be misinterpreted as fickle betrayal, in the case of a breach principle, it might as well a accommodation.Because too calm and rational, the lack of human and the interpersonal relationship, the influential.

Aquarius mental performance:

The biggest characteristic of Aquarius is hate, the pursuit of freedom, they advocate independent enough to sacrifice everything for, and because they advocate the spirit of freedom, so freedom and respect for others, is a kind of individualism.This type of person, position, fame wealth are bound their chains, even the marriage is also a kind of bondage.Based on the spirit and mind close with friends and establish friendship, friendly but not social, full of wisdom but lack of enthusiasm.Is cherished ideal philanthropist world community.Rich research spirit, like new things, music, and free.Intellectually, not easily affected by the surrounding environment.For love and intellectual Aquarius, all relationships from a friend started to develop, everyone can be his friend, because everyone has different characteristics and advantages, is worth to explore, to understand.Natural love affectation, not even the obsequious behavior under the proud.Hate fakes and hypocrite.

This constellation, highly appreciate ordinary and black and white, like dedicated to their own beliefs, completely ignore others, so always let people have a different impression, is coming into its own.For fame and wealth not into, just hope can live a wind free life, they don't care about the view of others or criticism, or at most a shrug.Water bottles with quick action, new ideas, and natural creative, there are always new ideas, had the characteristics of scientists, good at the novel insights in art or science studies.Because he is especially like innovation and ingenious methods, sometimes even have a tendency to do STH unconventional or unorthodox.

Aquarius people has always been its business, regardless of all kind of malicious criticism, even in behavior is intuitive, grandiose excuse too lazy to go to make a reasonable explanation, but because the principles of its own, is not a lack of imagination, actually the thought of the bottle is always beyond the time and can always hit the nail on the head, full of wisdom.Their spiritual fairly broad, often wander among them, but in the eyes of others, may be regarded as casual.

With altruism, the friend trouble, immediately now.When a disagreement is committed to communicate with people, not stagnation in the useless in anger, Shouting or decadent sentiment, will seek the positive rule out negative, fair character.Bottle choose friends is a little strict, and like a bright and cheerful disposition, is unlikely to take the initiative to extend a hand of friendship to silence, but once he's holding the hand of friendship, in friends in an emergency, he won't let go let it fall.

Water bottle with scientific spirit, able to take critical attitude and entirely logical way of thinking to face problems.Although many aquarians become scientists, but not all are suitable for Aquarius is engaged in scientific research.Must through the position of the mercury to determine whether the idea to maintain balance.If rising sign Aquarius, his elusive character will be a peaceful, stable;If mercury inTaurusOr Capricorn, will have a tendency to regress.

The advantages and disadvantages of Aquarius:

Taken the advantages of u

Curiosity is strong, independent, love, friendly, loyal, reliable, creative, visionary, novel wise thoughts and mind sharp, observant, rich reform spirit.

Taken the shortcomings u

Personality odd, too persistent, do STH unconventional or unorthodox, easy to exaggerate problems, stubborn, hidebound, clumsily, too idealistic, stubborn, extreme, rebellious, don't fit in.

Aquarius love:

Aquarius people deep anaerobic bound nature makes them even if in the marriage still need to maintain some degree of independence, the bottle partner qualities remember must respect and understanding on this point, in order to maintain the good feelings, because the bottle was troubled to see the kind of unwise move, they will strive to save themselves, if you the bottle to the tight, so he ran the farthest, the highest level of practice like tathagata to monkey sun, make him feel seasky, the truth is he is still in your hands.In fact even if his partner gentle and considerate, Aquarius people still like to be alone, but he did not like the interference of others, they think that enjoy solitude is a wonderful art.A better type of Aquarius, stable marriage life, will be loyal to his wife, but don't understand amorous feelings.

Wealth and status of this kind of external conditions on the bottle of a people is not so important, and a wise enough and open mind people can accompany their pursuit of the ideal person has a fatal attraction to them, "life" for the bottle, is an endless exploration.They like wise, learned, or people with rich knowledge;Vinegar barrel far, possessive, brains don't turn people are not suitable for their appetite.Attaches great importance to the spirit, so the induction of physical attraction force is weak, indulge in the love of the process rather than the result.

Sex for Aquarius people, is a kind of the search for knowledge, they may have the rich theory, brillant skills, but could not suppress not passion, men tend to control well there won't be too excited expression;Women even have enthusiasm for should be the other needs in the process of response inside as if have observed another person in coldly, but they also deeply regret for this, hope to have a feeling of passion.

Aquarius woman with a unique situation, and if you are the external performance of the light from her point of view, is a little look not to come out.She is a friend of everyone, but some people will imagine her like playgirl, because those people forever also don't understand the gap between friends and lovers, while she share very clear, at least she can feel who can make her heart beat faster.

No Aquarius woman is not setting, wearing her change method and the speed can break the guinness book of records, especially in the head.Most of the Aquarius woman all love hat or unique hair accessories, this is a very potential hidden behavior.Don't want to let the general agent of agent Volkswagen found her keen, sense and wise mind.

To the best way to catch up with her, absolutely not "discharge", sometimes she is very good insulators.Should first start from friends, and then dressed himself like a mystery;She are interested for the mysterious man, but she doesn't like you to explore her secret, at the same time, she doesn't like you to tempt her enthusiasm, that isThe childChild would play trick, you go play with others!

Her interest is changeable.She will try everything, so you have to be prepared, and you want to have a can match with her head;You can even blame her, then you get her favored by chance more than several times more than others.She love to test people's motivation, especially test your sincerity;Because even in appearance, she is how don't care, she is still afraid of the injured.


This constellation of people need to be creative or to make them grow, they are of the same routine will soon get tired of., of course, of course, they also have enough ability to do mechanical work, but it was born with but has failed to live up to their creative ability.As long as there is an opportunity, bottles of mountain people can come up with many new ideas, and give him the work I do, as a new and unique.

Aquarius people are not suitable for independent work, can make the stress because of too seriously, cause nervousness, anxiety, reason for cooperation with others, only as part of their group, even in the absence of pressure, that can fully show its excellent memory and creativity.

Aquarius: between parents and children

U parents u

Aquarius parents often put their mind set in children, so expect their children can have the spirit of independence, they buy for their children the latest education supplies, also by instilling overstepped the wisdom of the ages in small head, but a bottle of parents and children are always like to discuss the problems, so there will be no problem to communicate.Will is a kind and friendly and reasonable parents.However, because of its good ability to control themselves, the child will feel the lack of enthusiasm.

Taken the children to end

Aquarius children learning ability is very strong, school will have a satisfactory performance, but because of its often run in front of the other same age children, parents should be wary of and correct the aberrant behavior.Aquarius children is quite smart, like to seek new knowledge, parents should give appropriate guidance to make the idea to have a modest from his childhood.

Aquarius lucky things:

Your lucky day, week 3

Lucky stone: red garnet

Lucky color: blue blue green

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8

Lucky place: busy place and metropolis

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